we are brothers

【2072】Angry Wanglong

The bullets in Wang Long's hand were also finished. He flicked the gun to the side, followed by hugging Xie Tian who was on the side, and ran towards the bottom. His running speed was very, very fast, and he ran directly to the Next to his car, he threw Xie Tian to the co-pilot. As soon as he got in the car, he saw two Audi cars rushing towards him. After the two Audi cars stopped, four or five of them got off Everyone, with guns in their hands, started shooting at Wang Long's side with a "boom, boom, boom, boom".

Shooting wildly, Wang Long started the car at once, and the glass of the front car was shattered in an instant. As soon as he reversed the car suddenly, he heard a violent impact sound of "Boom!", followed by a Hearing the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" gunshots behind him, Wang Long stepped on the gas pedal again, and the car rushed out with a "buzz". His car just rushed out Less than 50 meters away, from the side, two Accord cars rushed out with a "buzz". The two men also leaned out from the co-pilot's position, and pointed their guns at Wang Long's side. "Boom, boom, boom!" He started shooting crazily and non-stop.

As soon as Wang Long lowered his head, he stopped looking at the front. "Om!" With the sound of the accelerator, he rushed forward again. Just as the two Accord cars were blocked at the intersection, blocking the road, the car on Wang Long's side had already hit the road. When I got on it, I heard a violent impact sound, Xie Tian fell from the back seat to the ground behind, followed by Wang Long backed up, and retreated more than ten meters suddenly, "Om! Om!" !!" With the sound of the gas pedal being pressed to the bottom, Wang Long and his car rushed out again with a "hum!", and then heard "boom" again!With a loud crashing sound, the intersection blocked by two Accord cars was smashed into a gap, and immediately after Wang Long stepped on the accelerator with a "buzz", Wang Long and his car rushed out.

Their cars rushed from the front, and the cars behind were still crazily chasing Wang Long and his party. Five or six cars started to stage street racing. It was this time, the main road in OP City was sparsely populated, and Wang Long and his car went ahead. The glass was gone, Wang Long stepped on the accelerator vigorously, and ran towards the fairyland on earth, all the cars behind followed Wang Long, and the sound of gunshots from behind kept coming out, the cars behind were really The chase was too tight, Wang Long ran across two streets without evading the chase behind him, and there were obviously more and more cars.

Just when Wang Long turned his head and looked behind his eyes, suddenly there was a gunshot of "Boom!", Wang Long could feel a warm feeling on the side of his head, and the bullet flew past his forehead, Blood flowed down the top of his head. At this moment, he looked up and saw that the road was blocked by three cars lined up on the opposite side, and many people standing there had already got off the station and took their seats. At that time, six or seven people over there had already taken out their guns, and started shooting at Wang Long's side "boom, boom, boom, boom" non-stop, and the sound of gunshots was everywhere around.

It must be impossible to rush forward. Wang Long slammed on the brakes and hit the handlebar. The car fell across the middle of the road. Right behind him, four cars chased after him frantically. Wang Long glanced at the back, and behind him was A dead end, a building, right in front of him, is a train track, but the guardrail has been pulled down, and he has seen a high-speed train not far away rushing towards him, he gritted his teeth, "Fuck! Already!"

Wang Long let out a loud roar, and started the car suddenly. In the quiet night sky, there were buzzing sounds everywhere when the accelerator pedal was pressed to the bottom. Wang Long's car rushed out, heading towards the railway over there. The guardrail rushed up, and as soon as he lowered his head, he heard "Boom, Kacha"!There was a violent impact sound, and the railway guardrail was smashed in the middle. Immediately afterwards, Wang Long's car rushed forward and got stuck on the railway track. Not far away, the train buzzed The voice has come.

Wang Long turned his head and glanced at the passing train, his eyes were wide open, and he stepped on the gas pedal violently and crazily. There was a well, but the well cover was gone, and a wheel got stuck in it. The train was traveling very, very fast, and it was about to hit Wang Long's car.

Wang Long roared "Ah!!!", his eyes were blood red, and he stepped on the gas pedal crazily. Just when the train buzzed and was about to collide with him, Wang Long's car made a "buzz!" He rushed out, and at the moment his car rushed out, the train had already passed by at high speed with a "bang", and the front of the train hit the side of the trunk of the car that had just driven out. Wang Long's car was made to turn around twice, and then hit the electric pole on one side with a "boom", and the train behind it "buzzed" forward.

Wang Long reversed the car violently, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out again with a sound of "buzz!" He was sitting in the car, panting heavily, his head covered with blood was already soaked half of his cheek.

Soon, the car entered the backyard of the fairyland on earth. Just as his car stopped, Wang Wei, Huang Hong, Huang Fei and his group had already appeared, and the backbone of the entire fairyland appeared.

Wang Long stopped the car and got off the car at once. He ran to the back, opened the door at the back, and dragged Xie Tian out from inside. "Save people! Save people!!!" Wang Long Long roared, losing his mind a little.

Just as he finished speaking, two men came over carrying a stretcher, ran to Wang Long's side, put Xie Tianzhou on the stretcher, and then turned around and left.

Wang Long stood on the spot, panting, with blood on his face, and Wang Wei stood opposite him with a dignified expression, "Don't worry, I have arrangements."

Wang Long took a deep breath. He looked at Wang Wei, a little angry, and didn't speak to Wang Wei. Then, he turned his head and turned his attention to the wolf dog group standing behind Wang Wei. When he saw the wolf dog, Wang Long suddenly The anger came without a fight.

Wang Long ran over to the wolf dog, "It's a grass mud horse!"

When he was approaching the wolf dog, Wang Long jumped up at once, his fist was full of strength, and he greeted the wolf dog with a punch. This boxing king dragon really used his strength to jump up Yes, the force was very, very strong, the wolf dog took a step back, but before he could react, Wang Long went up and kicked the wolf dog with a "boom" on the stomach, and kicked the wolf dog back two steps, tightly Following Wang Long's fierce acceleration and rushed forward, he jumped up and swung his fist hard, and punched the wolf dog with a "bang" in the face, and the wolf dog swung him down to the ground.

The wolf dog hardly reacted, and was knocked down to the ground by Wang Long. Wang Long was in a hurry, "You scolded the neighbor!"

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