we are brothers

【2338】USB recording

Qiang Wu smiled, he shook his head helplessly, he didn't speak, Wang Yue took Wang Long and two people to leave, after leaving the small bar, the two sat on the car, Wang Yue's expression looked a little unnatural" Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing." Wang Yue shook his head again, "I just remembered a lot of things from the past. You have to know that when I was young, this strong five is in my heart, and that is an insurmountable peak. When you Look at the present, in the past arresting wives and children and threatening others were his best tricks. Now he has experienced it himself. Also, you can’t escape, just like me.”

"Uncle, I want to hear your most sincere thoughts." Wang Long looked at Wang Yue, "I want to save three people and kill two people, so."

"I don't want to kill people, if I can." Wang Yue interrupted Wang Long, "Qiang Wu is an old Jianghu, you have told me so much, I understand him, do you know why he stays here and does not leave? That is the simplest reason It's just that he can't leave, why didn't he leave, Lu Feng should play a very important role here, Qiang Wuxin is proud and arrogant, and will not be easily subordinated to anyone, as you can see, although he is old now, But just now, if I dared to touch him for the third time, he would definitely shoot me. If you grab his wife and children, don’t expect him to do whatever you want. It's not good for any of us, he can give up his wife and children, and his own life, and then by the way." When Wang Yue said this, he paused, "Take you, trust me, I know him very well, He used to be an all-powerful leader, even if he is lonely, his foundation is still there."

"I'm actually not suitable to walk this Jianghu road, I'm soft-hearted." Wang Yue smiled and smoked a cigarette, "I have done many immoral things, but compared to conspiracy and tricks, I am not as good as Qiangwu, even if It's cruel, not as good as Sun Dong, or even you. The biggest reason why I can get to where I am today is that I, Wang Yue, never do anything to be sorry for my brother. As long as he is my brother, Wang Yue can Entering Wang Yue's circle, if you want my life, I will give it to you, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter."

"I'm not here today because of how powerful I am. When I was young, there was a hero named Xu Tiansheng. He is the most powerful strategist I have ever seen in my life. Like your current butcher, Black Tiger, and him Not at the same level, really, that would be him taking care of me, brothers supporting me, I can live to this day, and I am lucky, if not, let me really come up to be the big brother and fight with others, I'm not their opponent, and I'm getting older now, so I really don't have that many ideas. To put it bluntly, I, Wang Yue, have a little background now, and that background can't be used indiscriminately."

"You don't understand a lot of things above. In fact, what I want to do most now is revenge, my own revenge. As for us, if we can solve it peacefully, we won't do it. I don't want to force people into On the road to a dead end, Wang Long, remember what I said, if you don’t have the ability to kill him in one shot, don’t force him to the road to a dead end. People are forced out, and those who are forced to be impatient will do everything. Come out, so I will not force them now, and you have told me everything about you."

"That Jin Xiuzhong, that thank God, are very good children. I will help you save them. This is my greatest limit. You ask me to help you kill people. I won't do it. Killing people means killing people." , I'm tired of this kind of life, so I don't want to argue with any of them, they can give me face, I, Wang Yue, will never force them, but I have my principles, if they refuse to let the person I want, Then I will kill them all at once. In fact, in the current situation in OP City, our situation is very delicate. There should be no one who will provoke us if there is a three-way fight. Save them and take you out of this circle, if you are unwilling, I will not help you a second time."

"The road to rivers and lakes has no end. I have already passed the time when I was young and energetic. My thoughts are all on Song Yang now. The butcher will never give Song Yang to me easily, so I can only outsmart him. I In OP City, saving your sister and two brothers is one thing, killing Song Yang is another. After these two things are done, I will leave no matter what. I don’t want those children to be with them Let me take the risk together, I like that group of children, including you, the same, listen to uncle, forget it, just like Ling Yang's meeting back then, if you don't avenge Ling Yang, think about your own problems, Then you won't lose more lives, are you right? Don't blame others, remember my words, this is the understanding of my whole life."

"No matter what problems you encounter in life, first review yourself, because you can't control others, so you can only change yourself. The root of this matter, in my opinion, is your fault, because you raped Sheng Xuelan back then, no matter what she did , you can beat her, scold her, or even kill her, but it is wrong to rape her. I, Wang Yue, have never done anything like yours in my whole life. You have to be responsible for your own actions. Instead of blindly evading responsibility, you always attribute the responsibility to others, be it Heihu or Shengtian, but you never think about yourself. If you didn't have sex with Sheng Xuelan back then, would she have treated her like this? You, when he killed you, if Ling Yang had already died for you, and you calmed down and didn't take your brothers to continue revenge, would more people die later? You might say that the butcher threatened Sheng Xuelan, But think about why the butcher wants to deal with you? Many things can’t come to fruition, just like your endless revenge will not have any results. At least you still have the big clock now, and thank God, if you Revenge, even they are gone, what do you do?"

"You are also taking revenge." Wang Long said calmly from the side, "I can't listen to your words, Uncle, there are some things that I must do."

Wang Yue was stunned. He turned his head to look at Wang Long beside him. From Wang Long's eyes, he seemed to see a trace of familiarity. He shook his head helplessly, "I really hope that one day you can understand these things. , that’s all I can do for you.”

"Anyway, I'm still grateful to you, nothing but gratitude." Wang Long's expression was calm and determined.

Wang Yue shook his head and took out a small USB flash drive from his pocket. Wang Long took out a small laptop from the front and handed the computer to Wang Yue. After Wang Yue plugged in the USB flash drive, a recording It played out.

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