we are brothers

【1959】Iron Wall and Xie Tian

Without saying a word, Xie Tian ran towards this person. The man frowned, and with a dagger in his hand, he came up to Xie Tian. The neck of the sky came up.

Xie Tian covered his neck with one hand, very calm, the man's dagger sliced ​​through the back of Xie Tian's hand, and in just a split second, Xie Tian's dagger was already in front of his neck.

Before the man had time to react, he was obviously shocked by Xie Tian's method. Xie Tian's dagger directly penetrated his neck, and immediately after, Xie Tian pulled out the dagger fiercely, and the dagger was pulled out from the man's neck. , the man clutched his neck, fell to the ground and began to roll over in pain. Soon, he couldn't breathe.

Xie Tian stood where he was, with blood flowing from the back of his hand, which was cut by the man just now, and blood was still dripping out. Xie Tian didn't say a word, and ran up to the two people opposite him again. His movement speed was very fast. Quickly, when those two people reached the edge of the tombstone, Xie Tian took a big step forward. He went up and grabbed a person's shoulder, and with a sharp yank, the person turned around and stabbed Xie Tian with a dagger. On Tian's forearm, Xie Tian gritted his teeth, and then pointed a dagger at his neck and went up.

The man lowered his head abruptly, dodging Xie Tian's dagger, and then he pulled the dagger off Xie Tian's forearm. He pointed the dagger at Xie Tian's stomach, and the dagger went up .

Xie Tian didn't retreat, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the dagger that the man stabbed at him. The dagger was lifted up, according to the position of the man's heart, stabbed down with a knife, and stabbed the man's heart firmly, followed by him pulling out his own dagger, and the man fell to the ground in an instant , his whole body began to twitch, and blood flowed from his chest.

He turned around, and the other man's dagger had already reached his neck. He was very calm, without a trace of panic, and just took a small step back. The distance of this small step, the man's dagger cut open A small cut was made in Xie Tian's neck, which did not cause too much damage. Then the man went up without saying a word, pointed a dagger at Xie Tian's heart and greeted him again. The man's expression was very fierce. I want to thank God for my life.

Xie Tian stood on the spot, looking at the man rushing over, he instantly raised his forearm again, blocking the position of his heart, the man's dagger instantly plunged into Xie Tian's forearm, stabbing Xie Tian's heart, but it could only hurt some skin and flesh, and it was hurting inside, which would not be able to hurt naturally. The man stabbed in hard twice, but he didn't get in. The expression on his face changed immediately, he Looking up and looking at Xie Tian opposite, he was sweating profusely, but he found that the terrifying and ferocious man with the blood wolf tattoo on his face actually smiled at him.

His first reaction at that time was to run, this place can't stay anymore, he turned around and was about to run, thank God why would he allow him to run, he put his arms around the man's neck, then took the dagger in his hand, and rushed The back of the man's heart went up all at once, and the man couldn't run anymore in an instant, and he didn't have any resistance at all.

Xie Tian pulled out the dagger at once, and then he hugged the man into his arms at once, and the dagger in his hand pointed at the man's stomach with "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" continuous piercing. I spent more than a dozen knives.

He didn't say a word, just like that, the man's eyes widened, and he looked at Xie Tian in front of him. Soon, the man's body fell to the ground slowly, right next to Xie Tian, ​​thank you Tian was still holding a dagger in his hand. He looked at the man who fell to the ground, but he was very calm. He looked at the dagger still stuck on his forearm, and he pulled it out at once.

The man on the ground was still breathing, he looked at Xie Tian, ​​very, very weak, "You, you, who are you."

Xie Tian didn't speak. He squatted down at this moment. He looked at the man lying on the ground. The dagger in his hand was pointed at the man's eyes, and he went down in one fell swoop. There was a sound of "Boom, Kacha". The scene was very bloody, thank you. But Tian didn't react at all. Soon, he pulled out the dagger and stabbed it above the man's other eye. The dagger pierced into the dead man's eye socket, cruel and bloody.

Xie Tian stood up again at this time, and soon after hearing the messy voices outside, Liu Cheng had also stood up. He was standing by the tombstone, with a cigarette in his mouth, squinting his eyes, and the big gold chain around his neck , Jade Avalokitesvara, still eye-catching, he looked at Xie Tian admiringly, he laughed, and then smiled at Xie Tian again.

Xie Tian's hands were covered with blood, which kept flowing down. He also stood in place, confronting the process, without saying a word. Soon, Iron Wall and the others rushed over. When they ran to the edge of Xie Tian, ​​a group of them Everyone was stunned, "Blood King Kong!"

Xie Tian turned his head, glanced at the iron wall, but ignored him, the blood on his hands and forearms was still flowing down, he turned around, and was about to leave, but the iron wall stood in front of him

"How did you appear here? Aren't you by Tian's side?"

Tie Bi blocked Xie Tian's way, and then questioned Xie Tian in a blunt tone, Xie Tian glanced at Tie Bi, his eyes were calm, but he looked a little desolate, Tie Bi may be used to Xie Tian's behavior " Dude, can you say a word? Will you die if you say a word more?"

Tiebi is also a tempered person, thank God for not speaking, it is also a very impolite behavior for him.

It's just that as soon as Tiebi finished speaking, Xie Tian's expression changed immediately, and his fists were clenched immediately. He stared at the opposite Tiebi, and only said one word, "Get lost."

He spoke in a low voice, but everyone around him heard him.

When Tie Bi heard that Xie Tian talked to him like this, and Xie Tian was indeed younger than him, his face was a little uneasy, "I tell you, others are spoiling me, I have no reason to spoil you, don't think "

Before the words under the iron wall were said, Xie Tian swung his fist at the face of the iron wall, very hard, and after one punch, he went up and kicked the top of the iron wall's stomach. Thinking that Xie Tian could make a move at this time, it was too late by the time he realized it, he was beaten by Xie Tian and took two steps back, Xie Tian rushed up to hit his face fiercely, punched him with all his strength and greeted him again This punch knocked Tiebi back a few steps, followed by Xie Tian and jumped up again. Using inertia, he punched Tiebi's face and greeted him again. Knocked down to the ground by the iron wall.

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