we are brothers

【1715】Cowardly nature

It was already at this juncture, and the people on both sides were also jealous. When the man on the opposite side saw what Brother Bin said, he threw the single-barreled shotgun in his hand to the ground, "I'll fuck you!" He called Roaring towards Brother Bin, he rushed over. Brother Bin was just about to rush up. At this time, the man Wang Long saw with tattoos on half of his face and scars on the other side came from Brother Bin. He held back Brother Bin, he was covered in blood, obviously he was injured, but the man seemed to be in good health, after all he came later, he held back Brother Bin, and he said nothing to that man Just walked over.

The man on the opposite side yelled "Ah" and came towards Brother Bin. On the way, he ran into the warden's subordinate, but the man ignored him and went to Brother Bin. The warden The subordinate grabbed this person casually, and the person turned his head and yelled "Ah", and punched frantically at the face of the warden's subordinate, and it was a punch with a "boom".

The warden's subordinate punched him alive, and immediately after, without further ado, he swung his fist back and aimed at the man's temple, just like that with a "boom", I don't know if he What kind of strength exploded from this seemingly not strong body, this punch directly knocked the person opposite to the ground.

The man on the ground roared angrily "Ah", and was about to climb up, followed by the warden, who took a big step forward, went up to hit his head, bent down, punched again and again. After greeting them, they could hear a "boom", the sound of the man's head colliding with the ground, and the man fell to the ground at once, holding his head motionless.

Then, the terrifying-looking subordinate of the warden half-kneeled on the ground, and punched the head of the person on the ground three times in a row, "Boom, boom, boom". The sound of non-stop impact, he has no ability to resist, the people around are watching this man frantically punching the man on the ground, just like this, he beat the man on the ground to death, after the beating The warden's men still kept on smashing, banging, banging, and everyone around them looked dumbfounded.

I don't know who couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled from the crowd, "Grass mud horse, stop!" Immediately afterwards, he raised his gun and aimed at this person here, and at the same time, he saw Ding Xuan raised his gun and aimed at the man. This person's forehead "Boom!" was shot, and in an instant, the person in the crowd fell to the ground. At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere froze instantly, and several guns were aimed at the tyrant.

The tyrant stood in front of these gunpoints, his expression remained unchanged, his eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled angrily, "Is there any rules? If you are afraid of death, don't come out to fight alone! Idiots, come on!" "The tyrant's voice is very imposing.

Then, the people behind the tyrant yelled, "That's right, don't come out for a one-on-one fight if you are afraid of death! Count it as a fucking man!"

"I scolded the neighbors, I fought with them, I'm dead, don't let it go!" Someone in the Luofeng crowd yelled again, and immediately after, the expressions of a large number of people changed, looking at the tyrant and his party "Yes, I fought with them, but it's nothing!"

"You idiot, come on!" Brother Bin yelled loudly, and a large number of people behind him also yelled.

The people on both sides of the surroundings are extremely emotional, and the conflict is further intensified and escalated, and it is about to reach the point of no return. They are all young men. If this erupts, the consequences will be unimaginable. Moreover, both sides It's time to go south, and the crazy battle is about to start!

Sweat dripped from the foreheads of all the people, such as the tyrants. This situation, obviously, could easily become uncontrollable. If anyone gets excited and shoots again, it will probably be a gun battle. The gun has no eyes. , Fate is in the sky, no one dares to relax, and no one dares to shoot casually, if the first shot is fired first, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wang Long stood behind the crowd, frowning tightly. At this moment, the people on Luofeng's side suddenly became quieter. Wang Long was surprised when he saw a passageway between the crowd at Luofeng's back door. Then a lady in high heels, heavy makeup, and a mink coat appeared.

Luofeng walked to the front of their people step by step, looked at the tyrant and his party in front of her, she was silent, she looked left and right, and saw the crowds screaming and wailing everywhere, her face was very pale. Ugly, she stood where she was, then took a step forward, squatted down, and saw a man wearing Luofeng's waiter's clothes. The man was lying on the ground with blood all over his body. It was a little scary. He was motionless. Putting it on his nostrils, feeling that he was still breathing weakly, she got up, then turned her head to look at the people behind her, "It's still possible, take it to the hospital, hurry up."

The people behind looked at Luofeng, stood there without moving, with a bit of astonishment on their faces.

"I'll send you to the hospital, hurry up, you can still be saved." After finishing speaking, Luo Feng turned around and pulled the person closest to him. This person was still holding a gun in his hand. "Help people, hurry up." Luo Feng said quietly , and then pointed to the man on the ground.

The man froze for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and didn't move.

"I asked you to save people, didn't you hear?" Luofeng's voice was a little displeased. Hearing this, the man thought for a moment, loaded the gun, and then picked up the person on the ground, then turned around and went leave.

Luofeng walked to the side of another person, she knelt down by herself, looked at the bloody subordinate, he helped him up, "Come, come here, send him to the hospital, hurry up" Soon, another man He ran over, walked to Luofeng's side, supported the man and left.

Luofeng turned her head and looked at the people behind her, "Okay, put away your guns, look at our own brothers, hurry up and save people, life is the most important thing, time is everything, hurry up, if you are late, you could have lived, They can't live anymore."

The people around were stunned, their eyes were all focused on Luofeng, everyone looked at Luofeng, at the beginning, no one moved from this group of people, they just stared at Luofeng in a daze.

Luo Feng frowned, "I'm talking to you guys, hurry up, Li Ye, take the lead, let everyone disperse, save people first, and let me handle the rest of the matter here."

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