we are brothers

【1888】Be careful

At the same time, the outside gate was opened, and Wu Luolian Xilin and his group rushed in. With guns in their hands, they aimed at Peng Huajie. Peng Huajie was handcuffed and strangled Wang Long's neck. Smiling, he hid all the main parts of his body behind Wang Long. The two were very close, and then, from Peng Huajie's hand, an iron nail appeared.

The iron nail was obviously removed by Peng Huajie himself from the bed these days. The iron nail was very, very sharp. Holding the iron nail, he put his hand on Wang Long's neck, "Brother Long, do you believe that this iron nail can To kill you, while they shoot, you can die with me, do you believe it?"

Wang Long stretched out his hand, and was held back by Peng Huajie, "Brother Jie, I really didn't see it, the Lion King is indeed the Lion King, it's powerful enough."

"Hehe, I said it. I don't want to kill people. Don't force me. I just want to leave." Peng Huajie's voice was not loud. The path given to you is the best choice, you can choose for yourself, okay."

Peng Huajie's voice was not loud, "It's all big men, one spit and one nail. If you let me go, then I will let them go now. If you don't want me to go, I think it will be hard for them to kill me. I can't say that I am unscathed. Brother Long, you must be finished."

"You fucking shut up! Let people go!" Wu Luo yelled, "Hurry up!" Several people on one side were holding guns and facing Peng Huajie tightly, but Peng Huajie didn't respond at all, still holding Wang Long on his back .

"Brother Long, I'm a little tired, can you hurry up, what do you think?" Peng Huajie smiled. "Well, three numbers, you choose." Peng Huajie's face changed, and he seemed to be ready for another move.

"Okay." Wang Long grabbed Peng Huajie's wrist smoothly, "I'm a little out of breath from you. Let me go. I'll let you go. Be gentle. If you push that nail harder, I'll die." , poked my aorta."

Peng Huajie smiled "hehe", "You said it earlier, Brother Long" followed closely, without further ado, Peng Huajie put away the nails, and then directly left the handcuffs from Wang Long's neck.

Wang Long took two steps back and looked at Peng Huajie. Then, Wu Luo and his party aimed their guns at Peng Huajie.

Peng Huajie had no fear on his face, he still stood at the same spot, stared at Wang Long for a long time, he took a step forward with a smile, and stretched out his hands, which meant clearly, asking Wang Long to give him a hand. The handcuffs are opened.

Wang Long stared at Peng Huajie, "You are not afraid of my repentance. You still believe in people in this society. You must have a hole in your head."

"Divide up, I believe what some people say, and I don't believe what some people say." Peng Huajie said Wang Long's words.

When Wang Long heard it, he suddenly smiled, "Okay, you are ruthless." He turned to look at Wu Luo, "Give me the key."

Wu Luo froze for a moment, thought for a while, and handed the key to Wang Long. Wang Long took the key and opened the handcuffs for Peng Huajie, "Okay, you are free, do you want a ride?"

"It's better like this." Peng Huajie smiled, and looked at Wu Luo's group on the opposite side, "Thank you for your care these days, I sincerely thank you." He spoke with a sincere attitude, which confused Wu Luo and his group. up.

Ten minutes later, Wang Long and Peng Huajie were sitting in the back, Ling Yang was in the co-pilot, and Wan Chuangfei was driving in front.

Peng Huajie naturally sat beside Wang Long, picked up a cigarette from one side, and lit himself, "Who do you want to kill?"

"Tyrant, who else is there?" Wang Long smiled. "By the way, Brother Jie, is it appropriate to tell me about your organization?"

"It's not appropriate, some things you can say casually, some things you can't say, you can't say a word." Peng Huajie is straightforward, he has a cigarette in his mouth, "But you don't need to exchange me for killing the tyrant, he The tyrant killed several of my brothers this time, and I will definitely not let him go, you don’t need to say, but we are organized, and I will go back to the organization to report first.”

"I also killed several of your brothers." Wang Long's voice was not loud, "You understand what I mean by that."

"I know that you killed a few members of the Blood Tiger Group, but they weren't killed by you. They were a little too arrogant and confronted the police. It's a state machine, isn't it courting death? It's crazy. , there is your reason, no wonder you."

"The relationship between you and Peng Gang should be very good. If he knows what you said, what will he think?"

"I, Peng Huajie, have always been a person who says what I say. I never say anything behind people's backs. If I say it, it means that I am in front of him. I dare to say these things. I am at the same level as Peng Gang. Yes, he can't command me"

Wang Long listened to what Peng Huajie said, and thought for a while, "Then you have lost a lot in order to save Peng Gang's people this time. I heard that the tyrant killed many people in your blood lion team this time. How many people, I think you all have extraordinary skills, who is so powerful, who can train you to be so good."

"You can't say that." Peng Huajie smiled, "Stop talking to me, let me tell you what I can say, Peng Gang and I are the same, we were both selected by the organization when we were very young Then they trained in a place isolated from the outside world when they were very young, and those who could be trained would join the organization, and they would be rich and prosperous in the future. Of course, these riches and honors are for the people in the family. If they can’t practice well.” , Peng Huajie paused, "Then I will stay in that place forever."

"Was it killed?" Wang Long asked immediately.

"It's not being killed, it's the place where secrets cannot be leaked. Stay there to help and deal with things, just like going to work, with a salary, but it is impossible to leave there for the rest of your life, unless you die."

"Isn't this just like a prison, it's just that the cell is bigger, and someone did it?"

"We are all desperate children. Some of us have committed serious crimes, others are unable to survive, or we are orphans. There are all kinds of people. When we chose you, we had two sides. Okay, they will take you away only if both parties agree, not that they are forced, everything is risky, why should they take care of you like this, do you think I am right?"

"Yes, you are right." Wang Long's voice was not loud. "I think the training conditions must be very difficult. I can see it when you stretch out your hands."

"Yeah, it's okay, it will be hard at the beginning, but it will get better later on, this is an adaptation stage, besides, gentlemen, I can't bear this little crime, and I can be regarded as elders. "Peng Huajie smiled, and without waiting for Wang Long to speak, he continued to speak, "Also, someone is following behind, be careful, and give me a gun."

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