we are brothers

【2183】I'm tired too

Sheng Tian smiled "hehe", "I am the one who has no chance to regret it, and Wang Long is the same, he also has no chance to regret it, I don't want her to regret it if she wants to, but she will have no chance to regret it. ruined."

"As for Wang Long's wealth." The corners of Sheng Tian's mouth rose slightly, "If you don't believe me, just try it, you won't get anything from his mouth. Even if you kill him, you won't get anything. The only best opportunity has already been missed. If Sheng Xuelan doesn't hide her thoughts, tell me these things earlier, and I can tell everything Wang Long knows. Set it out, but it's too late now, everything is too late, regret it, it's too late."

"Do you have to be so sure? Brother." Wang Peng couldn't believe it. "I don't think he can take much more. Besides, even if the lady said this earlier, how can you get the secret out of his mouth?" ?”

"How?" Sheng Tian laughed "hehe", "If you want to deal with a person, you have to study that person first. There is an old saying in China, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Haven't you heard it? I want to deal with Wang Long I have searched a lot about him before, and I also have some understanding of his character, even if we have met that side, but my evaluation of him is objective and accurate. important people, including himself."

"If I had known about that earlier, I wouldn't have killed those people before. You know, I'd use those people as bargaining chips, and I could get everything from Wang Long's mouth. Anyway, those people can be killed or not. They don't have anything, they can't pose any threat to me, I let them go, and then get the things, as long as Wang Long is kept, but I didn't know this at that time, you forget that he was kneeling on the ground crazy It's time to kowtow to give us money. I looked down on him very much at that time. I didn't know how much money he had, and I didn't expect that he could have so much money. This is an opportunity. If you miss it, there will be no more. Waiting for the next time, it’s okay now, those people have been killed, the heart of mourning is greater than death, his heart is dead, it’s useless to say anything, he doesn’t care about his own life or death, look at him What do you think is the best way to get him to speak? Threatening him to kill him? Or beating him and torture him? Just prevent him from committing suicide. It’s useless. If you don’t believe me, just try it, it won’t work.”

Sheng Tian stretched his neck, "That's it for now, I don't want to talk about the extra stuff, you know what you should do when you go back, keeping you by his side is a grievance to your talent, but Wang Peng "

Sheng Tian paused for a moment, "You have to know that Sheng Xuelan is my only flesh and blood in this world. I arranged you by her side. Although I have wronged your talent and ability, it only shows my trust in you. Don't it disappointed me."

"Don't worry, big brother." Wang Peng bowed his head towards Sheng Tian, ​​"As long as I don't die, I will definitely protect Miss's safety, don't worry!"

Sheng Tian nodded, "It's enough to have you, you know, I'm actually quite lonely now, Sheng Xuelan has exhausted me physically and mentally." Sheng Tian slowly closed his eyes, "I don't know what to do I don't know how to face her, I often can't sleep, I'm sorry for her, I'm sorry for her mother, karma, this is retribution, in fact, I really want to hear her call me father, let me She is not so rebellious anymore, be obedient, and change back to her previous appearance, like Nuoer, how wonderful, in fact, her nature is still the same, but I changed her, blame me, all blame me, I harmed my daughter."

"Brother, don't be like this." Wang Peng looked at Sheng Tian who was so sad, and he couldn't get used to it. "It will be fine, it will be."

"Hehe, it's difficult! It's really too difficult!" Sheng Tian took a deep breath, "There is an organization called Blood Sea behind Wang Long, arrange people to go to Blood Sea to watch, observe every move of this organization, Observe for a while more, be careful, don't reveal your identity, Wang Long's matter may not be hidden for long, if there is no accident, it is best, if there is an accident, if his friends come to seek revenge, we still have to Make some preparations in advance."

"Understood, brother, I will send someone to watch it right away, don't worry, I will arrange everything."

"I hope Sheng Xuelan can change her mind sooner and stop worrying me as much as now. If at that time, I'm calling you back, don't worry, you, Wang Peng, will always be the only leader of the Emperor Group in my heart."

"Thank you for God's trust!" Wang Peng clasped his fists, the inside of the car suddenly became quiet, the moonlight slowly shone into the car, Wang Peng turned his head to look at Sheng Tian, ​​and found Sheng Tian's tired face It was obvious that there was an unknown smile on the corner of his mouth...

