we are brothers

【2191】Xia Wenjie

Xiao Qing burst into tears like crazy. He knelt on the ground and smashed the ground crazily. Xiao Xiawen's parents also appeared on the side, and both of them were crying. There were many onlookers around. Standing up slowly, he looked at Xiao Xiawen lying in his arms, thinking about the little things in his childhood, "Wenwen, I love you." The big bell kissed Xiao Xiawen's forehead, followed closely, and knelt slowly Falling in front of Xiao Xiawen's father, he slowly put Xiao Xiawen on the ground.

After that, Dazhong got up, he looked up at the dazzling sunlight above his head, turned around and looked at Xiao Xiawen who was lying on the ground, there was still a contented smile on the corner of her mouth, and Dazhong's tears slid down the corners of her eyes.

He walked out of the crowd alone, he heard "Wenwen, Wenwen" crying behind him, he walked slowly to the side of his bicycle, he took out his mobile phone, looked at Xiao Xiawen just now The photos taken, her smile, are still so heart-wrenching, Da Zhong rode the bike, tears kept streaming down, and he sang in his mouth, it is still those childhood memories "I love you Holding your hand like this and not letting go, can love be simple and harmless..."

Today's sunshine is particularly bright, the sun is dazzling, on the main road, a man is singing, riding a bicycle, and behind him sits a lively and lovely little girl, hugging the man's waist, everything, everything. Buddha went back to the beginning.

The music at the entrance of a convenience store on the road was played, accompanied by the big boy who disappeared by the side of the road on his bicycle.

"Back to the original starting point, your youthful face in memory, we have finally come to this day, the old photos under the table mat, countless memory links, today, the boy is going to the girl's last date."

"Back to the original starting point, standing in front of the mirror blankly, clumsily tied the knot of the red tie, combed the hair to look like an adult, and put on a handsome suit. When I see you later, it must be more beautiful than imagined."

"I really want to go back to those years, before and after sitting in the classroom, deliberately asking you to scold gently, arrange and arrange on the blackboard, are you willing to untie it, who sits with whom, and loves her."

"The heavy rain that I missed in those years, the love that I missed in those years, it's like embracing you, embracing the courage that I missed. I once wanted to conquer the world, but when I looked back at the end, I realized that every bit of this world is all about you."

"The heavy rain that I missed in those years, the love that I missed in those years, seem to tell you, tell you that I have not forgotten, the sky was full of stars that night, the promise under parallel time and space, when we meet again, I will hold you tightly, hold you tightly looking at you."

The sobbing figure of the boy was buried by the people passing by on the road, the singing at the entrance of the small convenience store was still there, the clear sky, white clouds, and a smiling face of a girl slowly emerged.

In the dead of night, at the entrance of Jinxin Hotel in Op City, Dazhong stood here, picked up a cigarette, and he finished it very quickly. He walked into the restaurant and found the waiter, "I want to find Let's talk about Zhang Shengqi, Mr. Zhang reserved a private room."

"Oh, that's it, the VIP room on the third floor." The waiter smiled and respected the big clock, and pointed out "Sir, please go upstairs and turn left" and followed the waiter to take it. The walkie-talkie on the other side "The third floor, vip Chuxue's."

Under the leadership of the waiter, Da Zhong arrived at a private room on the third floor and stood at the door of the private room. Da Zhong thought for a moment, then he pushed the door of the room open, and the room was full of people. They are all people, there must be more than a dozen people, men, women, old and young, a table full of meals, everyone present is very happy, when the big bell pushed open the door of the private room, I just heard a woman say "today It's an auspicious day for Sheng Qi and Yu Qian to get engaged, and the parents of both parties are here."

At this moment, a person turned his head and looked at the big clock, "Come in, come in quickly." The middle-aged man reached out to greet the big clock, then walked to the side of the big clock, and closed the door behind him.

The middle-aged man enthusiastically pulled the big clock to his side. He looked at the person opposite, "Hurry up, hurry up, get another stool." After finishing speaking, the man took out a stool from the side, There are also tableware, which are all placed in front of the big clock. The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Zhang Shengqi opposite, "Sheng Qi, who is this, why don't you introduce me?"

Zhang Shengqi looked at Jin Xiuzhong, and the expression on his face changed immediately. He knew that it was a misunderstanding among the people in the family, thinking that it was his relatives from somewhere, or a good friend, after all, their ages It's about the same.

Zhang Shengqi looked at the big clock, his brows were furrowed, after a while, he let out a sigh of relief, "What are you doing here?"

