we are brothers

【2199】face problem

He grabbed Chen Xinyi, and as he walked away, he said slowly, "In my disabled eyes, brothers are the sky, brothers are the law, and brothers are the morality of life. Keep a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future. Gong Mingtang, if you are really so law-abiding, I won’t say anything. I’ve heard a lot about you. You’ve done a good job this time. In short, you are making things difficult for us today, I hope you will take care of yourself."

Gong Mingtang had already stood up from the ground at this time, he wiped the corner of his mouth, and smiled at the disabled, "You dare to threaten me, believe it or not, I can't get out of this op city"

"Whatever you want, it's okay if you let me die, I said, I'm crippled and dead, but you have the ability to cripple me and kill all my friends, so you're awesome, come on, since you're like this If you don’t know good from bad, then let’s play around.”

When he said this, the disabled turned around again, picked up all the things on the table, and looked at Chen Xinyi with an anxious expression on one side, "I'm sorry, my niece, it was all my fault at the beginning. , be good, don't cry, seeing you cry, I want to die, uncle watched you grow up." After finishing speaking, the disabled dragged Chen Xinyi out of Gong Mingtang's house, and soon heard The sound of disabled footsteps coming down the stairs.

Guan Zhimin stood at Gong Mingtang's house, "Director Gong, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I knew I wouldn't let him come, really"

"It's okay, I don't blame you for this matter." The corners of Gong Mingtang's mouth rose slightly, "A person like him is backed by a huge terrorist organization. He has always been fearless, and no one will notice him. It's also normal..."

An hour later, Disabled took Chen Xinyi back to the hospital. Looking at the group of people at the door of the hospital ward, the lights in the operating room were still on. "How is it? What's the situation now?" Disabled asked.

"It's not out of danger yet. My heart went into sudden arrest just now, and I was rescued by electric shock. I lost a lot of blood. Now I'm undergoing a second operation." Yang Xuer glanced at the disabled from the side, "How are you doing? Ask me." Yet?"

"No, I'll find a way to find the one I lost myself." The crippled face was sullen and ugly.

A few minutes later, Guan Zhimin also came back. When he came back, he was accompanied by Mei Zhikang. He ran in front of the disabled group.

"Almost let him run away," Mei Zhikang said at this time, "Fortunately, I have good eyesight, this grandson."

The disabled group looked at each other, and then nodded to each other. Xie Tian stayed where he was, and the others all went downstairs soon. There was an abandoned construction site next to the hospital. On this abandoned construction site, a sack was Throwing it on the ground, the big clock was disabled, and the group of people looked at the sack on the ground. It was obvious that there were still people moving back and forth in the sack.

A few people looked at each other, Guan Zhimin squatted down and cut the sack open, after that, the gunman just now appeared in everyone's sight, Mei Zhikang and a few people beside him had raised the big iron rod When he got up, he took the lead, held up the iron stick, and pointed at the people on the ground as "grass and mud horses", and then greeted the people with a stick, very hard, and followed, several people around him pointed at the men on the ground with the sticks in their hands. Greeted up.

This is a violent beating, in an instant, the man's face was bloody, lying on the ground, motionless, Guan Zhimin lit a cigarette from the side, and smiled at the man, "Who told you to come, tell the truth .”

The man smiled at the people around him, "Heaven, my father, let me come, come." After finishing speaking, the man glanced at a sharp steel bar next to him, and greeted that steel bar with his neck Going up, Mei Zhikang next to him had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and kicked his chest down with one kick, failing to let him commit suicide, he was kicked over directly, followed by the big clock next to him rushing up. He grabbed his mouth, he grabbed his chin, picked up a rag from the side, and stuffed it into the man's mouth vigorously, preventing him from talking and preventing him from committing suicide.

The people around stood still, and the big clock squatted beside the man, looking at the man, he thought for a moment, then touched it from the man's hand, and soon, a mobile phone was pulled out, He turned on the phone and glanced at the person next to him. He turned over the screen of the phone and looked at the call log carefully. There was only one call log. The big clock got up and turned the call log. There was only one number on it. Da Zhong looked at the number, thought for a moment, pressed the speaker, and dialed the number. Soon, a voice came from the phone, "Qiu Yu, what's wrong?"

The voice was familiar to everyone present, and the cripple frowned slightly. He walked slowly to the side of the big clock, and picked up his mobile phone, "Speak, what's the matter, why don't you speak?"

The cripple nodded, and smiled at the phone, "Butcher, have I told you, that cripple is mine."

