we are brothers

【2069】Blood splash bath

Xie Tian squinted his eyes, looked at the people around him, thought for a while, and then he got up too, and he followed Qigui all the time, wandering around in the bathhouse, Qigui simply took a shower from the shower. After taking a shower, I ran to the bathing place inside and went in. The bathing place in this bathing center is a separate room with a sliding door outside.

After Qigui went inside to take a bath, two people guarded the door, and another two people followed in. Inside, there were rows of long lying chairs. There were more than a dozen of them, which were used for taking a bath people.

Xie Tian frowned. At this time, someone was about to go in to take a bath. When that person walked to the door, he was stopped by the two men of the Seven Ghosts. The bath towel around the man was torn off.

"What are you doing?" The man was obviously a little surprised, "What do you mean?"

The man next to him glanced at this man, grabbed his wrist, and took out a bathing bag that he was carrying. The man next to him was a little anxious, "What are you doing, what are you doing?" This is! What are you doing!"

"Be quiet, stop fucking nonsense." The other big man was also quite rude, and yelled and cursed at the man. The two carefully looked through the bath bag, looked at the man again, followed closely, and one of them stretched out his hand Pointing, "Okay, let's go in."

"Are you sick, isn't it?" The man was also very angry, muttered to himself, turned around and went in.

Xie Tian was on the side of the shower, seeing everything in his eyes, he frowned, and thought briefly for a moment, then he came to the edge of the sink, where there were several razors, combs and so on Yes, there is also a disposable toothbrush. Xie Tian looked at these things, and suddenly, the scene of his life in prison appeared in his mind. He simply thought for a moment, then glanced at the razor, he saw Looking around, there was no one there, so he gently took off the blade on the razor. This blade should have just been replaced, and it looked very, very sharp. Flipping it into his own hand, he followed him pretending to look in the mirror, and fiddled with him casually.

Xie Tian returned to the pool again. The followers of the seven ghosts around were very cautious, and the whole hall was under their watchful eyes. Xie Tian dunked his head into the pool, and then, Xie Tian's blade appeared He dipped his head in the water and put the blade in his mouth.

He floated his head out of the water at once, he shook his head, there were drops of water everywhere, he got up, picked up a plastic bag on the side, which contained bath towels and disposable towel.

With a blade in his mouth, he walked towards the door of the shower. When he stood at the door, the two big men kept staring at Xie Tian. Xie Tian also cooperated, smiled at them, and then put his bag Passed it up, the two big guys had communicated with Xie Tian just now, and the two big guys didn't have much defense against Xie Tian. Looking at the towels around Xie Tian, ​​the two big guys still gave Xie Tian Pulling down the towel, he checked Xie Tian's bag carefully, and then let Xie Tian go.

There were quite a few people taking a bath inside, and the seven ghosts were probably in the middle, lying there with their eyes closed, taking a bath, and on his left and right stood a big shirtless man, very dignified.

There is a place to take a bath in the front, but Xie Tian deliberately walked inside, passing by the Seven Ghosts, and when he was about to reach the Seven Ghosts, the eyes of the two big men fixed on Xie Tian. God, those eyes are full of guard.

Xie Tian was quite calm, he ran to the position inside, and lay down on a big bed, and a person came to give Xie Tian a bath, that person said a few words to Xie Tian, ​​Xie Tian has always been nod.

He lay on the bed, then turned his head, and glanced at the seven ghosts who were two beds away from him. The seven ghosts were still in a terrible mess, closed their eyes and rested, without saying a word, just lying there, thank God for observing Observing the surrounding situation, to his left, less than five meters away, is a door, and the bathers inside are almost all southerners with foreign accents. The innermost one is a wooden door, and this wooden door is the group Where people are resting, people come to take a bath outside, and people go out inside.

On his right side is the gate outside. There are two big men standing at the gate. Less than two meters away from him, they are the Seven Ghosts. How to escape, he frowned, his face was very serious, the more he thought about it, the firmer his eyes became, and the more he thought about it, the more determined he was, and soon, the scrubbing man finished scrubbing him, and the scrubbing man on the other side Looking at Xie Tian, ​​"Sir, you are seriously on fire. I'll give you some olive oil. If you get off the fire, I'll scrape and scrape for you to get rid of the fire. You have fire on your body."

Xie Tian didn't speak, but just shook his head. The man saw that Xie Tian didn't do anything, grinned, and threw the disposable bath towel casually. He was also very impatient, turned around and left, Xie Tian got up Afterwards, he shook his neck and walked out. When he was approaching the Seven Ghosts, Xie Tian sneezed loudly. Then, Xie Tian hung the towel in the bag around his neck and turned around. As soon as he walked out, the eyes of the two big men were fixed on Xie Tian again in an instant. They were not just staring at Xie Tian, ​​they were all staring at whoever passed by the Seven Ghosts, very vigilant.

Xie Tian was very calm and walked forward slowly. The eyes of the two big men did not leave him. Xie Tian walked past the Seven Ghosts very calmly. The Seven Ghosts just opened their eyes at this moment. On the bed, the scrubber was rubbing salt on his body and knocking on his legs. When he saw Xie Tian, ​​he frowned, and Xie Tian smiled at him.

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable scene happened. After seeing the smile on the corner of Xie Tian's mouth, he raised his hand directly. His thumb was clasped in the middle of the palm, and it was a very calm stroke. The two on the side Before the big man could react, he saw Qigui's eyes widen suddenly, and then his body twitched. At the same time, the blood stains on Qigui's neck suddenly appeared, and there was a whole finger-sized gash from Qigui's neck. The ghost's neck was opened, and at the same time, Xie Tian took a big step forward, went up to the neck of a big man, and just as the big man was about to speak, there was another line of blood on the neck. A kick kicked his stomach, and there was a "bang", and the man fell heavily to the ground.

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