we are brothers

【1663】Thank you very much

She fired wildly and directly knocked over a policeman. At the same time, one of her hands was hit by a police bullet, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground instantly. In the confrontation, Peng Gang's group rushed wildly with nowhere to go, and they were all dead anyway, and they were a group of well-trained desperadoes. The police on the opposite side obviously had no resistance for a while, and they all retreated. , Several people were shot in the chest. If it weren't for the bulletproof vests, I don't know how many lives would be lost in this blow.

Looking behind Peng Gang, Amin and Ayuan and his team all have two pistols for one person, the same modified extended pistols, which are extremely powerful, and they just shot upwards step by step and kept shooting. I don't know how many times they were hit, but these people were all wearing body armor, but Peng Gang didn't.

Moreover, the gunshots around were much denser, and Afan and Brother Deng actually had two micro-shooters in their hands, one aimed at the top, and the other aimed at the bottom, and they began to shoot wildly. , Do it quickly, in this instant of crazy exchange of fire, several of the police officers above lay down on the ground, and the rest of them were all forced to retreat.

Wang Long leaned to the side and cursed, "Fuck your grandma, you scolded the neighbor, Xu Lijian!" On the side, he grabbed his neck again. Before he could run, Peng Gang pulled Wang Long's clothes up. Peng Gang was really injured, but it was obvious that his injury was not serious. It affected his reaching out, maybe he was still holding on.

Peng Gang and his group moved forward very fast, and rushed to the ninth floor in an instant. There was a wall on the ninth floor, and there was a security door on the wall. The security door was locked tightly, and then Peng Gang heard the voice below, The special police came up to support! Don’t worry about the people below! The people above are the main ones, everyone is a criminal! They can be killed!” I don’t know which policeman below yelled, probably because he saw his colleague was killed, so he was angry Excited.

After Wang Long heard this, he realized that something happened in the shopping mall downstairs. It should be that the instructor arranged for someone to distract the police, and there should be a lot of people here, or Peng Gang and the others would not be allowed to come After being entangled with the police here for so long, there must be a large number of policemen who have not come up.

The upstairs fell into a brief calm. Wang Long took two deep breaths, and he was also shot. He gritted his teeth and calmed his breathing. He turned his head and looked around. Almost everyone was injured. It's just that Peng Gang's group looked calm, and they were all changing bullets. The blood on Peng Gang's chest was still flowing down, and the two gunshot wounds were both on the chest, with less than a few centimeters between them.

Linlin on the side walked in front of Peng Gang and glanced at Peng Gang, "I can't delay, hold on."

Peng Gang nodded and smiled at Linlin, "It's okay."

Amin and Ayuan on the other side had already pointed their guns down, aiming at the people coming up from below.

Linlin looked at Peng Gang, then tore off Peng Gang's clothes, then she took out a dagger, Peng Gang took off his gloves, he bit the glove, Linlin's dagger directly dug When it entered Peng Gang's chest, the veins on Peng Gang's forehead and neck flashed instantly. He didn't say a word, and Linlin dug out a bullet. Then she took out a small bottle of white powder from her pocket and pointed it at the bullet. Peng Gang's chest was sprinkled directly, followed closely, and he saw Peng Gang on the side screaming "Woo!!", but he bit his glove and didn't make a sound. No, Linlin glanced at Peng Gang.

In just a few seconds, Peng Gang's mood stabilized, and he was sweating profusely. Linlin's movements were light and skillful before and after, but within ten seconds, the remaining few people had already changed their bullets. Peng Gang, who was sweating profusely, "How is it, Brother Gang?"

Peng Gang nodded at Linlin, stretched out his hand and made an "ok" gesture, sweating profusely, turned his head and glanced at Wang Long, "Can you bear it?"

Wang Long smiled and shook his head, "You are so fucking cruel, use me as a shield."

Peng Gang smiled, "What's the matter? Is my approach wrong?"

"Yes, that's right." Wang Long leaned to the side, and before he could speak, he saw Linlin Ying walking to the side of Amin and the others, holding a dagger and a medicine bottle in his hand. Soon, The actions of A Ming and his group were exactly the same as that of Peng Gang just now, and Wang Long was watching.

Linlin is agile. After simply disinfecting the lighter in her hand, she ran up to the wound, and then deftly pulled the bullet out. At this time, Peng Gang held the gun by himself and guarded the bottom. Soon, Linlin finished treating A Yuan's wound. A Yuan was sweating profusely, and his eyes were bloodshot. After the wound was treated, she walked directly to Peng Gang's side, and accompanied Peng Gang to guard the bottom.

At this moment, a policeman appeared suddenly. Peng Gang and Aming fired at the people below without saying anything.

Then, the voice of the police came from below, "Listen, people above, put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender. You have no chance. Surrender is your only way out. Surrender!"

Peng Gang and A Ming glanced at each other without saying a word. Soon, A Yuan also came over, and then Peng Gang retreated to the back, panting heavily, his expression a bit ugly.

Linlin had already walked in front of Wang Long at this time, he looked at Wang Long, hesitated for a moment, Peng Gang nodded, "Get the bullet for him."

"Brother Gang."

"I'll let you take the bullet." After finishing speaking, Peng Gang stuffed the glove into Wang Long's mouth, "bite it, don't bite off your tongue." After finishing speaking, he leaned aside and lit a cigarette.

Wang Long glanced at Peng Gang, but didn't speak. Linlin thought for a moment, but still tore off Wang Long's clothes, she wanted to fetch bullets for Wang Long.

Peng Gang was smoking a cigarette and started talking to himself, "Don't blame me for treating you as a meat shield. I don't think there is any problem with what I did. The two of us are not friends at all. It's okay. It's normal. You have a big life. This way You can't even die"

Then, he heard the sound of "woo woo", he turned his head, looked at Wang Lung on one side, and then smiled at him, but the sound only lasted for a while, and Wang Lung stopped, and he was sweating profusely. Peng Gang was a little startled when he was not screaming in pain. He looked Wang Long up and down, but he didn't expect you to be able to bear it.

Linlin had already stood up at this time, throwing the used medicine bottle aside.

"Fortunately, if there is no medicine in this medicine bottle, we won't care about you."

Wang Long was sweating profusely, looking at Peng Gang on the side, "Do you need me to thank you again."

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