we are brothers

【2116】die so soon

The tyrant laughed, "Before he formed the sea of ​​blood, he removed two groups of people from among his people. One group was given to me, and the other group was given to the warden. The two of us The Shanmeng with him, and the Zemeng with him. In fact, the people behind us were all arranged by Wang Wei before the establishment of Xuehai. He arranged it privately. No one knew. With these two groups of people, I have been hiding in OP City, never showing up, for such a long time, I have been hiding like this, I am tired of hiding, fortunately, today is finally here, Wang Wei gave us People are all people he trusts extremely, so he knows in his heart that the two of us have no way to take away his group of people, but the warden and I are both elders and honest people. I think honesty is the most important thing for a man to survive in this society."

"Integrity?" Wang Long smiled, "Tyrant, are you joking with me, and you have the nerve to say honesty?"

"I'll tell you about the two of us in a while. Now about Wang Wei, you can listen to me carefully. If you don't respect me again, I won't play with you anymore, understand? You Just figure it out for yourself."

Wang Long nodded, "Okay, just pretend that I haven't said anything, and you can continue." Wang Long stretched out his hand to signal.

The tyrant laughed, "The warden and I have been hiding in the dark with Wang Wei's Shanmeng and Zemeng, and Wang Wei created a fake Shanmeng and Zemeng by himself. False, the people are all approached by himself, and then he said that he brought the group of people himself, saying that Shanmeng and Zemeng have no leader, but they are all fake, even the people of Shanmeng and Zemeng don’t know , They are all copycats themselves, this is Wang Wei's brilliance, he can fool anyone by acting."

"Do you know why Gong Mingtang doesn't cooperate with Wang Wei? Because he is afraid, Wang Wei can't see the end." Bet, Wang Long, if you were to take the position of the city lord of the Evernight City, Gong Mingtang would definitely rush to cooperate with you, because he can control you and play you in the applause, but with Wang Wei He dared not, he was afraid to play with himself, those are old and mature people, calculating and using each other, no one will really trust people, everyone is calculating how to get out of the common goal of the other party and himself, Lu Chaoba is a character to get the benefits he wants, but there is still a gap between him and Wang Wei. Xiao Qing has been shrewd all his life, smart all his life, confused for a while, and was killed by a green yarn all his life. No wonder others, tigers also take naps At that time, Wang Wei grasped this accurately. The core shares of Gong Mingtang and Zhang Dazhong are Gong Mingtang. Zhang Dazhong has no idea, but Zhang Dazhong has a deep background, so the two of them use each other. Together again, so the two of you won't be awkward. Everyone present today is their pawn. Happy Lin is a heaven-defying existence. They dared to make such a move today. Gong Mingtang played a lot of roles from behind. Either you Seeing such a big commotion, will no policeman come by now? Will the police not know? Hehe, Lu Chaoba will not end well. He usually has too many evils, but he does have some skills. Gong Mingtang and the others don't They will allow Lu Chaoba to continue to develop, but they are also afraid that Lu Chaoba will die, so they choose to borrow swords to kill people. This trick is very good. Everyone is a pawn, a chess piece played by the people above, but I don’t Know what the people above are playing, if you can know how the people above play chess, then you can leave this chessboard."

The tyrant took a deep breath, "I thought we didn't need to come forward for this incident, but who knew that there was a ring in it, and we finally came out. We promised Wang Wei at the beginning that we would try our best to help him win this matter." City that Never Sleeps, now that we are here, we have an agreement. He did leave City L to me, but he also gave me a batch of weapons. If I went to rob the prison van, there would be no way to continue in City L. If things go on like this, City L will definitely usher in a crackdown. This is a [-]% thing. I don’t want to know it. I’m not a fool, but he, Wang Wei, did it anyway. We had an agreement before, and I know Wang Wei Giving me city l was also an empty promise, because at that time, I could only choose one to save the warden or want city l. Obviously, I chose the latter. "

The tyrant looked around, "I really hope that there will be some other cards. We will only do what we promised Wang Wei, and we will not do the rest. We will leave after this time."

