we are brothers

【2223】rushed over

"What? Are they crazy? Even Taotao and the others will not let them go. Do they still have humanity? Are they crazy?"

Hu Hailong's expression was very angry, "I will definitely make all of them pay the price. I was careless this time. I didn't expect this group of people to dare to do this. I should have thought of it at the beginning. They all found our family. The property under my name is gone, how can I not find my wife and children, all blame me, a moment of negligence!" Hu Hailong's expression is very depressed, "But now that the matter has happened, there is no other solution, we can't do it to them first , that black tiger is crazy, he wants nothing but Wang Long, he is a useless person, and he can do anything, if you want to ensure the safety of Sheng Tian and Hu Tao, you have to change people first."

"But don't worry, I have arranged everything. Even if they change people, none of them will be able to escape. If I let them escape from this Q city, it will be my fucking waste. When I do this Years of living in vain! I must make them pay the price!"

"But I want Wang Long to die, I want to play with him alive." Sheng Xuelan's eyes widened, "I don't want to return him, and Wang Long must die. If he doesn't die, I will die sooner or later. Many people, can you kill all of them without leaving any behind? What I did to Wang Long, if he is saved, he will definitely not let me go in the future, I want him to die."

"What about your father, what about Hu Tao?" Hu Hailong looked at Sheng Xuelan, "Have you considered them?"

Sheng Xuelan suddenly fell silent, she covered her head, "I don't know what to do, in fact, my heart is very chaotic, very chaotic, I am carrying the whole black ax now, I must not be chaotic, but what should I do What to do, what to do! I don't want to pretend anymore, I'm really tired of pretending!" Sheng Xuelan's eye circles suddenly turned red...

Tengyi Hotel in Q City, Heihu and Dazhong Xietian were sitting in the room, the Red Army opened the door and came in from the outside at this time, "Godfather, as you expected, Sheng Xuelan and Hu Hailong met, and then q A cafe in the city."

Heihu raised his head, glanced at the big clock and Xie Tian next to him, and then at the Red Army. Soon, these people all stood up.

Going back to the other side, at the entrance of this small cafe, Sheng Xuelan went downstairs by herself. She was still wearing a big hat, and Wang Peng appeared beside her. Soon, Wang Peng opened the car door, and Sheng Xuelan got into the car. A Mercedes-Benz car drove slowly, and after the Mercedes-Benz car drove for about a few minutes, Wang Peng frowned, "It seems that someone has followed."

Sheng Xuelan heard, "Can they catch up like this? When we came out just now, there were so many people and so many cars."

"Hurry up," Wang Peng nodded, "It's better to believe it or not!" After finishing speaking, Wang Peng took out his phone and started making calls. Sheng Xuelan sat in the car without saying a word , she took a deep breath, and slowly closed her eyes. Only she knew in her heart that she really couldn't stand this kind of life any longer, and she would be terrified when she went out. He knew that his father was sitting How difficult it is to be in this position, but there is no other way now, she must bear it, and she must persist, the black ax is carried on the shoulder of a girl like her.

"Be careful of the cars on both sides of the surrounding area, don't cross the big intersection, try to take the side road!" Wang Peng commanded and made a phone call, mobilizing the people around to come for reinforcements, and the Mercedes-Benz drove for less than 1 minute. At that time, on the opposite side of the Mercedes-Benz, a large truck ran into the Mercedes-Benz at a very, very fast speed.

"Be careful!" The Mercedes-Benz has been prepared for a long time. The Mercedes-Benz made a U-turn and accelerated, throwing the large truck behind it out. At the same time, the Mercedes-Benz accelerated again and stepped on the accelerator. He rushed out, just dodging a large truck, a large truck rushed out from the side, and accelerated towards the Mercedes-Benz, "Get over!"

Wang Peng let out a loud roar, followed by the "buzz" of the Mercedes-Benz, and slammed into one side of the guardrail, rubbed against the body of the big truck, and rushed out. An Audi sedan on the opposite side also rushed up, and a Mercedes-Benz Accelerating, the Audi car hit the back of the Mercedes-Benz, and there was a "bang", the rear of the Mercedes-Benz hit the guardrail on one side, and then the big truck rushed up again, and the Mercedes-Benz accelerated. He rushed out suddenly, but this time, another large truck rushed up from the opposite side, and the Mercedes-Benz had no place to hide. Wang Peng looked at the green belt on the side of the road and yelled, "Rush up!" Hurry up!" I saw the "buzzing" sound of the Mercedes-Benz accelerator, followed by the Mercedes-Benz rushed out.

The Mercedes-Benz directly smashed through the guardrail on one side of the road, and then buzzed into the isolation green belt on the side, followed by the Mercedes-Benz with a sharp acceleration, rushed forward, and rode over the green belt. After driving on the sidewalk, the gas pedal of the Mercedes-Benz was buzzing non-stop. After a moment, the Mercedes-Benz broke through the green belt on one side and rushed onto the right road again. Just as the Mercedes-Benz rushed to the main road When we were on the road, the big truck on the side chased up again with a "boom", and hit the Mercedes-Benz's co-pilot's position, and the Mercedes-Benz was knocked over to the other side.

In an instant, two large trucks, connected to an Audi car, got off seven or eight people, all with weapons in their hands and masks, and rushed towards the Mercedes-Benz, and a group of people ran to the side of the Mercedes-Benz , slammed the car door, but didn’t open it. The person in the lead looked very anxious, pulled it twice in a row and didn’t open it. With a gun in his hand, he pointed at the glass of the Mercedes-Benz, “Boom, boom, boom, boom” Then they started shooting, and a group of people around them started shooting, everyone saw Sheng Xuelan, Sheng Xuelan's body was nestled there, and through the glass, they could also see the group of vicious gangsters outside, all kinds of gunshots.

Wang Peng put his arms around Sheng Xuelan in his arms, when he heard people outside yelling and shooting, he wanted to smash the door of the Mercedes Benz here like crazy, at this moment, several people around looked at each other , the Mercedes-Benz is bulletproof, it can’t be opened, there is no way, the group of people all ran to the side of the big truck, and soon, they all got into the truck and the Audi sedan, and each car started up again in an instant, Sheng Xuelan quickly looked at it. After a glance, it was obvious that this group of people was about to drive upwards, and the driver in the driving seat had already fainted with blood on his face. She moved her body and wanted to open the door suddenly, but the Mercedes-Benz The car turned over, and she couldn't move at all. At this moment, the big truck was already "buzzing" towards him.

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