we are brothers

【1760】Breakdown in conference room

The three of them looked at each other, followed by Guan Xing took a deep breath and pointed, and then, the three brothers sat down. After sitting down, Guan Xing was so calm, "I hope you leave immediately." , if you don’t leave, I’m going to call the police.”

"Don't be in a hurry to call the police, you wait first." Wang Long looked at Guan Xing opposite him, "What, I want to ask you, Guan Xing, what about the underworld person you brought yesterday? Hao? Is it called that?"

As soon as Guan Xing heard that Wang Long mentioned Feng Hao, his expression changed. He looked at Wang Long, "I don't know who you are talking about."

"Why don't you know? I spent so much money and paid so many people. On such an important occasion today, you don't let them show up to protect you. Do you think it's wrong for them to do so?"

"I warn you, we're going to call the police."

"Call the police, it's really interesting, you still scare me, you call the police and tell me why you want to call the police and arrest me? Is this your home territory?"

"It's not my house, is it yours?" Guan Xing pointed to himself, "I warn you, don't think that I don't know what you do, the underworld is great?" Guan Xing yelled, "Now it's the fucking rule of law Society, you know?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah." Wang Long smiled, "You're scaring me to death, Guan Xing, in a legal society, why would you ask a gang of gangsters to come back and help you? I don't want to talk about your prospects. What's wrong with you."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Guan Bin also said on the sidelines, "You just say you can't go, I'll give you one last chance, if you don't go, I'll call the police right now, I believe you have no foundation, the police The bureau will be happy to check it out, if you don't believe me, try it."

"Leave, let's leave immediately!" Guan Xing became impatient, and pointed at Wang Long, "Hurry up!"

"Leave? Why do you want to leave?" Wang Long is naturally not afraid of their threats. Let me tell you, it was Mr. Guan who invited us here, not you. If you let me leave, that's fine. Tell old man Guan to speak, this is not your place, who is the biggest, it must be old man Guan, so if we want to leave, it must be old man Guan. "

When he said this, Wang Long turned his head to look at Mr. Guan with a smile, "Mr. Guan, do we need to leave?" After speaking, Wang Long and Mo Hongtu walked behind Mr. Guan.

Guan Xing and his group focused their attention on Old Man Guan, and then Old Man Guan nodded, "Well, that's right, I invited these two people here, and I don't think I need to go through your instructions."

"What? What did you say?" The expression on Guan Xing's face changed instantly, "Director Guan, are you kidding us?"

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Guan Bin on the side was also impatient, "What are you talking about at this time? What are you going to do?"

"Aren't you going to stand with these outsiders? Are you going to change your mind so soon? I said, Grandpa, you have to distinguish between the inside and the outside? We are all your biological children? We are all your grandson"

"Oh, what you said seems to say that Guan Zhimin was picked up by him on the main road, isn't it?"

"Shut up, what's the matter with you here?" Guan Bao pointed at Wang Long, "Get out of here, do you hear me?"

Hearing this, Wang Long smiled. Then, he took a step forward, and then looked at a teapot beside him. There was still hot water in the teapot. He took a step forward, picked up the teapot, The teapot was a glass teapot, quite big. He picked it up and pointed it at Guan Bao's head. Before he could react, he greeted Guan Bao with the teapot.

There was a sound of "click!", the sound of glass breaking, followed by tea spilling on Guan Bao's face, Guan Bao screamed "Ouch", followed by Wang Long consuming Guan Bao's collar He pulled Guan Bao out of the stool, followed by Wang Long and lifted the stool up, aiming at Guan Bao's head, he greeted him as soon as the stool came up, and Guan Bao made a "boom" Wang Long threw a stool to the ground, followed by Wang Long throwing the chair in his hand.

Guan Xing and Guan Bin next to each other became impatient, and they stretched out their hands, "You fucking stop!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Wang Long turned around and took out the dagger from his pocket. He took the dagger and stabbed it on the table in front of Guan Bao. , who the hell are you telling to shut up?"

This time, both Guan Xing and Guan Bin were honest, and everyone in the meeting room focused their attention on Wang Long. Wang Long clapped his hands at this time, then stood aside, and looked at the old man Guan opposite. , and smiled at him, "Master Guan, I think you can start talking, let's talk."

Mr. Guan glanced at Guan Bao on the ground over there, then frowned slightly, then looked at Wang Long, Wang Long smiled, "Don't worry, I'm very measured, and you've seen it too, he's the one who scolded you." I was the first, I did it, you go ahead"

Mr. Guan took a deep breath, "I decided to take back the agreement I made yesterday and not change the company's shareholders' rights. The company is still fully controlled by Guan Zhimin, who holds [-]% of the shares."

"What!" Guan Xing yelled, stood up, looked at Mr. Guan, and immediately became angry, "Are you crazy?"

"Have you been coerced by them?" Guan Bin said, "It's okay, we call the police, and I can call the police." Some gaffe.

Grandpa Guan's expression changed, "Sit down for me, what are you talking about? Can you speak? No one forced me, I did it voluntarily!"

"****, are you playing tricks on our brothers?" Guan Xing immediately became impatient, "Do you know how much we paid this time? Do you know? What was originally said to be good, but now you say it will change." changed?"

"You old bastard, are you crazy, are you?" Guan Bin followed anxiously, "Have you been threatened in any way? Tell us, we'll take care of it for you. What the hell is wrong with you! We Brother is bankrupt, now you tell us that you reneged? What the hell did you do! You took our money!"

When Wang Long heard this, he was very happy, and after a long time of trouble, this old guy even took money from the Guan Xing brothers. An extremely ugly Mr. Guan.

Mr. Guan was really angry, he slapped the table "Boom", "Guan Xing, Guan Bin! You two bastards! Do you know who you are talking to? Do you know that I am your elder?"

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