we are brothers

【2195】Sparrow's Daughter

Heihu breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at the people in the room, "Okay, let's leave, thank God, you can make arrangements with Yang Xuer, and then you can find Gong Zheng, let Gong Zheng find Gong Mingtang, the Red Army, you Continue to check and monitor one by one, first like this."

After Heihu finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the crippled one side, and his attitude towards the crippled was very respectful, "Hello, what are you?"

"What me?" The disabled looked depressed, "Where our ancestors are, I will be there. Arrange a room for me."

"I want to be quiet, sorry to bother you" Chen Xinyi's eyes were red, she was holding on to her jade pendant tightly, she looked at the people in the room, and then went directly to the bed without saying a word.

Disabled shook his head helplessly, and the group of people turned around and walked out. When Heihu pushed the wheelchair out, Disabled happened to be standing at the door. He pointed to the next room, "What, prepare the next room for me. Also, go find Wang Long for me sooner."

Heihu looked at the disabled and thought for a moment, "I have something I want to tell you, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"What's the matter? Are we familiar with each other?" Disabled smiled at Heihu, "Just find me a room, I don't want to communicate with you."

"You are responsible for my son's affairs, so I hope you can really do your best to help find him. He is very important to me. He is my child. I watched them grow up. The relationship between us Very deep."

"What responsibility do I have, what's none of my business? Fuck, you have to pay attention to what you say, do you hear me?" The disabled looked impatient.

"If the girl just now is Wang Long's fiancée, then you, as Shang Sheng's number two person, must have been arranged by the higher authorities to come here at this time. According to what I know about you, you should not I will come here willingly, what are you doing here, probably to protect Wang Lung for that girl, but have you done it?"

The cripple looked at Heihu, and he didn't ask Heihu how he found this. After all, his information is easy to find. Shang Sheng is such a big organization, so famous, it's not surprising that he was found. "Speaking is about evidence." Yes, talk nonsense again, I cut off your tongue."

"You have been by Wang Long's side for so long to deliberately make things difficult for Wang Long. Also, you have always arranged people to follow Wang Long's side. When Ling Yang had an accident, those people must have killed Wang Long. , your people followed all the time, and they must have been there at that time, but they didn't help. This is what I heard later. Your people are at the scene. If you meet Wang Long and something happens, you are here to protect Wang Long , They will definitely ask you if you need to do it, if my guess is right, you arranged it and didn't let them do it, or you would prefer Wang Lung's accidental death, but Wang Lung didn't die."

"The day before Wang Long left, you came to see Wang Long. You drank with Wang Long. You drank too much on purpose. After drinking too much, you went to sleep. When you woke up in the morning, Wang Long was gone. When someone asked you, You are so evasive, Wang Long is lost, you can go back, you don't want to stay here, you look down on my godson, and you don't want to waste time on him, you are a dignified and victorious second-in-chief, you actually want to To protect such a person, you will definitely feel unbalanced in your heart. You want him to die or disappear. You can go back. Wang Long has become what he is today. You must have a lot of responsibility from the middle. You didn’t help when you could. It was the same when you were in the hospital. You could have come out to help, but you didn’t help until you had no other choice. You did it on purpose. From the very beginning, I never thought about doing well the tasks they assigned you. That girl is called Chen Xinyi, and she should have something to do with Shang Sheng's No. [-] person. Otherwise, you definitely wouldn't respect her so much. You are a very A proud person with a hot temper, I'm right, Wan Yijian, disabled brother."

The crippled face changed immediately, he grabbed Heihu by the neck, and he lifted Heihu up from the wheelchair with one hand, his expression was very fierce, he stared with big eyes, "Heihu, I hate your mouth, you have to pay attention to evidence, you better control your own mouth, otherwise, I will kill you, hear me?"

Heihu smiled, "Okay, I can control my own mouth, provided that you are serious about helping me find a godson, otherwise, I will tell Chen Xinyi all these things, I am useless and dead He died, but you believe that if something happened to me, Heihu, someone would tell Chen Xinyi everything, including how you treated Wang Long, how you hustled Wang Long, and how you watched it with your own eyes. Wang Long was almost killed and ignored, and he deliberately wanted Wang Long to disappear. You go back to Tibet. I will tell Chen Xinyi everything. It may not affect you, but it will make you uncomfortable for the rest of your life. A little girl like Chen Xinyi At first glance, she is the kind of very infatuated little girl, I see it to the end, you always give people the impression of carelessness, but in fact you are very scheming, you are definitely not what you appear on the outside, at least not completely."

