we are brothers

【1974】Gao Yu's Girlfriend

Wang Long said that he didn't need to pay, but Gao Yu still refused, he told Wang Long not to be disgusted, he must invite Wang Long, Wang Long was very upset in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

The two brothers shared a bottle of White Bull, and the two of them ate and drank in the first half, and waited for the middle of the wine to pass. Wang Long saw that Gao Yu had almost eaten, so he picked up the glass himself. For this small restaurant, Wang Long Long still misses it very much. He raised his glass to Gao Yu, and the two clinked glasses

"How did you become like this?"

Gao Yu smiled, "It's okay, Brother Long, what's wrong with me, I'm fine too, and you, are you married, my sister?"

When talking about this, Gao Yu obviously paused, "Where's Wang Ci?"

"Your sister is not in this city"

Wang Long looked at Gao Yu, and asked again, "Why did it become like this, I remember."

"Let's not talk about whether these are good or not."

Gao Yu smiled at Wang Long, "It's been a long time since I saw you, I miss you, come out for a meal, a drink, nothing else."

Wang Long nodded and raised his glass to Gao Yu

"Well, when I didn't say anything, come and drink, Brother Yu."

Gao Yu laughed, and started drinking again with Wang Long. After a while, the two of them shared a bottle of beer and chatted a lot about the things they used to do at school. Five or six years passed in the blink of an eye. Now Gao Yu After becoming like this, to be honest, Wang Long still loves him very much in his heart, especially Gao Yu, who helped Wang Long and his sister when they were most difficult and helpless, so he will never forget them in his whole life .

Gao Yu's drinking capacity has indeed increased a lot now. He and Wang Long had talked a lot before, but he didn't mention a word about why he was like this. Maybe it was because he drank too much. It was after 9 o'clock in the evening At that time, Gao Yu had already slept on the table, and Wang Long looked at Gao Yu now, feeling very sad in his heart.

He went out and stopped a taxi. He took a taxi and took Gao Yu to his house. Wang Long went to Gao Yu's house when he was in school. Once Wang Long and the others thought about letting Gao Yu's family People moved, but Li Lei's family moved with Wang Long's help, but Gao Yu's family did not leave completely. After leaving for a short time, they were reluctant and came back again. Good to force something.

When he walked to Gao Yu's house again, Wang Long carried him upstairs with great difficulty. When he knocked on the door, he saw a strange face. From the mouth of the strange man, Wang Long learned about Gao Yu's family. The house had been sold long ago, and they didn't know where Gao Yu's family moved now. Wang Long carried Gao Yu who had drunk too much and went downstairs again.

Sitting on the side of the road, Gao Yu was lying in his arms, and he was already asleep. Wang Long looked at Gao Yu in his arms, and attracted some strange eyes from passers-by. Wang Long's eyes were red. , he felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know what happened to Gao Yu. He rushed to pay the bill while eating. Although he was not rich, when Wang Long was drinking, he gave Gao Yu a bank card, but Gao Yu also refused. He didn't want to say anything, saying that if Wang Long regarded him as a brother, he wouldn't give him money. He didn't want it. The Gao Yu inside is still the same Gao Yu who is full of bullshit, bragging and laughing, now he is like this, why on earth.

Just like that, Wang Long smoked a cigarette. He heard Gao Yu's phone ring. He picked up the phone and saw a girl's name stored in Gao Yu's phone. He picked up the phone.


"Gao Yu, where have you been? No matter how many times I sent you a message, I didn't reply. Why didn't you take a good look at it from the store today? When the boss finds out, won't you still have to deduct your salary? Your mother is also looking for you. Why aren't you talking? Hey, hey..."

More than an hour later, Wang Long appeared in a village in OP City, which belonged to a village on the outskirts of the city. At the entrance of the village, Wang Long saw Gao Yu's parents, and beside them stood a tall Girl, this girl speaks with a southern accent, is not tall, has short hair, and when she saw Gao Yu who was so drunk, she ran over quickly...

A few minutes later, Wang Long saw Gao Yu's new home, which was a small second floor in the countryside. The house was built by himself, and there was a large courtyard outside. Yu's parents were also very polite to Wang Long. After all, they met each other often when they were young. Wang Long never had any kind of fatherly love and motherly love since he was a child, so he was close to Gao Yu's parents since he was a child, and talked and laughed for a long time. As for why It would be like this, Gao Yu's parents didn't express their opinion, they just said that it was quiet here, and they thought it was too noisy in the city. Wang Long knew they didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask any more questions. After ten o'clock, Gao Yu's parents left Wang Long behind. It was said here that they would spend the night, and then the two of them had to catch up with the early market tomorrow, and had to get up early, so they both went to bed early.

Wang Long entered Gao Yu's room and saw the short southern girl in the room. Gao Yu had already started to vomit. The girl took care of Gao Yu very carefully. Sitting on the side, she yawned. , she was also sleepy.

Wang Lung sat beside the girl

"It's so late, don't go to bed yet, go to bed."

"No, he is very uncomfortable, forget it, don't sleep at night, just stay with him from here"

The girl smiled, "Your name is Wang Long. I heard Gao Yu talk about you. He said that you are brothers, one of the best brothers in his life."

Wang Long glanced at the girl, and felt an indescribable feeling. Although she was dressed plainly, she had an aura about her, which always felt weird.

"You are from Fujian, aren't you?"

Wang Long looked at the girl with a smile, "What's your name, are you Gao Yu's girlfriend?"

"It's not a girlfriend, it's a fiancee"

When the girl laughed, there was a small pear hole at the corner of her mouth, "Just call me Yang Mengrui, they all call me Yang Yang, and you can call me that too."

Wang Long nodded, "Yang Yang, I can ask you, how come they are like this now? I remember that their family situation is still good, so it will change."

"I don't know about this. He never told me, and I don't bother to ask. Anyway, I don't care about it. We met from Fujian. The two of us are together because he is good to me, not that kind It’s good to be pretentious, but it’s good to be sincere. At that time, I often ordered takeaway. He was a deliveryman. man, cared for me meticulously and thoughtfully, and then we were together"

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