we are brothers


After being disabled, he raised his hand, and at this moment, a big man ran up, "Brother, it's not good, the police are here, there are a lot of them, the letter from the brother outside just now, if we don't run away , then I probably won’t be able to run away, hurry up, they’re all coming this way, the road and the street at this gate have been blocked, it seems that there’s been a traffic accident.”

"Come here when you come, what can you do? He ate me?" The cripple turned his head, with an angry expression on his face, "Fuck, who are you scaring?"

"No, big brother, think about it carefully, what is that." Ma Zai next to him seemed hesitant to speak.

The cripple was also stunned for a moment, and he turned his head to look at the horse boy next to him, and the indifferent aura he had just now disappeared, "Then how many people have come?"

"It's too many to count. I heard that many special police officers have also come. Brother, from the outside, let's keep a low profile."

The majestic expression on the crippled face suddenly disappeared, "****, there are so many here at once? What are they trying to do?"

His two eyes narrowed into a slit, and Wang Long suddenly gave Wang Long a cute feeling, how cute is this, he is almost two people with the big guy just now "Then let's run quickly, don't stop I caused trouble for the sparrow, you guys go get ready, first go to the surveillance room to remove the surveillance video, the old plan is to retreat, take out my clothes for me quickly, hurry up!"

As the disabled gave orders, the people around hurriedly ran to get ready, and the whole corridor was in a mess

When he said this, the cripple turned his head, and suddenly let go of the hand on Wang Long's neck. He patted Wang Long's face with a smile, "Brother Long, come, smoke a cigarette." The cripple handed it to Wang Long. Long a cigarette.

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his whole body became a little hairy, "Brother, what do you want to do?" He was really helpless.

"Look, this time it's such a big mess, after all, I'm helping you, right?"

"Yes, I know, I understand." Wang Long said quickly, "Don't worry, brother, I will take care of everything. This matter has nothing to do with you. I did it all by myself. I have my own way to deal with it." .”

The crippled "okokok" stretched out his thumb to Wang Long, "Actually, sometimes I quite like you, hehe." The cripple smiled, and stepped back while laughing, "Okay, ok, Wang Long , In this way, you tell you where I am, I am going to visit you in the evening, you have dealt with this matter for me, we can talk about things in the future, remember."

As the disabled said, he slapped himself lightly on the head, "I scolded the neighbor next door, I was so mad, and I got into trouble again." Then he turned around and walked downstairs, "The old man treats this as the door of his house, Fuck, fuck, fuck" the disabled was swearing at the street, turned around and walked downstairs, there were many subordinates around him, all of them were clustered in front and back, obviously, they wanted to get disabled out first.

Wang Long stood on the spot, took a deep breath, looked at the mess in the corridor, and then, he got to the ground, took out the cigarette from his pocket, held the cigarette in his mouth, and began to smoke heavily.

Soon, the police rushed up. Wang Long leaned aside and took out his mobile phone, "Ling Yang, hurry up, arrange someone..." Three hours later, the temporary detention place in the Public Security Bureau, here Many people were locked up. Wang Long sat on the side without saying a word. Soon, at this time, another person was thrown in. After this person came in, he looked around and walked to Wang Long's side. "Your name is Wang Long, isn't it?" The man is not tall, and he smiled at Wang Long, "The disabled brother asked me to convey something to you, saying that he is already arranging your affairs, so you can rest assured." , will let you out immediately, and he will pick you up when the time comes"

Wang Long raised his head and looked at the person who was speaking, his facial features were twisted together, "Brother, please ask him for me, is he a ghost or not, what is he trying to do?"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, brother Long, brother crippled, I'm afraid you'll be bored in there for a long time, let the little one come over to relieve your boredom, I spent a lot of effort to come in, don't worry, I'll come in I've recited hundreds of jokes before, and I'll tell you one by one, don't worry, you must laugh, brother, if you don't laugh, I'll be miserable when I go out."

"Fuck..." Wang Long turned his head and hit the iron railing with a "bang", and his whole body almost collapsed. At this time, the door of the cell was opened, "Wang Long, come out and go through the formalities."

Wang Long glanced at the person next to him, and that person smiled at Wang Long, "Brother, don't forget, Brother Disabled is waiting for you at the door."

Wang Long was really depressed, he took a deep breath, forcibly controlled his emotions, turned around and walked out.

Walking to the lobby of the police station, Wang Long saw Xi Nian at a glance. He thought for a moment, thinking that the door was disabled, like a ghost, and he felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart. He walked in front of Xi Nian, and his voice Not much "Master Nian, please help me."