After finishing speaking, the cripple hung up the phone directly. He glanced at the people on the ground and smiled, "Now you don't have any need to exist." After finishing speaking, he took out a bag from his pocket. Picking up the dagger, he walked up to the man on the ground. The man lost all his aura just now. Obviously, the crippled and the others knew who was behind the scenes. He shook his head vigorously, crazily, and the crippled had already reached his side. The disabled squatted down at this time, he looked at the person lying on the ground, and smiled at him, "I gave you a chance, you don't need it, now you don't have a chance."

The disabled pulled the rag from his mouth, "Okay, what do you want to say, you can say it now, I will give you a chance, I will give you time."

"Don't kill me, I know you want to know where Wang Lung is, I know where he is, let me go, I'll tell you."

When the man said this suddenly, the people around were stunned, and all eyes were on him.

"You have to promise me, let me go, give me a sum of money, and escort me to a safe place. This time the incident has been exposed, and the butcher will not forgive me after returning the ball. I am dead. You promise me, I will tell you where Wang Lung has gone."

When the cripple heard this, he smiled, "Okay, tell us where Wang Long has gone, and we will let you go and give you money."

"I have to get the money first, and I will tell you when I get to a safe place, otherwise I won't say it."

"Then you don't need to talk about it." The disabled raised his dagger, and was about to stab the man's neck. "Wait, wait!"

Qiu Yu suddenly yelled, "I said, I said, you must keep your word. The butcher is now reorganizing the city that never sleeps. I am his old subordinate and I can gain his trust, so I know many things. There are many other things that I do by myself.”

"You have no other choice now, you can just say it, say what you want to say, tell what you know, I will pay according to the value, I will cripple this person, every spit and nail, what you say is true, Say what you know."

"Wang Long, Wang Long went to Q city to avenge Ling Yang. There is a big gang in Q city called Hei Fu. The boss of Hei Ax is Sheng Tian. He has a daughter named Sheng Xuelan. It was the butcher who imprisoned Sheng Xuelan. And Sheng Xuelan's subordinates asked Sheng Xuelan's people to kill Wang Long, so that he could take the opportunity to get rid of Heihu and Wang Long, killing two birds with one stone. Later, Sheng Xuelan's people didn't kill Wang Long, but Ling Yang He was also rescued by the sudden appearance of a big man. The butcher's plan failed, but some time ago, he heard that Wang Long gave up the sea of ​​blood, gave up everything, and wanted to avenge Ling Yang, so he made a plan from the middle. He wanted to use Sheng Tian's hand to get rid of Wang Long, so after Wang Long made a move, the butcher had already contacted Sheng Tian and dug a big hole there, waiting for Wang Long and the others to jump into it , Later, I don’t know what happened next, what happened to Heihu today is that the butcher asked me to find a way to kill Heihu, that’s it, we followed all the way here, I waited for a long time at the side.”

Disabled looked at this man named Qiu Yu, and suddenly laughed, "Why didn't you say it just now, you have to wait until now."

"Just now I was just trying to show my loyalty, but now everything is clear and you have discovered it. My death is no longer necessary. No one is not afraid of death. I still have a wife and children. I also want better things." I have told you everything I know, please let me go and fulfill your promise."

"Who is the butcher?" The expression on Chen Xinyi's face changed immediately, with a look of anger "Who is the butcher!" She yelled, her whole body was very, very excited, "Q City, Sheng Tian , Black Axe, save people.”

"Be quiet, don't worry, I have everything to do, be good, be quiet, there is no use in worrying, you know?"

The cripple stood up, he looked at Guan Zhimin on the side, "give him enough money, let him go, the farther the better"

When Guan Zhimin heard this, he frowned, "Are you really going to let him go?"

"I said it, I keep my word." The cripple turned his head, with an angry expression on his face, "Go, do as I say."

When he was talking about this, the disabled looked at the big clock on the side, "You protect my eldest niece, I will deal with the butcher's matter, the matter over there is settled, I will come back to you, okay, then we will go together Save Wanglong, take everyone in Blood Sea with you, it’s not enough to go, I don’t have many people here, I know you are still concerned about Heihu’s safety, don’t worry, I will take care of everything that needs to be dealt with of"

The cripple's face was gloomy and frightening. In fact, in his mind, he still looked down on the butcher, and he and the butcher had clearly said that he was going to cover up Heihu and Wanglong. If the butcher dared to do this, it had nothing to do with the cripple. How deep the relationship with Heihu Wanglong is more a matter of face.

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