we are brothers

【2044】Golden Blade Summoning Order

Wang Long laughed, "She went out, and she wasn't with me. It's a mess here, and I didn't bring her with me."

"Damn, what are you afraid of? I'm here!" Xi Nian quickly patted her chest, "My Brother Long, I'm telling you that I've rectified my evil ways now, and I'm all for me. When will Wang Ci come to see you? Ah, don't worry, I'm here, I will protect her, can't I protect her with my life? I'm serious, my brother Long, listen to me..."

Wang Long himself didn't know how he escaped from Xi Nian's clutches. Xi Nian stunned sent Wang Long to the fairyland on earth. Wang Long was completely helpless, and Wang Long couldn't say no to Xi Nian, which was completely confused by Xi Nian.

He rubbed his head, and managed to escape from Xi Nian's clutches. As soon as he entered the fairyland on earth, Huang Hong appeared in front of Wang Long, "Wang Long, Master Wei is looking for you, and we will meet in the guest room again."

Wang Long nodded, and went upstairs directly. A few minutes later, Wang Long pushed open the door of the reception room. Lu Chaoba and Wang Wei both appeared in the reception room. They saw Wang Long coming in. Wang Wei stretched out his hand and pointed, "Come on, Wang Long, tell the Overlord what happened at that time. Look at him, he's asking questions."

Wang Long walked up to Lu Chaoba, glanced at Lu Chaoba, then at Wang Wei, and told the situation again. After speaking, Wang Long continued, "Don't ask me why he came here. , I don’t know either, it’s better for you to ask the Heavenly Demon and the Earthly Demon.”

Lu Chaoba was dressed in casual clothes. After listening to Wang Long, he sat on the sofa with a cigar in his mouth and smiled. He pointed at Wang Long, "Your story is pretty good, Wang Wei, yes Isn’t it?” He turned his gaze to Wang Wei again.

"Baye, we're not friends in the first place, and we're in a desperate situation. It's a matter of time. If you want to make a move in advance, then do it in advance. There's no need to make a mess of it, you know?"

"I'm going to make fun of my own son? Go and fix this, right?" Lu Chaoba also smiled at Wang Wei, "Wang Wei, you've had enough, you know? Do you think you've got With the golden blade, you can do it?"

Wang Wei played with the Bengal tiger tooth in his hand, and smiled at Lu Chaoba, "Whether I can hold the golden blade or not, I think I am very good at it."

Lu Chaoba stood up, "Wang Wei, I will give you three days to give me an explanation about Lu Feng's matter. If my son is rescued, we will settle the matter and give me a reasonable explanation. If something goes wrong, you are responsible."

Lu Chaoba's expression became very serious, and his tone of voice was also very fierce, "If you can't be saved, I will use the most violent means to bury you all with me. I will do what I say, and who dares to touch my son? Hairy hair, I'll kill the whole family"

"Are you here to play tricks on us?" Wang Wei laughed, "I told you Lu Chaoba, you fucking put away everything you should put away for me, you know, I can't give it to you." Tell me, if you fucking think that Lao Tzu arranged for people to deal with Lu Feng, then you can bring your people here to try, everyone is out to mess around, and no one can scare anyone."

Lu Chaoba nodded, then stood up, took out the pistol from his pocket, and pointed at a large mirror on one side with a "Boom!" The shot was shot, and the mirror shattered with a "click".

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chaoba threw the gun on the table and smiled at Wang Wei, "Wang Wei, the game has started, none of us need time to prepare, you understand?"

"Okay, the game has started, I will accompany you at any time!" Wang Wei played with the Bengal tiger tooth in his hand, and after seeing Lu Chaoba leave, the expression on Wang Wei's face immediately changed "Wang Long, is there anything else to hide?" .”

"Absolutely not. I don't know who the shooter was. Maybe it was messed up from the middle again, maybe it was someone from Happy Forest."

"Why did Lu Feng come here alone to look for you? He must have a reason, do you know?"

"I don't know. I've said everything I should have said just now. He just wants to recruit me into the gang. I don't agree. Master Wei, if you don't believe me"

"I don't believe you." The expression on Wang Wei's face immediately changed, "I just felt Lu Chaoba's anger, this is a lunatic, and now we don't have time to prepare, we have to start early, so, you hurry out , I will give you a list of people, you gather this group of people together for me, and I will treat them to dinner in the evening."

Wang Long turned his head and looked at Wang Wei, "Who is the list? Those old shopkeepers in the city that never sleeps?"

Wang Wei nodded, "Eleven people are still here. This is a list of people, and there is a mobile phone number at the back. You arrange your people to notify me of them all. Arrange a place where there are no people, and organize everyone to gather."

"Why should they trust me, why should they come to this party."

Wang Wei took out a small dagger made of pure gold from his body. There was a dragon wrapped around the handle and blade of the dagger, which was lifelike and looked very, very classy. , just pat my side, this hand with that kind of golden blade will do.”

After finishing speaking, Wang Wei took out the dagger in his hand, "Tell them, this is the rule."

Wang Long nodded and took out his mobile phone. Wang Wei sat there and took a few photos of Wang Wei. Wang Wei still held the golden blade in his hand. Obviously, Wang Wei is now more anxious than before. Quite a few. In the beginning, both sides were exhausted and prepared, but now with Lu Feng's affairs, the actions of both sides were obviously accelerated.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Long called back all the wild boars, including Ling Yang, Wu Luolian, Xi Gao Boyu, and this group of people. Every night around 8 o'clock, this group of people would also come back to join Wang Long Eat, then reimburse the bill, the casino proceeds.

Wang Long pointed to the list above, the mobile phone number, and then the people at the table took out their mobile phones and sent a multimedia message, only to believe that it was a photo of Wang Wei holding a golden blade. Of course, Wang Wei's appearance was not photographed. Those who went in edited the content of the MMS and sent a mass message, "Emperor of the Nightless City, pure blood, if you still recognize this dagger, you still recognize this dagger. See you at the foot of Daluo Mountain on the outskirts of the city at 12 o'clock in the evening."

After the mass text messages were sent, in an instant, the mobile phones of more than a dozen of the most experienced shopkeepers in the city that never sleeps all rang at the same time...

At night, at twelve o'clock in the morning, on the outskirts of Op City, on the edge of a deserted wasteland, one car after another was parked on the side of the road, and people kept walking down. They were all middle-aged men who looked 50 years old , everyone brought two or three subordinates, a total of eleven vehicles came, and more than 30 people, all of them appeared on this wasteland.

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