Xi Nian glanced at Wang Long, "What's the matter? There are a lot of things on your body now, Wang Long, you really have to pay attention. These days, Gong Mingtang and the others don't know what to do, they are not paying attention here, wait When their attention slows down, it will be troublesome."

"Okay, I get it, I don't have the heart to think about other things now, so, Lord Nian, can you arrange two police cars to take me back to the fairyland on earth, I need protection"

"What's wrong? You already know who is going to deal with you, don't you?" Xi Nian was about to speak.

"It's a long story, so you can arrange it. Pretend to take me to the detention center, and then try to get rid of the people behind me on the way. I'm secretly sending people to pick me up and return to the fairyland on earth. I'll explain to you when I have time. I met a madman!"

"What lunatic?" Xi Nian frowned, "It's a mess, uncle."

Wang Long froze for a moment, glanced at Xi and read, "Anyway, he is a lunatic, a lunatic like a treasure hunter, I have never seen such a weird thing, really, weird, so weird, I fucking convinced me, fuck it !" Wang Long's voice suddenly became louder, "You know, I have nothing to do with him, nothing at all!"

Xi Nian suddenly laughed, and shook her head helplessly at Wang Long, "As for, is there anyone else who can make Brother Long like this?"

Three or ten minutes later, two Passat police cars pulled Wang Long out of the Public Security Bureau. Wang Long sat in the car, took a deep breath, and held a phone in his hand, "Ling Yang, you go to the direction of the fairyland on earth. Listen to my call and pick me up"

Wang Long stretched his neck and took out a handbag from his pocket. He glanced at the man driving the police car in front of him, "Brother, thank you all." Wang Long said, and put the handbag in front of him, "You guys His handbag is in the back." The two policemen in front turned their heads to look at Wang Long, then frowned, but they didn't speak, just smiled, turned around and handed Wang Long a cigarette while sitting in the co-pilot's seat." Come, Brother Long, smoke a cigarette."

"Thank you, thank you." Wang Long also smiled, and chatted with the policeman on the car. The people in the car were chatting and laughing, but after driving for nearly 5 minutes, suddenly, the police car braked suddenly and stopped. down.

The expression on the co-pilot's policeman's face immediately changed, "What's the situation?" Soon, the police car behind also stopped.

Right in front of them, on the side of the road, there were three overbearing vehicles parked sideways. The overbearing vehicles blocked the entire road. Just as their cars stopped, they saw the high beam coming from behind. look.

Wang Long turned his head quickly, and at this moment, he saw three overbearing SUVs appearing behind him, blocking the rear as well. This moment, the police were blocked in the middle of the road, and the atmosphere in the car changed immediately.

The expression on Wang Long's face also changed, fuck, who is this, the aura this time is obviously different from the previous one, the policeman sitting in the co-pilot took out the gun from his pocket .

At this moment, I saw more than a dozen people coming down from the front. All of them were holding AK47 semi-automatic rifles. The police car over here.

The policemen on the car were also stunned, and quickly called to call for support, but a group of big men on the opposite side rushed to the side of the police car very quickly, five people in one police car, five people in one police car, There are still guards on the front, and the front and back coordination are also very, very coherent.

I saw a big man rushing to the side of the police car, picked up the butt of the ak47 and hit the glass twice with "boom, bang" and smashed the glass. The ak was aimed at the inside from five angles around, and the glass shattered Afterwards, one of the big men held a policeman's head against the head of a policeman, "Don't move, if you dare to move, I will kill you, don't force us!" After finishing speaking, the big man opened the car door from the inside, and the driver The policeman at the position was exhausted immediately, and several big men around all rushed up in an instant, with weapons in their hands, "Don't move, don't move!" Each one became more fierce than the other.

The rear car door was pulled open at once, and Wang Long was dragged out of the car by a big man. Immediately afterwards, two big men drove Wang Long with one arm, and quickly ran to a domineering car without a license plate. Pulling the door on the side of the car, Wang Long was pushed up. Soon, the big men around started to retreat with weapons in their hands. With well-trained front and rear, all six overbearing cars drove away without firing a single shot. , leaving a group of dazed policemen, they have never seen such a gangster.

Sitting on a domineering car, Wang Long took a deep breath, "Who the hell are you and what do you want me to do?"

At this time, one of the co-pilots turned around and said, "Paralyzed, suffocated, fuck"

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