we are brothers

2273 Long Memory

"There is also the appearance of Wan Qi here. Wan Qi disappeared for a long time and didn't know what to do, but suddenly appeared." Xi Nian smiled at Wang Long. Many strange faces appeared. There was that mysterious man at Lu Feng's side. No one had seen what he looked like. I saw him once. He was a big and strong man. I caught him, but he ran away. I haven't investigated the person's identity information yet."

"There is also one at the butcher's side. I have already found out the identity of the person who appeared at the butcher's side. He is still a wanted criminal named Li Hui. After looking at his information, you should know each other. He was not alone when he came. People came, four people came, and the remaining three people, we have already found out through investigation, all of them are his former inmates, after being released from prison, I don’t know why and how they got in touch, and got mixed up with him again, Those three people are all serious criminals, they were just released after serving their sentence, all three of them have had their sentence commuted, and they have had people take care of them from the middle, and now it seems that they should be Li Hui or the butcher."

"Heihu also has other people joining, but the leader is Wan Qi. Wan Qi has brought another group of people from somewhere. Wan Qi has a large number of people, which is not easy. The Red Army Also recruited a group of people, follow the example of the butcher, the group of people he recruited were all hired with money, similar to the meaning of mercenaries, this has been confirmed."

"These three groups of people have come down like this, and the most powerful one has become a black tiger. These days, OP City has been turned upside down by these people. All three of them are fighting for this city that never sleeps. They have gone too far. Now the police have I have been focusing on them. The butcher is the pair of male and female thieves, a protruding man and a rose. These two people are now on the blacklist of the police. As for that black charcoal, the police have already started to deal with him Well, he still doesn't know where to hide it now. Lu Feng's side Mo Wentian is considered the quietest, but the demons of heaven and earth have also been blacklisted. On Heihu's side, the big clock, thank God, People from the Red Army also came in. Wang Long, Gong Mingtang doesn’t know what it means now, they are all suppressed. They are all under the strict control of the police, as long as Gong Mingtang says who to attack, that one will be sure, and there is plenty of evidence, but now that Gong Mingtang is suppressing me, I don't understand what it means. It's getting more and more unclear, it's dangerous anyway, but yes, if these people are to be dealt with, the entire op city will be shaken, this group of desperadoes, if they are dealt with, they have to be dealt with at once, all at once. No matter how many police forces are called, there must be no leaks, if they run away, or are dying, it will be troublesome."

Wang Long took a deep breath, "Forget about the police, Gong Mingtang, an old man, must have his own plans. Now the three of them are fighting for this city that never sleeps. What is the result of the fight?"

"The current situation is that the butcher is still occupying the turbulent city, Zhao Chao's power is even more flaming, and Xicheng is also under his control, because there is also a rock bar owner, this owner is Qiang Wu, who almost killed me back then. Well, this grandson is back again, but he is quite honest. Heihu started his business by relying on Dongcheng, but the group of people he brought in later are very effective. He is now firmly in control of Dongcheng, Nancheng, Beicheng, that is, The one with the least power is Lu Feng. Lu Feng's people are all gathered in Beicheng, but Lu Feng usually stays with the butcher in Fenghuo Liancheng, but with very few people. The city that never sleeps has been divided up, and Op City has become a slaughterhouse."

Xi Niannai laughed, "The most chaotic time was when Heihu and the others just came back. Before that, Lu Feng and the butcher were fighting like hell. Lu Feng gathered a lot of people. First, the momentum was fierce. The butcher is about to be killed, but the pair of male and female thieves under the butcher's account are really capable, and the black charcoal who slaughtered half a street in the city that never sleeps by himself is still on the police wanted list. The Li Hui who appeared later, this group of people almost helped the butcher reverse his disadvantage."

"All kinds of assassinations, all kinds of sneak attacks, in the dark, before Heihu and the others came back, the two groups of people, the butcher and Lu Feng, started to ambush each other crazily, all kinds of shootings, riots, waiting for Heihu to come back, That's even more chaotic, from the original two groups of people to the current three groups of people, assassinating each other, ambushing each other, and then each recruiting troops, there are people everywhere, but I think the meaning of the above should be a little careless That is to say, the whole city that never sleeps has become an abandoned place. Now that area of ​​the city that never sleeps has been drawn out by the people above. I didn’t say how to sort it out, it can’t be like this forever.”

"When Heihu first joined, those backhands did not miss out, they kept showing weakness, and the situation was the worst, but after he got involved, he first helped the butcher beat Lu Feng, and now the two gangs gave Lu Feng After a good fight, who knew that he was hitting Lu Feng, the butcher attacked Heihu again. Heihu was already prepared, but Heihu turned around and beat the butcher hard enough, that is, At that time, the people brought by Wan Qi and the people hired by the Red Army did not know where they joined the battle. This almost eliminated the butcher, but at the critical moment, Lu Feng helped the butcher. Fortunately, he helped Butcher, if he doesn't help the butcher, then the butcher will probably be killed by the black tiger in one go. Lu Feng's group of butchers, and these two groups of people have really seen the power of the black tiger. The black tiger is getting stronger and stronger. In the city that never sleeps, it is becoming more and more popular, and the Red Army's money manipulation has played a lot, so the confrontation between the three groups has formed."[

"Now that Lu Feng and the butcher are together, they can fight with Heihu alone, and no one can do it with Heihu. Then together, it is not so easy for Heihu to eat them, so it is a mess now. Yes, I can't tell what's going on, the three groups of people have been confronting each other for a long time, but I think if this continues, the black tiger can kill both Lu Feng and the butcher, because the black tiger can eat two of them at once. After the first city, this time his memory obviously grew, and he was not in a hurry to expand. In the two cities under his control, he developed with peace of mind and stability, and slowly put his own people in. I think he is just waiting The two cities are completely under control, and then they will attack again. The butcher and Lu Feng have two minds after all. Although the butcher didn't kill Lu Chaoba at the beginning, the butcher killed Leng Hongyin. Impossible, this black tiger is scheming, if this goes on, I don't think it will take long for the black tiger to eat up both groups of them."

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