we are brothers

【1744】Tang Yan's idea

Tang Yan was silent on the phone. After a while, he sighed, "Revenge, do you know how to avenge this revenge?"

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, "I've thought about it now, but there is no result. Uncle Tang, I haven't rested for two days. If it really doesn't work, I'll fight him head-on. I want them to pay the price."

"What about the head-on result? What will you do when you return to City L? You have so many brothers with you. You can't do this. Wang Long, remember well. You are a boss, not a child. Do you understand what I mean? ?”

"Uncle Tang, I know that I always show my confidence in front of others, but with you, I don't have to pretend. I'm at a loss now, and my heart is very depressed. I don't know what to do. I want to worry. Dead." After speaking, Wang Long lay down on the bed again, and heaved a sigh of relief, "*****, what should I do?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone. After a while, Tang Yan sighed, "Wang Long, do you think this social road is easy?"

"Why did you tell me all of a sudden, Uncle, I have already stepped in whether it is easy to go or not, and I will not quit now, because I am not reconciled, and besides, the sin owed here The debt is too much, and I have to pay it off to my brothers."

"Then you have encountered this matter now. How do you say you want to deal with it? I want to hear what you mean. You are just such a small person. At that time, you will not be able to handle it, and it will hold you back. The tyrant, whoever is torturing you, you have seen Qiu Xiaowu now, the power he has hidden for so long has finally come out, Xu Lijian is now arrested, and the police are half paralyzed. If something happens now, you All previous efforts are in vain, you have to know that you are a big brother, you are responsible for those brothers who follow you, now you get everyone out to avenge you, if something goes wrong, what will you do in the future?"

"What should I do?" Wang Long was speechless by Tang Yan's words, "I don't know what to do, but I must avenge my brother, Uncle Tang, you don't know, when Wang Ci and I left Uncle Liu, the days You really don't know how difficult it is, if it wasn't for these people who helped us, took care of my sister like their own sister, and saved my sister with their own lives, would we not be able to persist until now? I know, I owe them all my life, I don’t remember who called me brothers and sisters when I was brilliant, but I will definitely remember who was with me when I was down.”

There was silence on the phone. After a while, Tang Yan felt a little helpless, "Forget it, Wang Long, I will tell you what to do."

When Wang Long heard this, he sat up straight again, and his whole body became energetic, "What should I do, tell me, Uncle Tang."

"I called Dazhong about the situation over there just now, and I asked the Red Army to tell me. They all thought you were going to rest, so they told me without asking for your opinion. Now I tell you, time Limited, you have to take out 2000 million within three days. It’s been a day, and there are two more days. I think you are quite aware of the situation in L City. The struggling Li Hui and the butcher group met. The butcher's butcher group should not be underestimated, but it is not conspicuous in L city. Li Hui is the only one left alive in the butcher group that was destroyed before the butcher, so he has a deep relationship with the butcher. He will definitely save the butcher. use."

"Who?" Upon hearing Tang Yan's analysis, Wang Long quickly asked, "Who can use it."

"Mo Hongtu" Tang Yan's voice was very calm, "You just listen to me, call Mo Hongtu and ask him to help you solve your problem, and use the simplest, most direct, and most violent means to solve it quickly What about your side, and then come back."

"Why does Mo Hongtu help me do these things?"

"He definitely can't do it for nothing. You can give him benefits. Mo Hongtu has a bold personality and doesn't use any tricks. Working with him is definitely more reliable than working with the tyrant Wang Wei. He doesn't even have a den now. You You can promise Luofeng to him first, tell him the benefits of being able to get Luofeng, and be able to take over Luofeng's group, and tell him the benefits of Luofeng other than Luofeng's facade, he must not have thought of it In this regard, let him help you with this matter."

"Then you analyze the situation in city l to him. Although the tyrant Wang Wei is now entangled in things, it is a matter of time before they win in the end. By then, there will be only four groups of you left in city l. Wang Wei is deeply concerned. Bottom line, there will definitely be no conflict between the tyrant and the jailor in a short period of time. Then you and Mo Hongtu will be left. If you two don’t stick together, just wait to be eaten together. If my guess is right, then The tyrant and the warden must have agreed again, so in the end this city will be divided into two parts, one old city and one new city. The old city belongs to the tyrant, just like Huixu back then, and the new city belongs to the warden. It is in line with the interests of the two people, as for Wang Wei."

Tang Yan took a deep breath at this time, "Wang Wei's mind was not here. He caught the butcher for the golden blade. You told me about this. Wang Wei just wants to get the golden blade now, and then go back to op city. The city that never sleeps is starting. This is something that everyone is dying to see. At that time, the tyrant will definitely have an agreement with the warden and Wang Wei. They will definitely ignore Wang Wei and deal with you and Mo Hongtu first. I think they will deal with you Two, too rich, and you will be settled later, leaving Wang Wei, between Wang Wei and the tyrant warden, all problems can be solved through negotiation and exchange of interests, and Wang Wei will never spend a lot of money in City L Zhou Zhang fought with the tyrant and his party for territory, which is why Wang Wei has not been involved in anything for so long, he has been in L city for so long, just to catch the butcher at the lowest price."

When talking about this, Tang Yan paused for a moment, "Chen Zhiqing has been in L city for so long, his goal was to catch the butcher and grab the golden blade at first, but he wanted to steal it, it was Luofeng's appearance that disrupted his plan. Everything was planned, and this was an accident."

"But Luofeng gave Mo Hongtu, what about us, what shall we do? You should know more about the meaning of Luofeng. Luofeng is gone, and he won't take anyone away. Most of those people must be I want to stay in Luofeng."

"Then there's no other way, that's the only way. The most important thing is not to let the tyrant take advantage of this kind of thing. Giving it to Mo Hongtu is better than giving it to the tyrant. Then I asked Li Ye to do his best to poach people. When Luofeng changes hands, Li Ye will definitely bring back a group of people, and that's the only way to go, you can use this as a bargaining chip to ask Mo Hongtu to fight Fan Qu with you."

Wang Long thought about Tang Yan's words, and was silent for a while, "But Luofeng costs 2000 million. Mo Hongtu himself doesn't have that much money to buy Luofeng, and I don't have that much money at all now. The matter here has not been dealt with yet. Clear, will Mo Hongtu believe me?"

[ps: 17k's id is 139532**** brother q me, my qq1106592240.Can't find you. q When I log in with your id. 】

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