we are brothers

【1665】kill the hostages

Linlin pointed the gun at the small square iron gate at the entrance, "Boom, boom" and shot twice, and then the iron lock on the iron gate fell off at once, and she pushed the iron gate open, followed closely Gritting her teeth, she jumped up. She didn't know what Linlin was going to do after she jumped up, but soon, a rope was put down on the roof. Peng Gang stood where she was, and pulled the rope. He tried it, and then he gestured an "ok" gesture to Linlin. Immediately afterwards, Linlin turned around and disappeared from the hole above. I don't know what she was up to.

Wang Long glanced at Peng Gang, "You have prepared enough, and you are prepared for this kind of thing."

Peng Gang didn't look at Wang Long, "Before we take action every time, we will be fully prepared, and we will have several sets of plans to deal with different situations that may occur."

"What if the situation is that you didn't think of it?"

Peng Gang glanced at Wang Long, smiled at Wang Long, stretched out his hand and pointed to the top of his head, "God knows"

"The rope, the straps, and the square box of dynamite, are you carrying with you?"

Peng Gang rolled his eyes at Wang Long, "We recruit the police like this, and some things are prepared." After finishing speaking, Peng Gang took two steps back and leaned against the wall. A Ming and A Yuan aimed their guns at the gun on the left. Then, several people looked at each other, while Afan and Brother Deng on the other side were still staring at the door on the right.

At this time, Amin grabbed Wang Long's neck and pulled Wang Long to the door of the room on the left. After that, Amin stepped back, and Peng Gang on the other side pointed his gun at Wang Long. You die, Amin opens the door, you fall to the ground, your life is your own, you can decide what to do, there is only one chance, I can take you away alive, I will definitely not take your corpse away, this point Don't worry, Lu Xun has already run away, we lost so many brothers this time, wasted so much time, and lost so much, it is absolutely impossible to return empty-handed, you can see for yourself."

Wang Long smiled and looked at A Ming, "Is this the rhythm of using Lao Tzu to block bullets again?"

"You don't have a choice, I hope you will be happy for yourself." The person opposite was also not polite at all, "Stop talking nonsense and take you quickly, our time is limited!"

Wang Long also knew in his heart that this was to block bullets with him. He squinted his eyes and stood there without daring to move. He also knew in his heart that Peng Gang and his group must be able to do anything. He was so ruthless in his heart, but he really had no other way. He gritted his teeth and kept thinking about what to do, but to be honest, he didn't like these policemen. What he thought about was how to save his life, die. In many people, it has nothing to do with him, he doesn't care, because he is not the kind of warm-hearted, or sentimental person, and he has never felt that he is a good person. More importantly, the policeman Peng Gang and the others killed this time, There were already enough, Xu Lijian must be unable to eat and walked away.

But now is not the time to think about that, because he saw that Peng Gang was already guarding the door, A Ming and A Yuan looked around, and then leaned on both sides, Peng Gang's gun was always pointed at Wang Long, A Ming Walking slowly to the door, I saw A Ming go up and kick the door on the left with a "boom". As soon as the door was opened, I saw two policemen inside, "Boom, Boom, boom" they fired in succession.

Almost when Amin went up to kick the door, Wang Long fell to the ground in parallel. This was the only thing he could do, and he could only do it. Wang Long could almost feel the bullets whistling along the sides of his own forehead. Go, he fell a second late, and his life is estimated to be gone. At the same time as Wang Long fell to the ground, Peng Gang, who was in a very hidden position diagonally behind Wang Long, suddenly shot "Boom!" , bang, bang, all the people in the "ah" screamed in panic, and at the same time Peng Gang shot, Amin and Ayuan on one side rushed into the room at once. One shot "Boom, boom, boom", and the two policemen were shot dead immediately, followed by Amin yelling, "Squat down, all squat down for me, don't move!" Amin yelled and cursed. Then another shot was fired at the roof.

The people inside were extremely flustered, there were more than a dozen of them, they all squatted down at once, and then put their hands on their heads, A Ming and A Yuan stood in two corners, pointing their guns at the surrounding crowd.

Peng Gang also entered the room at this time, and Wang Long leaned against the door. After Peng Gang came in, he looked at the people inside. Then, he smiled and walked to the side of a woman. He grabbed the woman The woman let out a scream of "ah", very, very frightened, Peng Gang ignored his screams at all, and carried the woman out of this room, and then at the door of another room, Peng Gang held Holding this woman "Listen, people inside, let my brother out, I'll count to three, if you don't let me go, I'll kill you, there are so many hostages out there, I'm going to fight, I won't keep any of them! I see you police Who can take this responsibility!" Peng Gang said this, and suddenly yelled, "Eighty thousand, give brother a damn!"

"Brother, there are five people inside, two security guards, and three policemen!" A rough voice inside roared, "Come on, come on, you fucking kill me, come on! Hahaha, hahahaha" the inside The voice laughed crazily, as arrogant as it wanted, and immediately after that, there was a "boom" from inside, and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, "Shut up the fuck, you shit, your life is yours!" Yes, talk nonsense again, I will kill you with one shot!"

"Come on, ah, come on" the voice inside roared crazily again, and then he continued to say, "Brother Gang, be careful, their support is coming soon, if they delay, they are waiting for support, they Immediately afterwards, I heard two sounds of "Boom, Boom", "You idiot, shut up!" Another voice cursed inside.

Peng Gang and the people inside hadn't reacted yet. Wang Long really panicked. The voice inside sounded too familiar. He knew it was Gong Zheng's voice. He had already seen it, his heart rose to his throat, he stood up from the ground with great difficulty, and looked at Peng Gang and his party on the side.

At this time, Peng Gang also knew that it was delaying time, and he also knew that time is more precious than anything else.

"Give me the fuck!" Peng Gang yelled crazily, still pulling the woman's hair fiercely with his hand, "Listen, people inside, three, two, one" and then the woman "ah" The screaming sound followed by Peng Gang's "boom" was a shot, which exploded a woman's head, and blood splashed all over the floor. "If you don't let my brother go, I will kill all the hostages!"

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