we are brothers

【2340】I don't understand either

The boys around were panicked all of a sudden, and they all took out their guns at once, and they all backed away. Everyone looked up at the buildings on the top of the surrounding buildings. At this moment, they heard "Boom, Boom, boom, boom" was heard, and three figures rushed out of the three alleys near the main entrance of Mansion No. Wearing a helmet, he started shooting wildly at the crowd, walking forward while shooting.

The sniper rifle on the top of the building did not slack off in the slightest, "Boom, boom, boom, boom". Anyone who leaked his body would be shot. If you are shot, the whole person outside will be killed directly. The sniper rifle above supports the people charging below, and the cooperation is very, very skillful. The firepower of these people directly suppresses the group of people on the opposite side. People kept falling down, and the whole scene was almost one-sided, especially the three people who were facing the front, they were almost killed by guns and guns, headshots, how crazy and crazy, everyone around looked stupid up.

Feifei also poked his head out at this time. He watched the crazy attack outside, and the expression on his face changed. , bang, bang, bang" gunshot, this gunshot sound came from behind Li Li's group of people, it took almost less than a minute before and after, this crazy firepower suppressed, and all kinds of wailing sounds around , Six or seven people have already completely lost their breath.

In an instant, the group of people at the door only had Li Li and a few horse boys left. The three of them raised their hands and retreated from the inside. The man inside also slowly appeared in sight. In addition, The three people in motorcycle suits outside were still looking around cautiously. When the person on the inside appeared, Wang Long subconsciously said, "Peng Huajie!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Peng Huajie's muzzle had already reached Li Li's head. He didn't put on the slightest pretense. There was a "bang" gunshot, and Li Li's head was blown away without any hesitation. It's been a long time, not far away, two Mercedes-Benz cars are driving towards this side crazily, before they arrive here, they hear the sound of sniper rifles upstairs, "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" A few shots in a row. First, one car rolled over and hit the utility pole on one side with a "boom", and it fell directly to the ground. The other car made a more direct "boom" sound. sound of explosion.

The momentary kung fu of the two cars was completely wiped out by the snipers above, and blood was everywhere around them. Soon, the three men on motorcycles ran back to the alley, waiting for them to come out of the alley , three people have become five, one of the motorcycles stopped in front of Peng Huajie, Peng Huajie jumped on the car, and the three motorcycles rushed out towards the dark alley on one side with a "buzz, buzz" , The speed is very, very fast. It took less than 2 minutes from the preparation of this group to the action of this group. Seven or eight people were killed, and several were injured. There was blood everywhere at the door of the No. [-] mansion.

Just after this group of people fled on motorcycles, Ah Shui's voice came from the earphones of Wang Yue and Wang Long's group, "The physical fitness of this group of people is very good, and they have definitely received professional training, not inferior to us. The two snipers did not use the stairs when they came down. They climbed directly from the top floor with ropes. It took less than ten seconds to get down from the seventh floor. The motorcycles were prepared by them in advance. The three of them They drove away in three different directions. This group of people is really powerful. I didn’t expect such a thing to exist.” Ah Shui’s voice was even a little excited, “I like this feeling, those two snipers are very powerful.”

"There should be a woman among them." Liu Meng said at this time, "No matter how well she pretends, I can still see that there must be a woman among them. I'm sure that this group of people is very powerful. I don't have any weapons." I have seen it, it has been modified."

"Sister Meng, you hide to the side, someone is coming to support, there are quite a few, five cars, fast enough." Ah Shui said quickly, "Brothers, withdraw, return to your position, Sister Meng, Just keep watching from over there."

"Their people's support is fast enough. The police have not arrived yet, they have already arrived." As soon as Wang Yue's words fell, he saw them diagonally ahead, and five or six cars drove over crazily, all of which braked suddenly. After that, more than a dozen people got off the car, and Wang Long recognized Chen Zhiqing and Mi Ge at a glance, "The two of them are the No. [-] of Happy Lin in name, but they are not the boss. Boss, even deeper."

I saw Chen Zhiqing and Brother Mi looking around after getting off the car, and the people around them dispersed all at once. Some people kept cleaning up the place, and the surrounding area was immediately under martial law, and they were also very cautious and orderly. Liu Meng A group of people were pushed outside, and the situation inside the circle was really unclear.

Sitting in the car, Wang Yue rolled the window open, he was smoking a cigarette, and looked at Wang Long with a smile, "I didn't see it, the style of this group of people is ruthless enough, it's so simple to kill a No. Prepare with both hands, the sniper rifle is not enough, the people in the ambush will go up, and there are those who are outflanking the rear. The cooperation is so good, so many people are dealt with in one or two minutes, and they are running away. The speed of these people's support is fast enough. They were a bit slow, and this group should know them quite well."

"They turned out to be from Happy Forest." Wang Long squinted his eyes. "If my guess is right, that group should be Peng Gang."

"They are all from Happy Forest, so why did they attack Happy Lin? Also, that Peng Huajie you mentioned just now? Do you know him?"

Wang Long nodded, "Happy Forest has the Blood Lion Team, the Blood Tiger Team, and the leader of the Blood Lion Team is Peng Huajie. They were all picked away by the Happy Forest people when they were very young, and then they went to act as killers." When he got here, he turned his head and looked at Feifei.

"Same as us?" Feifei smiled. "I can see that the methods are somewhat similar in many places. These people are not under our ability, but they are not necessarily better than us. You can fight."

"I didn't say what you mean." Wang Long looked at Wang Yue, "But they are all from Happy Forest, and I don't understand how they are now."

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