His voice was very impolite, and the people around were stunned. A middle-aged man stood up at this moment, "Sheng Qi, why are you talking to the guests? Isn't this your friend? This" middle-aged man brought a A pair of glasses, with an official face, staring at the big clock, "I really don't think I've seen your friend, this."

"He's not my friend, I don't know him, friend, you are in the wrong place, please leave quickly, this is a private party"

"Okay, I'll go, I'll leave after I say a few words" Da Zhong smiled "He walked to Zhang Shengqi's side, I know I'm not your friend, I don't want to be your friend, be your friend, too Disgraceful."

Zhang Shengqi and Yu Qian are next to each other. Yu Qian is very beautiful and fair. The big clock turned around and looked at Yu Qian who was on the side, "I'll tell you a story, listen to me, everyone." Standing up, "I'll just say a few words, and then I'll leave. It won't affect anyone. I hope everyone will give me this opportunity to speak." At this point, Dazhong took out a dagger from his pocket, put it on When I got to the table, "It's just a chance to say a few words, thank you everyone."

Da Zhong smiled and looked at Yu Qian, "You know that Zhang Shengqi's ex-girlfriend Xiao Xiawen is Xiao Qing's niece, you must know, don't say you don't know." Da Zhong smiled "hehe" .

"Wenwen's uncle didn't fall, and when Lao Xiao's family didn't fall, the two of them were very close. Zhang Shengqi was kind and caring. Later, when the people in Wenwen's family fell, Wenwen got sick and had cancer."

Da Zhong nodded, and the circles of his eyes turned red, "Then this man abandoned her and came to look for you. Wenwen left yesterday, and today he is here to get engaged to you. I have been looking for him all day and night."

Da Zhong let out a sigh of relief: "I think there is a saying that is very good. Men are afraid of choosing the wrong job, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. I see that your clothes definitely don't look like people who are short of money. Girls must marry the wrong man." Be careful, if you see the wrong person or marry the wrong person, it will ruin your whole life."

Dazhong picked up a wine glass from the side, picked up the red wine bottle, and poured himself some wine.

"If it's for money, you might as well marry an old man in his fifties or sixties. If you're not for money, but for people, then you should think about it carefully. Don't even have a chance to regret it later. How long has he been with Xiao Xiawen, traveling here and there, don't listen to his excuses, any explanations, facts speak louder than words, the most direct thing before you."

"That's when his girlfriend was in the most difficult time, when his life was about to end, he didn't choose to be by her side and be her support, but chose to escape, and he fled far away, leaving her girlfriend alone Staying in the hospital, not even peeling an apple for her, not even looking at her, her whole family was confiscated."

"He knows how difficult it is for her at this time, and then, Zhang Shengqi is very happy to play with you every day, don't worry, how much time do you two have, he doesn't have enough, you wait for him to sleep enough for you , you are looking at the performance of this disgusting person. If you marry him, if you can be happy, I will use this dagger to end my life. It will come true sooner or later. What I said is the truth. It is Zhang Shengqi's humanity."

Da Zhong turned his head and looked at the people around him, "I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Zhang Shengqi, but I think you should be his father." Da Zhong looked at the gentle man who just spoke from the other side. There are some similarities between them.

"You are really good at educating such a beast." Da Zhong stretched out his thumb at him, followed by him, he turned to look at Zhang Shengqi, Zhang Shengqi's face turned green, but he just looked at Da Zhong The dagger placed on the side did not attack.

"Zhang Shengqi, remember what I said, people are doing it, the sky is watching, there is a god standing above your head, and you will be punished sooner or later." At this point, the big clock suddenly stepped forward. With one step, Zhang Shengqi's side face was knocked down with a punch. If Dazhong's size were to deal with Zhang Shengqi, he would have to hit him ten or eight times.

This big bell punch was done with all the strength, and Zhang Shengqi was knocked down to the ground before he had time to react with a "boom", and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then, a tooth fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground. On the ground, the surrounding area immediately exploded, "Security, security, call the police, call the police!" There were all kinds of chaotic voices around, followed by the big clock, and the dagger in his hand was stuck on the table, and he heard "匟~" With a sound, the dagger stabbed straight into the wooden table.

Da Zhong picked up a bottle of mineral water from the side and poured it on his fist, "To be honest, I hate you for being dirty even if I hit you."

Da Zhong's expression was calm, smiling, and he looked at Zhang Shengqi's father who was opposite, Zhang Shengqi had already been blocked behind.

"I call you Uncle Sheng, I am not a qualified person, my name is Jin Xiuzhong, and now I have no father or mother, and I am in OP City, you can use your relationship to deal with me at any time, even kill me, I am waiting for you .”

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