we are brothers

【2085】Human Bomb

On the other side, the blood on Director Li's chest was still dripping down. He was panting, holding a pistol that had been emptied of bullets in his hand. A foreign man was lying opposite him. The man was shot in the forehead and fell by the wall of the door. , The gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

"***!" The man who was still standing became angry at once, and broke free again. After he couldn't break free, he rushed forward, dragging the little auxiliary policeman forward one meter , Immediately after him, he picked up his accomplice's pistol from the ground. At this moment, Wang Long raised the gun and pointed it at the foreign man over there, "Boom, boom, boom, boom "Four consecutive shots, the foreign man just picked up the gun, before he had a chance to shoot, he fell to the ground again.

Wang Long ran over quickly, first ran to the side of the little auxiliary policeman, the little auxiliary policeman stared at Wang Long, then couldn't speak, clutched his chest, blood kept flowing It flowed out, and soon, his body twitched.

Just as Wang Long was about to help him, he was pushed away by the little auxiliary policeman. While moving his body back, the blood on his mouth was still dripping down, and he seemed to be at the end of his life.

"Go, go and catch up, someone, someone is carrying explosives, running, running, green coat, Han nationality." Director Li on the side also spoke at this time, and his hands were also bloodstained. Leaning on the side, the whole person All weak.

Wang Long froze for a moment, and just as he was about to walk towards Director Li, he heard Director Li suddenly yell "Stop him!!!"

Wang Long was startled, looked at Director Li, then turned around and ran in the direction pointed by Director Li without saying a word, running very, very fast, his mind was full of Ah Qiu, the little auxiliary policeman, and Li He felt a little unbelievable about the appearance of the chief, he didn't expect them to be so desperate.

While running downstairs, Wang Long heard the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" and gunshots everywhere. The whole Jingtai Hotel was in chaos and chaos. Wang Long ran along the safe passage. Downstairs, when he just ran to the hall, he saw a lot of people gathered in the hall. It seemed that the burst of gunfire had caused confusion.

The hall was in a mess, and Wang Long kept searching for figures in green clothes. Soon, a man in green clothes appeared in his line of sight. There was only one green dress in the whole hall, which was very strange. Conspicuously, at this time, both Ye Chuang and Wang Bin appeared next to Wang Long.

"The man in the green dress..." Wang Long stretched out his finger and followed closely. The three people on the side ran towards the man in the green dress. The man seemed to feel that someone was following him again, and he walked at the same speed. More and more anxious.

Soon, there was a sound of police cars outside, and two police cars stopped at the main entrance, and seven or eight uniformed policemen rushed in, "Don't move, don't move!" All the policemen yelled and blocked the door. If you go up, you are not allowed to go out! "

A large number of people in the hall quickly became chaotic, "Why don't you let us go out?" "Let us go out!"

The whole hall was in chaos. At this moment, someone yelled, "Ah! This man has a gun!"

Immediately after the roar of "Ah" in the middle of the crowd, the whole crowd became chaotic, "Don't move!" Two gunshots of "Boom, boom," the man in the green suit who faxed just now hugged a woman The neck, and then he shot a "boom" at the man in front of him, knocked down the man's leg, and knocked down the man in one fell swoop.

"Don't move, whoever moves, I will kill him!" The man roared, and then tore off his coat, with a large string of explosives tied to his chest, "Come on, one of you will try to shoot!" !" After finishing speaking, he kicked a middle-aged woman down with a single kick, "Don't move, whoever moves, I'll fucking kill anyone, kneel down, headshot, hurry up, or I'll blow you up!" The man's eyes were bloodshot, and he was very, very excited. "Don't move! Hurry up!" he yelled.

Soon, many people around got down and did not dare to move. He was holding a gun in one hand, leaning on a middle-aged woman, and in the other hand, a remote control appeared "I didn't intend to Go out alive, don't force me, you hear me, if you force me, no one will get better!" The man yelled, and he looked at the people around him while he was yelling.

Many policemen pointed their guns at the man over there, "Put down the guns!"

The man yelled, "Let us all go!"

His whole body was very angry, "I'll give you 3 minutes to see our people, otherwise, I will blow up everyone today! Do you hear that!!" The man yelled crazily.

"You are quiet, you are quiet, we will let you see your people soon." The police on the opposite side have already begun to control the other party's emotions.

Wang Long, Wang Bin, Ye Chuang and his party stood not far away, Wang Long frowned, "He was the one who planned to make a suicide bomber, if you let him see their people, he would definitely commit suicide and pull looking at other people, and he can't see it now."

"Basically everything above has been dealt with, and the police can't control his emotions." Ye Chuang glanced at Wang Bin on the side, "Brother Bin, what should we do, the police won't be able to control this situation for long."

Wang Bin took a deep breath, and the man in green clothes in the crowd became more and more irritable, "Hurry up, I'll give you one more minute, and everyone in our organization must appear in front of me. No! If there is one less, I want you all to go to Guixi, Guixi! Hurry up!" The man yelled, his emotions were so agitated that he almost collapsed, and the police were still dealing with this man.

"The last minute, hurry up!" The man was sweating profusely and was on the verge of collapse. Ye Chuang frowned. There were more than a dozen people standing beside the man, and there were many policemen around him. How powerful is the explosive on his chest, but now everyone still dare not act rashly, and there are more and more police cars parked outside.

"I'll count by the dozens, please talk nonsense with me, don't mention my family to me, I don't have fucking parents!"

The man has gone mad "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six!"

He roared so loudly that everyone around him panicked.

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