we are brothers

[1649] What's going on

Listening to Wang Long's question, Lu Xun took out the cigarette and lit it for himself, "That's not obvious, they found out that I found them, they knew I was after them, and wanted to kill me " Lu Xun turned his head and smiled at Wang Long, "Chen Zhiqing must keep this kind of thing hidden. If he doesn't keep it hidden, then once the gap in the middle is opened, everyone's eyes will be focused on Wang Long. On him, everyone hates this person who is messed up in the middle, so he must not be able to walk around, so why is he in a hurry and wants to kill me to silence him. "

"How did you check it out and find him on the head, and how did he know that you found him?"

"Actually, I didn't find him at the beginning. I just found someone to follow Chen Jun and Yang Qiang. They were Xiaoyaolin Chen Zhiqing's right-hand men. Chen Zhiqing didn't need to follow him. Big people eat, drink and have fun, and they seldom go out alone, so I just checked, so I found out."

"I don't think the lie you made up is good." Wang Long glanced at Lu Xun, "If my guess is correct, I remember that a long time ago, Chen Zhiqing was attacked on his way home and almost died. Later, this person showed quite powerful fighting ability, right? He was not just a useless weak scholar, and the police investigation of this incident was fruitless. After that, this incident has been left like this, you said yes Who wants to kill Chen Zhiqing?"

When Lu Xun heard this, he turned his head to look at Wang Long, "Oh? What do you mean by that? Chen Zhiqing still gets blocked? I always thought he was the only one who blocked others, but I didn't expect him to be blocked sometimes, actually. Sometimes you can’t do it if you don’t believe in some things, cause and effect cycle, grievances repay each other, if you come out to mess around, you have to pay it back, right.”

Wang Long smiled "haha", "Yes, yes, brother Xun, I want to know, which one of you will pay the other? Is he paying you back, or you paying him back?" After Wang Long finished speaking, He kept staring at Lu Xun, and he really wanted to see something from Lu Xun's expression, because there were so many mysteries in it that he really didn't know how to mention it.

Lu Xun was quite calm, with a cigarette in his mouth, "What do you mean by that, that is to say, I wanted to kill Chen Zhiqing at the beginning, and then Chen Zhiqing wanted to kill me first, in order to revenge me? If you think so, then the matter It's been so long, if he had revenge, he could have revenge long ago, why did he wait until now? It's illogical for you to say this, don't you know?"

"Then there are other explanations." Wang Long spread his arms, "Chen Zhiqing's current group of people are all trained people. They won't move you. He endured it, maybe because he hasn't found out who it is yet." For those who attacked him, he needed time to investigate, and then checked and checked, and finally found out that it was you, Lu Xun, who did it. Then, if you want to pay back when you come out to mess around, he will intercept and kill you, and take revenge on you, and there is still one more thing to do. One possibility is that he has always known who did it, and he has never taken revenge, that is, the time has not come. The obviously trained people under him have not been trained well before and cannot invest in it. Using quilts, these people are like machines, they have to be fully assembled before they can run, so they are not assembled, so they are running now.”

Wang Long smiled, "But one of what you said is quite reasonable. If he wants to kill you, there must be a reason for him to silence him. As for the reason for his silence, I don't know. I think this matter is very complicated. Maybe you already knew that Chen Zhiqing was hiding in the dark, so why didn't you tell everyone that the person who set Ding Xuan up was also Chen Zhiqing?" Lu Xun laughed, "Why did Ding Xuan quarrel with you? I always thought you were Ding Xuan's subordinate, but now it seems that you are not his subordinate at all, you are like his partner, partner, you have a very good relationship, but you rarely listen to him, and, looking at it now Come on, you should have your own independent personal power, and this power is only for yourself, not for Ding Xuan, right?"

Lu Xun listened to Wang Long's words, his expression was always calm, "I think you are not studying Chen Zhiqing these days, but me? What else have you researched? Go on, brother chatting with you."

"Okay." Wang Long said with a smile, "I went to Op City last night, and I came back at noon today. I have nothing to do along the way. I just think about it and think about it. I just think people have brains, yes The more you use it, the more flexible you become, and the less you don’t use it, the more you’ll be doomed. Simply, I’ll just think about these things in L City, thinking wildly, after all, people always want me to kill me, I’m afraid, aren’t I?” Wang Long lit another cigarette by himself , and then the tone suddenly changed, "I dare to bet my life, Wang Long, that there is a relationship between you, Lu Xun, Luofeng, and Chen Zhiqing, and Luofeng definitely plays a role here. It's still a very important role, you knew from the beginning that Chen Zhiqing was a messy person, you even concealed it from Ding Xuan, pretending not to know, I want to ask you, why did you do this?"

Listening to Wang Long's words, Lu Xun was silent for a while, then smiled, and suddenly took out the gun with his left hand, aiming at Wang Long's forehead, "Don't move, be good!" He touched Wang Long's body, and soon he took out Wang Long's mobile phone, and then he took out a recording pen from Wang Long's body. He glanced at the recording pen and pointed at Wang Long. Smiled "When I came out to hang out, you still peed and played with mud, now you are doing this with me? Why are you waiting for me from here? You are waiting for me on purpose, right? You want to get from me Say something more out of your mouth, and then give this recording pen to Ding Xuan, right? You are a small child, why are you so wicked now?" Lu Xun said, and put The gun was put away, and then he looked indifferent, shaking his head vigorously, "The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is scary, it's too insidious, almost got tricked."

Wang Long also laughed "haha", "Brother Xun, the recording pen is gone now, let's have a good chat, what is it?"

Lu Xun thought for a while, then turned to look at Wang Long, "Wang Long, do you really want to know?"

"Yeah, of course I want to know, and it's not just something I want to know, it's a very urgent and very strong request to know, brother Xun, you just satisfy my small and trivial request, why on earth, what on earth what's going on.

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