we are brothers

【1849】The Venerable and the Well

The next day, the weather was fine, the wind was sunny, and the sun was dazzling. Wang Ci woke up very early. After a simple wash, she went downstairs. She drove the car and waited for a few minutes at the gate of Fulong. Gu Xiandong appeared with a fairy-like face. Gu Xiandong was wearing a brand-new Taoist robe, holding his broken flag in his left hand, wearing small cloth shoes, and his beard was still very long. He was in a mess. He sat on Wang Ci The Porsche Panamera, ignoring all the contemptuous gazes around.

Fifteen minutes later, Panamera stopped under an overpass in L City. Wang Ci and Gu Xiandong got off the car. Their outfits immediately attracted the attention of everyone around them. Luxury cars, beauties, fortune-telling priests, Or a monk.

Especially Gu Xiandong's majestic look, he doesn't look at his feet when he walks, he seems to appreciate the surprised and envious eyes of the people around him, Wang Ci is obediently helping Gu Xiandong hold the ponytail, and he also carries a printed on it. The rag bag of gossip was filled with things that Gu Xiandong used for fortune-telling. Two people walked from below to the bridge, followed by many people, and many people started to take pictures.

No matter where this kind of scene happened, there must be many people taking pictures. This is normal. Gu Xiandong seemed to deliberately create such an effect. Looking at the people around him taking pictures, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, and deliberately Fiddling with various poses, waving for a while, pretending to be deep for a while, the word "beautiful" was almost written on his face.

The angelic smile on Wang Ci's face beside him, like a little follower, also attracted the attention of many people.

Satisfied, Gu Xiandong walked forward, Wang Ci was holding something beside him, and looked in front of Gu Xiandong, "Ah, Gu Daxian!" She spoke quickly, trying to call Gu Xiandong to a halt.

Gu Xiandong turned his head and looked at Wang Ci, "Shut up, have I allowed you to speak?" His face was arrogant.

"No, no, Gu Daxian, you."

"What are you!" Gu Xiandong interrupted Wang Ci, "Is this the attitude of you talking to a god? Also, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to call me Gu Daxian, call me Venerable, Venerable, Do you know? Or Mr. Gu, it sounds so deep, why don’t you girl listen to it? And”

Gu Xiandong didn't speak this time, he lost his foot, he never looked at his feet or in front of him, there was a well in front of him, and the manhole cover went somewhere, Wang Ci wanted to remind him There was a manhole cover, but he was too busy bragging and didn't allow Wang Ci to speak, so Gu Xiandong held a fortune-telling signboard with astronomy and geography in his left hand, and kept stroking his beard with his right hand, thinking he was awesome. An elegant step forward, followed closely, and heard a "gudong".

Gu Xiandong fell into the well, and there was an uproar around him. Wang Ci covered his eyes and didn't dare to look. Soon, it was unknown who was the first to burst out with obvious laughter, and then, a large number of people around A large number of people laughed, and the group laughed more and more crazily, leaning forward and back.

Gu Xiandong's flagpole for knowing astronomy and geography was stuck outside.

Wang Ci quickly looked around, "Don't laugh, don't laugh, save people." She said as she was about to run forward when she saw one hand stretched out to the side of the manhole cover, and then the other hand It also appeared on the side of the manhole cover, Wang Ci was taken aback for a moment, and he saw a wet head popping out, even the beard was wet, Wang Ci let out an "ah", and hurried to Gu Xiandong's side, "Respect" "Honor," she yelled twice in a row, but she didn't even yell out the word for the venerable, because Gu Xiandong really couldn't yell out now, Gu Xiandong grabbed the edge of the manhole cover with both hands, and he stepped on a On the ladder, when he saw Wang Ci, he was still spitting water out of his mouth.

Wang Ci looked around, and it was fortunate that this well was a water well. If the well was not a water well, but a dung well, Gu Xiandong could hardly imagine what he would look like now.

Gu Xiandong looked at Wang Ci who was standing in front of him, and stretched out his hand to wipe away the water stains on his face, "It's okay, I can come out by myself, there is a ladder inside!" He grabbed the edge as he said, step by step When Gu Xiandong appeared in front of everyone again, he was wet and dripping, even his cloth shoes were watermarked, surrounded by a large group of people.

"Da Xian'er, what's the matter, don't you know how to show everyone how to dry the water on your body?"

"Yeah, aren't you a fairy? You're wet all over now. It's so cold, don't freeze anymore, hahaha"

"Hahahahaha" As soon as the onlookers finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter around them. Anyway, if it was an ordinary person, they probably wouldn't be able to bear this kind of thing.

But Gu Xiandong, he is as steady as Mount Tai, and he doesn't care about the clothes dripping from his body. Angry expression, this expression should be as angry as angry. ,

"You ordinary people offended this venerable, just wait!" Gu Xiandong turned around and looked at Wang Ci after finishing speaking, "Let's go!" He turned aggressively and stepped forward "I am very responsible to tell these ordinary people, I am angry!"

"Gu!" Before Wang Ci could speak, Gu Xiandong took a graceful step, probably confused by anger, and stepped into the well again. This time, when Gu Xiandong fell down, There was a "bang~~" sound when the head hit the edge of the manhole cover, and there was an echo around the impact, and then the whole person fell down again.

Gu Xiandong's posture is as ridiculous as it is. He was also blinded by the ridicule around him, and completely forgot the fact that there was a well next to him. He stepped on it with one foot, and then it was empty, and then the whole person fell down. The first time was okay, it fell directly, but the second time when the head hit the outside, the sound of the head and the iron plate on the edge of the well was like the sound of a temple bell.

"Hahahaha, hahahahahahaha" There was a tidal wave of laughter around, and many people sat on the ground laughing and couldn't get up. They pointed to Gu Xiandong's side, and more and more people gathered here. Many vehicles have stopped. Looking at the situation here, there are still many people who don't know what happened and ask around.

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