we are brothers

【2309】normal seniority

There was a sound of "Boom!", followed by a "snap". Xi Nian went up and kicked Lu Feng. Nian took two steps back from the fight, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Xi Nian took a step forward at this time, and took out the gun in his hand. He held the gun and aimed it at Lu Feng, with an expression of Very vicious, "You idiot, don't do this to me, you know? I was frightened and grew up, if you dare to say a word like that to me, I will blow your head off, look at me Don’t dare, come on, say a word”

Xi Nian laughed at this time, he looked at Lu Feng opposite, "Come on, come on, say one more word, let me hear it."

Lu Feng looked at Xi Nian and wiped the corners of his mouth. After a while, he took a deep breath and smiled at Xi Nian, followed by "grass, mud, horse" in one word, and he put his His forehead touched the muzzle of Xi Nian's gun, "Come on, shoot!"

Wang Long pulled Xi Nian's hand almost subconsciously, and the butcher on the side also pulled Lu Feng violently, that is to say, Wang Long and the butcher moved fast, almost instantaneously, "Boom!" It was a gunshot.

Blood flowed out from Lu Feng's side forehead, which was cut by a bullet. Immediately afterwards, the outside gate was kicked open with a bang, and a large number of fierce horses rushed in. The first ones were the Sky Demon and the Earth Demon, and after they came in, they surrounded Xi Nian and his party, "Brother, what's the matter!" Someone yelled at Lu Feng.

"Grass mud horse, do you love him, so and so, kill them today!" Another voice from the side yelled, at this moment Xi Nian suddenly turned her head, looked at the person behind who was yelling, and pointed her gun at the same time After leaving him, at the same time, several people who followed Wang Long and the others also took out their guns, "The police are handling the case, fuck me, let me lean aside!"

"The police are amazing! You fucking say you will handle the case! Fuck, I won't listen to you!" The people around shouted, in a mess, the butcher stretched out his hand at this time, and there were many people around. Soon it will be quiet.

The butcher wiped the blood from Lu Feng's forehead, then smiled at Xi Nian, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number, "Hey, 110, I'm going to call the police. I'm going to sue him."

At this time, Wang Long walked up to the butcher. He grabbed the butcher's mobile phone and hung up the phone for the butcher. "Okay, our agreement has come into force. See you in a week." Beside her, Yila Xi said, "Let's go."

Xi Nian looked at Lu Feng and the butcher, not talking, Wang Long dragged Xi Nian away, and said calmly, "If I saw my brother and they lost a hair, I would want your whole family to be buried with them. Really, if you don’t believe me, try it.”

There were still many people standing in front of Xi Nian and the others, blocking their way, Xi Nian took out the electric baton in her hand, looked at a man in front of her, and grabbed his hand On the neck, there was a sound of "Zi la~" when it went up, and the person was shocked at once, followed by the sounds of "Zi la~ Zi la~" all around, and in an instant, the surrounding group The little gangsters became angry at once, butcher and Lu Feng yelled at this moment, "Get out of the way!"

Soon, the people around all moved away, Xi Nian and Wang Long and his party just left Fenghuo Liancheng, and the group returned to the police car. Wang Long sat in the car, frowning, "Something went wrong."

"What's wrong?" Xi Nian turned around, "Fuck, this Lu Feng, I'm going to kill him!"

"That's not the problem now. Wang Ci should not have been caught by them, but before Xie Tian's accident, we were on the phone. Xie Tian and Wang Ci had already met at that time. They were together even with Gu Xiandong, but Now Xie Tian is caught by Lu Feng and the others, but Wang Ci has gone somewhere, this matter is difficult."

"That's right, I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me." Xi Nian's expression also became serious, he thought about what Wang Long said, and soon, the two of them looked at each other, and after a while, "Heihu!" Words, the two spoke in unison.

"It must be Heihu." Wang Long narrowed his eyes, "I asked Xie Tian when Xie Tian took Wang Ci and the others away, and Xie Tian said it was safe, no problem, but no news, no news, now it's obvious Lu Feng and the others don't know the existence of Wang Ci, Wang Ci, Wang Ci must be made by Heihu." While thinking, Wang Long took out his mobile phone and called Heihu.

Soon, the phone got through, "Hehe, are you here to find your sister?" Hei Hu was straightforward and straightforward, "That's good, you come here alone, it's still the same place, the place where our dream started, I'll wait for you." You, remember, come by yourself."

Wang Long put down the phone, he glanced at Xi Nian on the side, he took a deep breath, "As we thought, the black tiger controlled Wang Ci."

"I want to know how Heihu controls Wang Ci. Isn't Xie Tian with Wang Ci? How can you say that if you control it, you can control it!"

"I'm going to save my sister, Heihu let me go by myself." Wang Long's voice was not loud, "I can go by myself."

Xi Nian heard from the side, "Are you crazy? Heihu is asking you to die. Do you think he is a fool? He can do everything now. You are the biggest confidant. He must want to I want your life, don't go, if you go, you will die."

Wang Long smiled at Xi Nian, "Then what should I do if I don't go? If I don't go, my sister will die. The person Heihu wants is me."

"If you go, not only your life will be lost, but the lives of Dazhong and the others will also be lost. If you are not here, Heihu will definitely not care about the safety of the two of them. Do you believe that?" I."

"I know, I won't go to die." Wang Long smiled, "It's already at this time, they have forced me so that there is no way to go, remember what I just told you?"

Xi Nian frowned slightly, "You said your uncle, who is your uncle, why did you tell me, do I know him?"

"My uncle's name is Liu Zhendong. He raised me and brought me up from a young age. My father used to be brothers with them. Then, they were brothers, and one of them was one of them." When he said this, Wang Long Looking up at Xi Nian, he paused, "The name is Wang Yue, they call him Liu'er, and the jade pendant on my body was given to me by him back then. According to normal seniority, I should call him Uncle, Wang Yue." Yue, that is, your father."

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