we are brothers

【1932】Battle in Chaos

Wang Long saw the right moment from the side, and raised the Pian'er knife in his hand, and was about to cut at Liu Cheng over there. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, and he yelled

"Brother Long, someone inside rushed up to the top floor!"

Wang Long was taken aback immediately, the top floor was obviously running towards Wang Ci, he panicked instantly, at this moment of stupefaction, Liu Cheng had already rushed in front of Wang Long, he raised his fist, rushed Looking at Wang Long's face as "grass mud horse"

He greeted him with one punch, and Wang Long was sent flying by Liu Cheng's punch, and then fell heavily to the ground, with bloodstains all over his nose and corners of his mouth. Get up on the ground.

Liu Cheng stood on the spot and yelled, "Idiot, you fucking deserve it. Let the tyrant rape your sister. I'll let you meddle in your own business!"

Liu Cheng yelled, "Brothers, stop him! Buy time for the people inside!"

After Liu Cheng yelled, everyone around rushed towards Wang Long and Liu Cheng took the lead. Wang Long also realized that he had been fooled. The gathering of Liu Cheng's people was not to deal with him at all. , it was the tyrant who brought Liu Cheng's people here, but Wang Long didn't know that the tyrant was also here in Fulong, and this happened to be used by the tyrant. The message he received on his phone at the beginning was about tonight There is action.

He thought of that piece of information, and after thinking about it, he figured it out. The tyrant deliberately lured Liu Cheng over, beat Wang Long from here, and dragged Wang Long into the water, and then Wang Long recruited the tyrant as expected. , now Liu Cheng's people and Wang Long's people are fighting outside, the tyrant must be heading inward, their target is obviously Wang Ci, if they rush to the top floor, then catch Wang Ci , that must be the purpose of the tyrant.

And more importantly, it is obvious that Liu Cheng has already been irritated by Wang Long's behavior. Originally, Liu Cheng came for the tyrant and was attracted by the tyrant. Packed up.

Then Wang Long still didn't listen to his persuasion, the whole Liu Cheng didn't want to catch the tyrant now, he just wanted to clean up Wang Long, and the people who led him in the Fengyunhui also became more and more courageous, fighting with Wang Long and his party was difficult Now, it's still like making trouble on purpose, just not letting Wang Long and the others go back to save people, just thinking about dragging Wang Long and the others here.

Wang Long really panicked, "Big Bell, Clouded Leopard!"

After Wang Long got up from the ground, he roared, "Go upstairs first!"

As soon as he said this, he saw your iron wall on one side, and Liu Cheng rushed towards the big bell, Yunbao and the others.

Liu Cheng was very angry, and yelled, "I saved you and scolded the next door, let you meddle in your own business, I'll fuck you to death!"

Liu Cheng blocked Dazhong's way while yelling and cursing.

Da Zhong was also really anxious, "Fuck you!" He and Liu Cheng quickly fell together, and Wang Long himself had already rushed past the two of them, and soon, there appeared in front of him One of the two held a knife in his hand, and Wang Long had no weapon in his hand, so the two of them slashed at Wang Long.

Wang Long turned sideways and dodged a piece of knife from one person, but the other person couldn't dodge it, and a piece of knife fell on Wang Long's shoulder. Wang Long used his shoulder to hold the knife of this person, Then he took out the dagger from his pocket. He took the dagger and pointed at the man in front of him with a "bang, bang" twice in a row, and kicked him down when he went up.

Then he turned around, and the other person was cut off with a knife. Wang Long grabbed the man's blade as soon as he gritted his teeth and raised his hand. Wang Long was really anxious and didn't care about anything. The dagger in one hand pointed at the man's neck, and he greeted him with a dagger. At this time, Ling Yang also rushed to Wang Long's side, jumped up and cut down a man with a knife, followed by He rushed up to another person in front of Wang Long.


Wang Long let out a loud roar, and he rushed back to Fulong at the head of the horse. He rushed towards the elevator. After running for two steps, he took out his gun. As soon as he got to the side of the elevator, he saw Several lunatics on the road had already fallen to the ground, screaming in pain, covered in blood, the elevator stopped on the top floor and did not move, Wang Long looked up at the elevator, at this time Ling Yang also rushed in, "Brother Long!" He yelled "What to do!"


Wang Long turned around and looked at Ling Yang, "Call to the elevator central control room, stop the elevator for me, go down the corridor, hurry up!"

Wang Long yelled and pulled Ling Yang and the two of them rushed over to the corridor, followed by several ponies soon after.

Wang Long ran extremely fast, blood was all over his body, and the blood on his palms was still flowing down. Soon, he ran to the safe passage on the top floor of Fulong. When he rushed to the top floor, he looked at the safety The two boys by the side of the aisle had already fallen to the ground, with blood flowing from their bodies. Both of them were clutching their stomachs, with extremely painful expressions on their faces.

Wang Long glanced at the people on the ground, "Ling Yang, save people, hurry up!" After speaking, Wang Long turned around and jumped into the hall. As soon as he entered the hall, there was no one in the hall, so he was very, very careful Cautiously, without saying a word, he slowly walked towards Wang Ci's room. Tang Yan should not be in Fulong, and if he was in charge, he should have come out by this time.

Now the hall on the top floor of Fulong is so quiet, which made him a little uncomfortable. He walked to the door of Wang Ci's room, and Ling Yang also chased him. Standing behind him, the two held guns in their hands and looked at each other. , Wang Long slowly put his ear to Wang Ci's room, there was no movement at all, and soon, another figure ran over, Wan Chuangfei was panting, looking anxiously, looking at Wang Long And Ling Yang, and a few Fulong horsemen came behind them.

The two sides confronted each other like this. After a long confrontation, Wang Long couldn't stand it any longer. He held out his gun and gestured, three, two, one, and followed closely. Wang Long went up and kicked the door. After opening, he and Ling Yang jumped into the room, "Don't move, don't move!"

Two people pointed their guns at the people in the room.

"Don't move! Don't move!"

There were also two people in the room, one was holding Wang Ci's neck, and the gun was pointed at Wang Ci's head, and the other was pointing the gun at Gu Xiandong, Gu Xiandong's face turned green, and he didn't dare to say a word.

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