we are brothers

[245] Out of the basket

"The problem is more difficult." Da Zhong smiled, "The person inside is our brother Hua, the leader of the Shenlong cult."

"You called it wrong. It's the Evil Dragon Sect. You forgot how he reprimanded Dai Zhenbin. You're insulting his belief."

Da Zhong quickly patted his mouth, "That's right, it's the Evil Dragon Sect, it's my fault, I'll pay attention in the future."

Li Lei and Gao Yu immediately fell silent and stopped talking. For some reason, Wang Long and Da Zhong laughed, probably because they remembered the scene when Brother Hua reprimanded Dai Zhenbin in public.

Only Gong Zheng was normal, "This Du Hua is also a wonderful thing!"

Today is Yu Jiang's birthday. At noon, Yu Jiang's family members sat at home. His mother provided the meal with her own hands, and everyone in the family had enough to go to the restaurant. I like to eat food outside, and it is really good to eat some food at home.

Han Yaner, Han Feiya, Yu Jiang, and his parents were sitting at a table filled with sumptuous delicacies.

"Come on, let's raise a glass, happy birthday, brother"

"Happy birthday!" The whole family toasted together, and everyone was very happy.

Yu Jiang drank with a smile and chatted with his family members. A few minutes later, his cell phone rang. He took the phone and glanced at the message. I was beaten, and now I am hospitalized, it is very serious, when we arrived a little late, we caught one, chopped off that Amin, and the rest ran away."

Yu Jiang frowned slightly, feeling a little bad.

"Brother, what are you doing, today is your birthday, don't play with your phone, I'm waiting for you!"

Yu Jiang quickly raised his head and looked at his two beloved younger sisters, "Okay, okay, I will reply right away." Yu Jiang took his own phone, "Let the big guys rest, just wait for me." Then, Yu Jiang also toast.

In Yu Jiang's family, both parents are high-ranking officials, and it is rare for the whole family to get together, so drinking is extra fun. Both Han Feiya and Han Yan'er drink a little too much, and the two girls themselves don't have much alcohol .

Han Feiya is in a bad mood recently. After all, she is not a fool. When she contacted Gao Yu recently, Gao Yu was either busy or didn't answer the phone. She felt that Gao Yu was avoiding him again. Why do you say that to yourself again? He said that he likes his own. She has changed so much for him. Women, the more you drink, the more you talk. The more sad and unhappy you are, the more you drink.

On the other side, Han Yan'er was also in a bad mood. His whole heart was still full of Gong Zheng. She couldn't let him go, because Gong was her first man, and his mind was filled with the smile of Gong Zheng's every move. , although she has been a lot of debauchery now, she still hasn't slept with other men. She is still used to inquiring about Gong Zheng and Wang Long's group from time to time. More importantly, she still has to inquire Gao Yu's news, she doesn't know if Gao Yu's terminal illness is cured, if it is cured, it will not be in vain for her to withdraw from Gong Zheng's world, she knows that Gong Zheng and Ah Yao are cured, she has seen it several times in school, Every time she saw such a scene, she felt depressed and uncomfortable.

Their family lives in their own way, and they seldom get together, so they accidentally got together, and they talked too much. Both Han Feiya and Han Yaner drank a little too much, the sisters It's been a long time since I chatted, so the two of them lay down on the same bed after drinking.

Han Feiya picked up the cigarette conveniently, and just as she was holding the cigarette, Han Yan'er picked up one, which made Han Feiya a little surprised, "Yan'er, when did you start smoking?"

"I've been smoking it for a while, and it's pretty good. I like alcohol now, and I like the smell of cigarettes."

"You weren't like this before, why did you become like this? I told you several times and you didn't listen. Is smoking and drinking so good?"

"Do you remember that when I talked about you before, didn't you also listen to nothing?"

"My heart was broken, I was self-defeating, you shouldn't be like this."

"I'm also heartbroken, and I'm also drunk, but I'm not willing to degenerate. I won't sleep with a man casually. Don't worry, he is my first man, and I can't let go."

Han Feiya sighed, "Actually, men are all like that. They have duplicity. No one knows what they think. In fact, to put it bluntly, they are all liars. Take it lightly, because they hurt yourself. not worth it."

"Then why did you change yourself? You haven't been to the bar for a long time, maybe you haven't stayed out for a long time, what's the matter, sister, have you realized it?"

Han Feiya nodded, "I just looked away. Men's mouths are like broken shoes. If you believe them, you won't know how to die."

"Actually, the students in the school are relatively simple."

"Not necessarily. Our No. [-] Middle School has such a good reputation. Isn't there a scum like Gong Zheng? Damn it, and the image ambassador of No. [-] Middle School. No wonder No. [-] Middle School is getting worse every year. We chose such a person as an ambassador , that middle school students all follow him to learn, then our nation is going to perish, full of benevolence and morality, full of male robbers and female prostitutes, a model of gentle scum, polite and polite in appearance, philosophical in speech, deceiving women by perceiving words The kung fu is first-class, look at your chest and praise your wisdom, touch your body and praise your virtuousness, and only when he tries to sleep with you, you will know that he is a social scum."

"Gong Zheng? Do you know Gong Zheng too?" Han Yan'er smiled, "But yes, is he an image ambassador? Don't keep talking about him like that. It's the same as what he did to you. If you want to say this, it's me explain."

Han Feiya shook her head, "He talks like farting, and the place where he can vent all his anger is his ass hole. Why can't I say that? If he didn't do anything to me, can I say that?" Immediately afterwards, Han Feiya sat up straight Body, shaking her head vigorously, she looked at Han Yan'er, "Then what did you mean by that last sentence just now?"

Han Yan'er also sat up straight at once, "Sister, what do you mean by that?"

The atmosphere in the room changed instantly, and then, the door opened and Yu Jiang came in. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his two younger sisters, "Brother won't have dinner with you at night, You two have to remember to go to school in the afternoon, and just take a break at noon, brother has to go to school in the afternoon, and there are things to deal with in the evening."

Han Feiya and Han Yan'er still looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

[ps: The old rules on Mondays are updated on even-numbered time slots, and it will be updated at 12 o'clock in the evening. In addition, to collect materials, if you use a free set, just leave a message on QQ! 】

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