we are brothers

【2235】Sneak attack on ax lion

Fuhu and Fubao frowned, "Heihu, do you know what this place is, and what are you doing?"

"I'm not going to answer with you, just ask Sheng Xuelan to come out." Heihu said with a smile, "You and I are not equal, and what you say doesn't count. In addition, you two had better restrain your temper, otherwise, Next year, today will be the death day of Ax Lion!"

"How dare you!" Ax Hu became anxious at once, "You release Ax Lion immediately, otherwise, I will beat you!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a large number of people appearing behind him. At the same time, Hei Hu All the people here also got out of the car, together with Huang Junxian and Li Anhui, the two of them also showed up with a large number of people.

Fu Hu turned his head and glanced at Li Jie and Huang Junxian who were on the other side, "You two eat trash from inside and outside, I really regret that I didn't get rid of you earlier, now I give you a chance, right?"

"Axe, don't do this to me!" Li explained and pointed at him, "There are a lot of unsettled debts between us, and it's time to settle everything that needs to be settled!"

Ax Leopard looked around, "Heihu, you're going to make a big fuss today, right? Hehe, I hope you have a steelyard in your heart and can bear the consequences!"

"Call Sheng Xuelan!" Heihu's voice was not loud, "I said before, I am not equal to you, you call Sheng Xuelan!"

"Hei Hu, do you really think we are stupid?" Ax Hu laughed at Hei Hu, "We have calculated everything before we came. Sheng Xuelan won't show up for today's matter. You want to make our young lady Draw it out, right? Those people didn't show up when Sheng Tian was arrested, they hid halfway, and waited to deal with our eldest lady? Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm going to let you make a mistake today!" Fuhu said bluntly This layer of paper was pierced, "It's not true that you are catching the ax and lion, but it is true that you want to lure our eldest lady out!"

When Heihu heard this, the expression on his face changed, but he quickly adjusted, and secretly sighed in his heart, this Black Axe is indeed not an easy character to deal with, this time, Sheng Xuelan is clearly unable to attract him, then this It is tantamount to destroying their plan. The original plan was that they would create chaos from the lion axe, catch the lion axe, draw Sheng Xuelan out, and let the disabled catch Sheng Xuelan halfway. If both Sheng Xuelan and Sheng Tian were arrested, the king The dragon will definitely be released, but now the intention of Heihu and the others is clearly seen on the opposite side. Fuhu and Fubao came, but Sheng Xuelan did not show up.

"Whatever you want to say." Hei Hu naturally couldn't admit his thoughts, "Now I just want to tell you, do you think you guys can take the lion away from here?" Hei Hu laughed.

"Of course it's not just a few of them." At this time, a slender woman appeared. The woman was wearing a veil, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but she could vaguely see a snake's head from her neck.

The woman "giggled" and appeared behind Fuhu and the others, "If you don't hand over the ax lion today, you won't be able to leave no matter what. You still don't understand the power of the black axe. Today I can give you as much as you want." show"

The woman giggled again, and at this moment, she saw dense crowds of people all around, the entire community, all dressed in black, with an ax logo on the chest, This large group of people formed a circle, and directly wrapped Heihu and his party in the middle. This group of people was very imposing, and everyone was carrying a baseball bat in their hands. The number almost caught up with the number of Heihu and the others, this time, not counting the other groups of people that Axhu and his group stretched out their hands, these people surrounded Heihu and the others here.

Ax Snake giggled, "Hei Hu, you know, I saw your plan at the earliest, if you really wanted to catch the Ax Lion, you wouldn't send out so many people and make such a noise." Great, but when you did this, it was obvious that you didn't want to arrest people, but more, you wanted to lure snakes out of their holes. You have brought out all your superficial strength, but how did you get Sheng Tian arrested in the first place? There are also a group of people who are hiding, who are very powerful and have not shown their faces, hehe, you think we are all fools, you can't attract Sheng Xuelan, now let's see how to get you out of yourselves."

Ax and Snake turned around in a circle, looking like a monster, "We brought so many people here today, but we didn't intend to let you go. There will be no police coming tonight. We have sealed off the surrounding area. Heihu, you can't leave tonight."

Speaking of this, Axe glanced at Li Anhui and Huang Junxian over there again, and his expression suddenly became abnormally fierce, "You two eat trash from inside and outside, I will cut you two alive, really, Trust me, giggling."

Only then did Heihu look up and down at this seductive woman, and suddenly he laughed, "I'm really confused. I didn't figure it out until today. There has been a lot of trouble in this lion, tiger, leopard, and snake. It's the thugs outside the scene, the real brains, it turns out to be this snake and scorpion who rarely show up, why doesn't he show up?"

Heihu smiled and said, "A woman can see things so accurately, I really admire, admire." Heihu clasped his fists and smiled at the ax snake, "The question is, are you sure you can keep us all here?"

"You have to try it to know." Axe smiled and looked at Heihu, then she took a step back and looked at the people around her, "Today is the time to end everything, none of you can run out."

Ax Snake pointed at Heihu and his party with a "cluck" and followed, her entire voice changed, appearing a little distorted, and what was more, she was angry, "Kill me!!!" As soon as her voice fell , I saw Ax Hu and Ax Leopard, one of them had a knife in his hand, and rushed towards Heihu, Ax Hu and Ax Leopard rushed to the front, and the two rushed , Almost everyone around moved, "Brothers, go!" Then a large number of people rushed up with sticks in their hands, and the people on both sides fought together in an instant. Xie Tian and Da Zhong fought against Fu Hu After rushing together, the other and Ax Leopard greeted each other, and Li Jie and Huang Junxian also joined the battle with the people behind them.

In this neighborhood, between the two buildings, the sound of killing suddenly resounded through the night sky, all kinds of knives, guns and sticks were greeted, it was chaotic, completely chaotic, the Red Army had already run down from the upstairs at this time, he rushed When he got to the side of Heihu, he was protecting Heihu sitting in the wheelchair. Beside him was Axe Lion. Guan Zhimin held a dagger in his hand and pressed it on Axe Lion's neck. Opened Guan Zhimin, Ax Lion and Black Tiger.

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