we are brothers


Wang Yue stood at the front of the team, and Wang Long and the others followed behind. It was still this row of gatekeepers, leading the people forward bit by bit, until they reached the first gatehouse at the very head. The location of the corner, the door face of the corner is here, it also belongs to an intersection, this is a restaurant, the scale is not bad, Wang Yue held the GPS in his hand, and then stopped at this door, he looked around the people around At this moment, from diagonally in front of them, five or six cars drove towards them, all big Mercedes-Benz cars.

Wang Yue turned his head and looked at the Mercedes-Benz car driving over there. He was the first to point his gun at the car over there. At the same time, all the people around raised their guns and rushed towards that car. The Mercedes-Benz that came over started shooting "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" and saw the bullet casings flying out of the submachine gun, and the Mercedes-Benz driving one by one. One was blown up immediately. With a loud explosion sound of "Boom!", the Mercedes-Benz flew into the air.

The remaining Mercedes-Benz quickly dodged around, and someone poked his head out and started shooting at Wang Yue and the others.

"One car per person!" Wang Yue's voice was not loud. After speaking, he turned around and rushed towards a Mercedes-Benz car diagonally ahead. Wang Long Dazhong Xie Tian followed behind Wang Yue, and rushed forward Seeing that the Mercedes-Benz over there started shooting "Boom, boom, boom, boom", the Mercedes-Benz stopped at the side of the road, and several people jumped out of the car. At the same time, the Mercedes-Benz "Boom!" "!"It exploded with a bang, and the people around were lying on the ground, rolling. The firepower of Wang Long and his party was very, very brutal, all of which were military equipment. Wang Long pointed his gun at the people who were rolling on the ground, "Boom, Boom, boom, boom" and started to shoot, while walking forward, while shooting, on the other side, Budweiser led a group of big men to behave the same as Wang Yue and the others.

That is to go straight with the micro-blade and shoot at the opposite side. The opposite side is full of pistols. How can it withstand the overwhelming military micro-blade on their side? Before the car stopped, the man in the driving position was hit by bullets After the head was pierced, the car hit a utility pole on one side with a "bang", rolled over, and the fuel tank began to leak oil.

Budweiser smiled, and deliberately shot at the fuel tank "Boom, boom, boom, boom", and then "Boom!", a violent explosion sounded, and at the same time, two other "boom, boom, boom, boom!" Boom!" There was the sound of explosions, and the violent impact of the car hitting the side guardrail. In an instant, three of the five cars that rushed over just now were already on fire, and the remaining two cars were on fire. One overturned, and the other crashed into the isolation belt on the side of the road!

It was late at night, and the dim lights on the side of the road, as well as the burning vehicles, shone on the side faces of Wang Yue's crippled thugs, which looked extraordinarily terrifying and ferocious. Soon, all the eyes of the group fell on Wang Yue again. Wang Yue had already put his own GPS in his pocket, he looked up and looked upstairs at the hotel, and suddenly, a pair of eyes met his.

Wang Yue smiled at him, and stretched out his middle finger. At this time, everyone's eyes were on the third floor of the hotel. On the third floor of the hotel, Song Yang had his hands in his pockets, and there was blood on his side face. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit. Just stood there, looking downstairs.

In an instant, Wang Yue raised his gun. At the same time, all the people around him raised their guns and said "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" to Song Yang upstairs. When he started to shoot, Song Yang took a step back, and the glass of the entire hotel was shattered in an instant. Budweiser and An Chen rushed to the edge of the hotel, turned the handle of the gun upside down, and aimed at the glass, "Boom! ", and then heard the sound of "click!" The sound of glass shattering, and then the two big men jumped in and rushed in. Soon, all the people behind rushed into the hotel.

I don’t know who turned on the headlights in the hotel. The entire hotel was brightly lit in an instant. After Wang Yue entered the hotel, he was not too anxious, because the GPS in his pocket was still there, and he was confident that he could catch it. Song Yang.

Soon, Wang Yue walked to the third floor, which is the top floor of the hotel. When he just walked to the lobby on the third floor, he saw a man standing in the innermost part of the lobby. The man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit. Playing with a heart-shaped photo frame the size of a palm, he is playing with the photo frame, his side face is covered with blood, his skin is pale, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, the whole person looks evil, still giving a very weird look It felt like he was sitting quietly on the stool.

There were people all around, with Wei Chong in their hands, Song Yang didn't have any expression of fear, and his expression was smiling, very ferocious.

Wang Yue shook his head at this time, he handed the gun in his hand to the cripple beside him, and walked towards Song Yang by himself, and soon, he sat beside Song Yang , the two looked at each other.

Wang Yue took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it himself, took a few puffs, and smiled at Song Yang, "Why don't you run away?"

"I'm tired of running. It's been so many years, and I don't want to run anymore." Song Yang's voice was not loud, and he played with the photo frame in his hand, "The problem should be here. I don't think it should be your doing, it should be Li. What Hui did was so ruthless, haha, it was so ruthless to put the chip here, I just looked at it carefully, and it is estimated that the chip can only be found after the whole thing is dismantled. I have no tools at hand."

"Then since you've figured out what the problem is, why don't you just throw this away, or ask Sheng Tian to take you away."

"How can I do that? This is my family, my own family, and it is absolutely impossible to lose it." Song Yang smiled, "Besides, I found out that it was really late at this time. You guys just found us from the cake shop. It was only when I came here from the cake shop that I discovered the problem, it was obviously too late at this time, it was just a single mistake and I lost everything, haha, give me a cigarette."

Wang Yue nodded, and threw Song Yang a cigarette. He suddenly felt a little emotional, "What's the matter, isn't Sheng Tian covering you?"

"He went back and was busy protecting himself, so he left me alone." Song Yang said with a smile, "He's waiting for you at home."

"I'll go find him, but now I have to talk about our problems. Are you tired after running for so many years? Why did you come to Q city? Did you come here to contact Sheng Tian? What's the matter, are you still thinking about how to plot against us?"

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