When the bright moon was in the sky, many people had already fallen asleep. Just above an inconspicuous small town, Wang Yue was sitting in his room with a bottle of beer in his hand. Since Guan Rui left, he had been with him all day Drinking as a companion, going to work on time during the day, eating, drinking and having fun, pretending to be indifferent, at night, when I get home, I open the wine, and I don’t rest until very late.

He took the beer and opened the closet in front of him. After opening the closet, there were no so-called clothes in it. There were only rows of small TVs. The small TVs were all high-definition, and the focus could be adjusted. You could even see the clothes on the road. The waste garbage bags are all reflected by the monitoring probe outside. Wang Yue sat on the stool opposite, staring at the monitoring probe here in a daze, drinking beer while watching the wind and grass outside. Soon, he saw A man and a woman hid in a dark corner. The two kissed heartily. The man had already put his hand into the woman's clothes. It was a standard live broadcast. He watched the pair with interest while drinking. The man and woman who have an affair, the reason why they say cheating is because he knows the heroine here, she is his neighbor in the same building, and he doesn't know who the hero is, anyway, he is not the husband of the heroine.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Xi Yu appeared, holding a bowl of noodles in her hand, she walked to Wang Yue's side, "Eat, don't look, you have been staring at it for many days, When is the boss, Guan Rui's incident has already caused an earthquake, the murderer didn't even have the courage to run, and committed suicide directly, what is the use of you like this."

Speaking of this, Xi Yu glanced at Wang Yue's enlarged camera lens, "How old are you, still watching these? Is it fun? Can you turn it off so that you don't peep at other people's nipples?" Put the noodles in front of Wang Yue.

Wang Yue stared at the images in the surveillance equipment. With such a high-definition equipment, he could still see all the places around Wang Yue's house. He ignored Xi Yu, and continued to stare at this with relish!

"Here, eat a bowl of noodles first." Xi Yu's voice was not loud, "If they want to come to you, they will come sooner or later. Now that the wind is so tight, they will definitely not dare to come. Don't be like this, look I feel distressed, pretending to be a day every day, drinking alcohol when I go home at night, or staring at these things in a daze, when will this be the boss."

Wang Yue turned his head at this time and took the bowl of noodles from Xi Yu's hand, "Thank you, when are you leaving?"

"I'm not leaving. I'll stay with you from here. I can rest assured that Peng Xixi and the others are taking care of the children. I'm really worried about you. I know you too well. Don't tell me. You're okay, I know, you're angry, and you're angry."

Wang Yue smiled, "I have nothing to be angry about, this is what is destined, as if it is destined that I will never be able to live a quiet, calm, down-to-earth, and stable life in my life, you know Well, in fact, before, many times, for a long time, I really wanted to catch Song Yang quickly, and live a stable life. I wanted to live the life of ordinary people, and I really wanted to settle down! It’s just that It's no longer possible!"

"It's not that you can't, it's that you don't want to." Xi Yu's voice was not loud, "If you want, then you can."

"But I don't want to anymore." Wang Yue was very calm, "I will never have the idea of ​​living a down-to-earth life. I have been like this all my life. After Guan Rui left, I knew that I would never do anything in my life." It may be calm, as for you, I don’t want to feel sorry for more people, you go, don’t be with me, it’s dangerous, you can see it, it’s just a few centimeters away, she just turned her head and blocked my Temple, or my head is the target."

"This is what you think. Everyone has said it. It's not necessarily aimed at you, maybe it is aimed at him. Why do you still like to take everything on yourself, why put so much pressure on yourself? "

"I've been thinking about it for a long time. It should be aimed at me. Anyway, I think so, and no one can change my mind. You can go."

"Don't chase me away. You know me well. In your current state, if you let me go, how can I go?"

"I don't have anything, okay?" Wang Yue smiled at Xi Yu, "Look at me, the food and drink are good now, how normal, isn't it just that someone died beside me, and it's not like he hasn't died before. , how important people are, they have all died, ha ha."

Xi Yu sighed, and then sat aside, "Why is it always like this, one wave is not flat, and another wave rises again, when is the beginning and when is the end, in fact, I am also very tired, really."

"I'm dead, that's the end."

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