"Bastard, you dare to threaten me, you have lived enough." The other hand of the cripple grabbed Heihu's neck, and Heihu's breathing became a little difficult. At this time, the door of the room was opened Now, Chen Xinyi stood at the door and looked at the disabled.

The cripple pinched Heihu, his face turned pale when he saw Heihu, he threw off Heihu, "I warn you, I will activate everyone who can be activated, and I will use the shortest and fastest Time to find Wang Lung, do you hear me?"

Sitting in the wheelchair, Heihu coughed several times "cough, hey, hey, hey", he looked up and looked at the disabled opposite, "Then I hope you can help, sincerely, I will need you local."

The cripple smiled, turned to look at Chen Xinyi, and nodded, "That's necessary, don't worry, just say it when I need it."

Heihu smiled, "Thank you, thank you sincerely. In addition, I am a disabled person. It is very inconvenient to do anything, and my resistance is weak. I hope you can pay attention to my safety by the way. If I am not here A lot of people are out of control."

The cripple looked at Heihu, and he naturally understood the meaning of Heihu's words. He nodded with a smile, "Okay, I understand."

Heihu left slowly, and the disabled stood where he was, looking at Chen Xinyi, "You should go to bed too, it's already this time."

"Understood, you should go to bed early too, Uncle." Chen Xinyi was obviously in a bad mood, she didn't say a word, her eyes were empty, she seemed to be in a terrible mood, and the crippled brows were furrowed as she looked at herself, feeling distressed in her heart.

"Okay, Xinyi, it's a big deal, don't worry, if something really happens to him, Uncle will find you a better one."

"With him occupying my heart, no matter how good I am, I can't break in." Chen Xinyi's voice was not loud, "Uncle, you promised me to take care of him for me, this is the result of your care, I can't say you What, but I want to tell you, if there is really something wrong with Wang Long, then I will never marry a man in my life." She touched her jade pendant, "He promised to marry me"

"What are you talking about, girl? What's the matter? There are no other men in this world."

"Uncle, you watched me grow up. I think you know better than anyone else what kind of person I am. If I say it, I will definitely do it. If there is something wrong with him, I will become a monk and do it." Nun, convert to Buddhism wholeheartedly, chant sutras and virtues, pray for my father, pray that he is safe, healthy, long-lived, and happy.”

"You will piss your father off like this. Sparrow has been here for so many years, and you are just a girl like you. You should repay him like this."

"I grew up alone since I was a child. They put me in someone else's home, concealed my identity, and didn't let me tell anyone that I was the daughter of a sparrow. Am I so shameful? Don't always I said it was for my safety, for my safety, I really believed you, I believed you for my comfort, to prevent me from being exposed in the public eye, for fear that others would use me to threaten sparrows."

"Don't let me call him father, let me have to call sparrow in front of outsiders, I can bear it all, so why can't even tell me who my mother is, I feel like a child that no one wants, I have never felt the warmth of a family since I was a child, I was not allowed to do this, I was not allowed to do that, do you know how I have lived these years, how did I grow up to be so big."

"Everyone of you can go wherever you want, do what you want, and never take my feelings into consideration. I don't think these are love. Really, I don't know what sex is. He has never done anything. The responsibility of being a father is not even as good as my adoptive father and mother, and you are the same. I have begged you once in my life to help me watch Wang Lung. She is the only man who has broken into my heart for so many years. You were unhappy in every possible way back then, I could see it, and you came after a lot of difficulty, but in the end you lost everyone."

"Uncle, you still treat me as a niece. I also want to say that you have not fulfilled your responsibilities as an uncle. I have felt that I am an unwanted child since I was a child. I used to be, I am now, and I will be in the future. A long time ago You still want me to go abroad, so I will be farther away from you, right? But I don’t like the outside world. I would rather die in China than live abroad. I have no friends in the first place, let alone go abroad. Is it your burden?"

"Xinyi, don't talk like that. If you talk like that, it will really hurt Uncle's heart. Don't worry, Wang Long, I will find a way for you to get him back. I will find him alive for you. If I die, I will bring you back." Pull the corpse back for you, just smile, don’t be like this, uncle loves you very much, just like your father, whether you believe it or not.”

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