we are brothers

【1707】What should I do

"Otherwise, I would have asked my people to intercept and kill Lu Xun long ago, and I would have revenge, but by coincidence, I am also a thoughtful person, and I am also a hater. I stayed for a few days, and then I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't know what was wrong with me, according to the normal situation, I shouldn't be like this, so I also paid for my reckless behavior, I didn't Complete the task assigned to me above, hehe, and then do you know how many brothers you have hurt me, Xiaoyaolin? The hatred of these brothers is all on me alone. This is the reason why I reappeared today, that is, me The reason why I came to you, so many brothers in my Xiaoyaolin can't die in vain, can't be injured in vain, I have to pay the price for my actions, I have to bear, face, and bear."

"Why don't you think about the time when you are such big bosses in Huohuo? Why don't you think about this? Why don't you think about when you assassinate others?"

"That Mo Hongtu was assassinated by the tyrant. What happened to me killing Song Yong? What happened to murdering Xu Lijian? I have chased and killed Wang Long twice. The first time I didn't succeed. I met another group of people. The second time It was because his Porsche caught up with our Volvo and killed several of our brothers. Later, we killed Lu Xun and Wang Long because both of them knew our details, and Wang Long had already found out our lair. Yes, we have to silence, this is very simple, did I do something wrong?"

"Yes, yes, you have never missed it in your life."

"No, it's not right to say that I really haven't missed anything in my life. My biggest mistake was that I saved you at the beginning, then developed feelings for you, and then loved you to the death. This is the most unforgivable mistake. !"

As soon as Chen Zhiqing finished speaking, Luo Feng choked up, and just like that, remained silent for a long time.

"Okay, it's meaningless for you to say these things now. What do you want to do, just say it, what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything. I'm here today to ask you to cooperate. You want to cooperate with me."

"Cooperate with you?" Luo Feng's voice was a little puzzled, "Are you kidding? You asked me to cooperate with you? You killed so many of my brothers, killed so many of my brothers, and now let me cooperate with you? You are the public enemy of L City, the police all over the world are looking for you, and the big brothers all over the world are also looking for you, you let me cooperate with you? You might as well just kill me, you know? Chen Zhiqing, you Come on, don't expect me to cooperate with you, really, don't even think about it."

"You don't need to be so heartless. If you were really that heartless, you wouldn't have saved me in the first place. Let me take that step forward and be shot by Xu Lijian's sniper, then it's ok."

"Now I also regret how I saved you back then. I don't even know what I was thinking at the time. My mind was out of my mind." Whatever you say, it doesn't matter if it's funny or whatever. Okay, Xiaoxi, I just want to tell you that your current situation is very, very dangerous, you want to survive, and you have no other way but to cooperate with me. "

"Hehe, are you scaremongering? Do you really think I'm a fool? I'll believe whatever you say?"

"I said I won't hurt you, do you believe it?" Chen Zhiqing's voice suddenly became a little gentle again, "No matter how much you hurt me, how sorry I am, I will never hurt you, do you believe it?"

Xiaoxi was silent for a few seconds, "I don't believe it, do you think I will believe you?"

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it. You saved me that time after all, but let me tell you, all the bosses already know about you, and they won't let you go, including Xu Lijian. They will definitely If they unite to deal with you, they will definitely unite to find trouble with you, and then eat you, as for how to divide your territory, I guess they have already thought about it."

"Why? Why are they doing this?"

"Why? Hehe, it's so interesting, Xiaoxi, I really want to know how you have been living in L city for so many years. You still don't understand what kind of position you are in. They are all What kind of existence is it? Do you have a brain? Why? I'll tell you now, listen carefully, because you saved me, are you really so naive? Do you know? If not one is There is Hui Xu who has passed away, and the second is that the current l city is very chaotic, and we are still in the middle of the chaos, so that these people dare not make any big moves, and dare not fight too much, otherwise, you would have died Eaten by them, do you really think they dare not touch you?"

"Hmph, no one should try to eat me for no reason, my territory is not something everyone can take over."

"You can't even fight a king dragon, how can you fight against others? Do you think you can compete with those people? Remember, if your people really face the alliance of those people, If there are ten or eight people who can really stand behind you, even if you are powerful, those people don't have any thoughts on you. Those of your subordinates just want to be safe, earn some money, and wait for you What is really going to be desperate is that you don’t need to know by yourself? You Luofeng is very strong, and you have a lot of people, but let me ask you, how many people can you really take out? Is there one? That Sun Tao is also a worthless thing, how do you fight with those big guys? No matter how hard it is to put it, you are a paper tiger, anyone can easily pierce you, society is cruel, and now this time has come, and you They have committed their big taboo by saving me. They lost so many people in Xiaoyaolin, and now they can’t find me. They will definitely use you as compensation. Now there is no Huixu to stand up for you , and even if he stands up, it may not be effective. As for me, I don’t want to tell you too much, but you remember what I Chen Zhiqing said. If they don’t come to you within half a month, they want to accept your money. Luofeng, I, Chen Zhiqing, will give you my head. If they don’t join forces to annex you, I will give you my head. If they can let you pass this matter so easily, I, Chen Zhiqing, will Take off my own head and kick it for you, you know?" Chen Zhiqing's voice suddenly became fierce, "A woman's opinion!"

The surroundings became quiet again, Luo Feng didn't say a word, she must be thinking about what Chen Zhiqing said, after a while, she heard Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief, "Then, what should I do?"

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