we are brothers

【1783】Wang Wei's Strategy

"I don't like to hear what you say. The freedom of speech in today's society, what do you care about me? Do you know that loyal words are harsh to your ears? Besides, is he a fool? He clearly knows that you have an ambush and wants to use Brother Deng to arrest them. Even if he was lured out, he still came out to be fooled? Do you really think his brain is out of his mind? Even if he wanted to, Chen Zhiqing would not allow it."

Lu Xun turned his head and glanced at Wang Long, "Well, Wang Long, I think you understand them quite well. I think you also know how Peng Gang and his group got to where they are today. Don't you dare?" If you dare to bet me, I will lose Peng Gang and they will definitely come."

"I don't gamble." Wang Long rolled his eyes at Lu Xun, "What's the point of betting with people of your quality, you don't mean anything."

Lu Xun smiled, "Actually, you know it in your heart."

"I really don't know. I think those who know that there is a fairyland in front of them and still jump into it are either crazy or fools."

"Then are you crazy or a fool?"

"I am neither, sorry to disappoint you."

"Well, let me ask you, if it were you, the big clock is in our hands now, you clearly know that we will set up an ambush to lure you out, if you don't come out, we will kill the big clock, do you think you will come?" Come?"

When Wang Long heard what Lu Xun said, he was speechless immediately, and he turned to look at Lu Xun.

Lu Xun smiled, "What's the matter? I'm not sure in my heart. In fact, everyone is the same. Don't talk about each other. You two are the same kind of people. Moreover, I can tell you that if this matter is replaced by a tyrant , the tyrant will definitely not go, just like the current Wang Wei, they are the material to be the boss, they take care of the overall situation."

"Wang Wei" Wang Long heard Lu Xun talking about Wang Wei, and raised his head, "What's wrong with Wang Wei?"

"My cousin was taken away by Li Hui, and Li Hui wanted to exchange his cousin for the butcher, but Wang Wei didn't want to change it, it wasn't that he didn't want to change it, he just didn't follow Li Hui's mind, the two of them had already had a good time It’s been a few days. Yesterday, Li Hui’s old lair was almost taken by Wang Wei. It was only 2 minutes before and after. Before the cigarettes on the table were extinguished, Wang Wei’s people arrived. It’s really interesting. Wang Wei really threw out his cousin." Lu Xun laughed, "Actually, only this kind of person can be a big brother. If you want to be a big brother, Wang Long, then you have to study hard, just like you moved Fulong before. Empty, this is the most irresponsible performance, you have to know that you are not alone now, there are so many people following you behind you, you have to be responsible for them."

"Are you re-educating me?" Wang Long laughed, "You'd better look around, I saw another figure flashing past just now."

"It's okay, I'm watching, we can't chase after flashing past, this person is just trying to lure us out, if he really chases us, it will be leaked, wait and see, it's okay anyway, the two of us Keep talking."

"But I don't want to talk to you anymore, at least I don't want to hear you educate me again."

"I didn't educate you, I did it for your own good." Lu Xun's voice was not loud, "Wang Long, do you know that if you want to achieve something, you have to learn from each other, whether it's a tyrant or Wang Wei, this group of people You have a lot to learn from me, remember what I said, now Wang Wei is going to deal with Li Hui, and the tyrant is going to deal with Chen Zhiqing and his party. Both groups are busy, but sooner or later these two groups will be together of."

Wang Long said "ah", "Brother Xun, are you lying to me, or are you really telling me everything?"

"Of course I told you the truth," Lu Xun said with a smile. "The two have started to fight again. In fact, I am also looking forward to it. I want to know who will win in the end."

"Why are they fighting again?" Wang Long was a little surprised, "I didn't see that they were fighting again, they are both like this, and they still have the mind to fight again."

"Look back slowly, and you will know everything by then, so I won't say anything. In fact, if I were you, I would leave City L. You can't get along in City L. You can't beat these two people. .”

"Oh, I understand. After arguing for a long time, I finally want me to give you the land. I said, why do you need so much land? Also, are your family and the warden's family in harmony?"

"It's quite harmonious, don't worry, the tyrant is a smart man, and the two groups of people have the same interests, so there will be no conflicts."

Speaking of this, Wang Long stretched out his hand and pointed, "Another car passed by in front, the same as the one that passed by our car just now." Now I want to know what Peng Gang and his group want to do?How are they going to save people? "

"I'll find out in a while." Lu Xun laughed. At this moment, his cell phone rang. He held it up and glanced at it. Send Liu Jun back within a few days, otherwise the butcher will be killed."

"The two groups of people, who kidnapped whom, and who exchanged whom?"

"Hahaha, interesting, this Wang Wei is really scheming, in fact, he is just delaying time, here to delay time, to stabilize Li Hui, and then, he will continue to dig Li Hui from L city, this Li Hui and Wang Wei fight, It’s a grade difference, this Wang Wei is really ruthless, for the benefit of the overall situation, he really will give up everything.”

"I don't think he's going all out. He knows that Li Hui dare not kill Liu Jun because the butcher is still in his hands."

"You're wrong." Lu Xun looked at Wang Long, "According to Li Hui's personality, Li Hui would definitely dare to kill Liu Jun. The question is whether he can think of this. Li Hui is a wanted criminal who has lived on the run for so many years. If I were Li Hui, Liu Jun would be useless to me now, and I would kill Liu Jun mercilessly. Unity, after all, Wang Wei doesn't care about his own subordinates. After killing Liu Jun, he will find a way to use others around Wang Wei to threaten him, or in other words, find a way to find the butcher's place, and then continue to attack. I can’t realize the most critical part of it.”

"The point is fart, you just said that Wang Wei traded for the butcher!"

"Does he, Wang Wei, dare to kill the butcher? It's true that Wang Wei dare not kill the butcher. The butcher is a big boss. He has been in society for so many years. Wang Wei arrests the butcher for the butcher's innermost secret. So, as long as the butcher doesn't let go If you don’t let go, then Wang Wei will not dare to be a butcher, on the contrary, Li Hui can kill Liu Jun at any time, and then find new subordinates!"

When Wang Long heard what Lu Xun said, he suddenly realized. He looked at Lu Xun, "Now let's see if Li Hui can figure it out."

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