"I think there should be a lot of content in the agreement between you. Can I know more about it?"

"Yes, I was going to tell you. This is a game. Everyone has the interests that the other party wants. How to use the interests that others want in your hands to maximize your own interests. In fact, to put it bluntly, The first business of the two of us was a golden blade, and then I wanted L City, but everyone bargained, and it reached this point. The warden and I will not be his leader Wang Wei, but now we are doing it because The original agreement, only this time."

"Then after this time, what can you get from Wang Wei?"

"Money, we can get a large amount of money that we need. There is no way in this world without money. You need money to do anything. In fact, you can understand it now. The warden and I are his mercenaries now." , he hired us to sit on this occasion. In fact, we tried to take away the two groups of people behind him at the beginning. It would be even better if we take it away with a group of people, and it will be easier for us to start again in the future, but after working hard for so long, I realized that everything was in vain. The people Wang Wei gave us, we can’t take them away. So the two of us have to go with our own money, with this money, we can change places and make a comeback, this is all the content of all the agreements, he has someone but no general, we two will be the general."

Speaking of this, the tyrant stretched his waist, "It seems that there will be no more changes today, and the next step is to knock you down. The person sitting in the wheelchair opposite you is your godfather Heihu, Then the man opposite him is Wang Wei. Although Heihu is your godfather, as far as I know, Wang Wei has saved you countless times, including the reason why Wang Wei let you go on purpose when you were able to leave Yunnan. Inside, this is for sure, according to his wrist, if he wants to deal with you, it is too easy, you don't have any capital to resist, these two people, you will definitely choose one in a while."

The tyrant put out the cigarette and looked at Wang Wei and Hei Hu who were talking over there, "There is one more thing I want to say. I don't think there are many people I admire in my life. This Wang Wei is definitely a big hero! calculating"

The tyrant laughed "hehe" "Originally when I gave him the golden blade, I asked him to do something, but after the two of us talked about various conditions, I found that in the end it became me to do things for him. A skill."

Listening to the tyrant's words, Wang Long understood in his mind that the tyrant gave Wang Wei a golden blade in exchange for conditions. He took the Nightless City in OP City, but neither of these two people is a good person, and they definitely wouldn't help Wang Wei for no reason, but he also needed Wang Wei's help at that time, bargaining, and then getting a lot of benefits for himself, These two people appear.

The tyrant had already stood up at this time, he patted the dirt on his buttocks, looked at Wang Wei opposite him, "Master Wei, what time is it, it's almost morning, it's time to settle everything, last night and one night Didn't go to sleep, and want to leave early to have a good sleep, what did you say to him, what else can you say, this is a society where people cannibalize, have you ever seen a lion go to bargain with a sheep Is it interesting?"

Wang Wei turned his head and smiled at the tyrant, "That can't be helped, he is Wang Long's godfather, I have to estimate their feelings."

When they heard this sentence, both Wang Long and Xie Tian's expressions trembled slightly, the tyrant laughed "hehe", he patted Wang Long's shoulder, "I told you earlier, you can't be handsome Be honest, be a general, be a general, follow Wang Wei, you can get everything you want."

"Who are you? Is there any relationship between us?" Wang Long said suddenly.

The tyrant let out an "Oh?", and then looked at Wang Long with great interest, "Why do you ask that?"

"Ding Xuan? Ding Xuan? I checked your information, and I don't think there is any connection between us, but I can't understand many things you do. Are you my friend, enemy, or what?"

The tyrant laughed "hehe", and shook his head at Wang Long, "The time has not come, the time has not come! Wang Long, there will be a day when everything will come to light, and now the time is really not here!"

"Timing, what timing? Can you tell the truth?" Wang Long was a little angry.

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