we are brothers

【2574】is Wang Ci

Lu Xun smiled and looked at the sparrow, "Few people can stick to the principles of life like you, and the members of the Holy League must not have threatened you once or twice, I admire you, really , you have never bowed your head to them, you have fought with them with real knives and guns, not only you are good, but all the brothers of Shang Sheng are also good, you have destroyed countless terrorist attacks of the Holy League , The blow to them is really fatal, or they can't treat you as a thorn in their side."

The sparrow glanced at Lu Xun, "I don't know what your intention of saying these words is. I do these things for what I should, not for any reason."

"This is the more important thing." Lu Xun glanced at the sparrow on the side, "After the merger of the Holy League, the power is much greater than before. After all, it is the merger of five terrorist organizations, and they have many weapons and many people. But after the merger, people from the five organizations all want to be in the top spot, and want to control the entire Meng. You know, if anyone really controls the Holy League, it is tantamount to expanding their power by countless times. But none of the five people has the ability to fully sit up."

"At this time, that is, the most critical time, the person who appeared was this so-called high priest." Lu Xun squinted his eyes and looked at the people in the room. Control, everyone in the family is from a terrorist organization. He spent a lot of effort to completely integrate and unify the Holy League. The five original bosses put red robes on them, and then unified them. Faith, Evil Dragon God."

"The canons and teachings are all formulated and controlled by them. They brainwash the teachers every day. Now a large part of the believers have basically been brainwashed successfully. These people have no thoughts of their own at all. They will promote terrorist activities. Become a jihad, and then use these people to do things for them to achieve their ulterior motives."

"This man named Li Hong has such a great ability, can he integrate all the members of the Holy League?" Sparrow smiled, "He is not simple."

"Well, he has been preaching teachings, and he is over 60 years old, and he has always been well-known in the neighborhood. He is a wanted criminal in several countries, and he keeps building his religion. In fact, to put it bluntly, They are all cults. After all these years, he has accumulated some names in the Tao, especially believed by these people. Moreover, his family background is also somewhat different. Before that, he was closely related to the heads of the two organizations of Yuanhua and Guangming. He has a strong background, and he has been engaged in terrorist activities all his life, and he has succeeded a few times, so he also has some prestige."

"Li Hong founded a cult in China at the earliest time. He is a very smart person. He set up bases from remote mountain villages, some villages with a low level of education, or towns with very backward economic development. The starting point, preaching his so-called teachings, he called himself the son of God, came down to save mankind for God, promoted the theory of the destruction of the earth, believers in religion do not need to see a doctor, and united with many people to act in plays, constantly bewitching the masses, obtaining huge benefits from it, and Gudong, these believers went to do things for their interests, and later his religious incidents were revealed, and many people in his hands were caught and sentenced."

"He himself was destined to run away, and the number of people he bewitched at that time was already very, very impressive. He was also listed as the main wanted criminal, and his religion was also defined as a cult. Regarding this matter, he He has always held a grudge against those people in the country, and he has suffered a lot, so he has always wanted to take revenge on them, but he can't find those high-ranking officials, those who sanctioned him, and those who banned him, and he dare not trouble the police, so Only the innocent people can be targeted."

"He can only take revenge on the society in this way, to satisfy his perverted desires, coupled with their family background."

"But these are not the main reasons why he formed the Evil Dragon Sect, nor are they the main reasons why he can control the Holy League."

Lu Xun sighed helplessly, looked at Wang Long, and smiled helplessly, "Wang Long, if I remember correctly, you should be more sensitive to the evil dragon god, right?" Lu Xun looked at Wang Long "Think about it and remember it."

Wang Long raised his head suddenly, looked at Lu Xun who was facing him, and blurted out two words, "Du Hua!"

Lu Xun nodded, "Well, that's it. Li Hong is a very smart person. He used Du Hua to integrate the Holy League, and after such a long period of brainwashing, it has achieved great results. The integration of the Holy League It's getting better and better."

"The current Holy League can also be called the Evil Dragon Sect. Those who wear religious robes are all members of the cult. The high priest of the Evil Dragon Sect is Li Hong, and the leader of the Evil Dragon Sect is Du Hua! "

"What?" Wang Long almost yelled, he looked at Lu Xun on the side, "Are you kidding me? Who are you talking about? Du Hua? How old is he this year? Besides, he has disappeared for a long time, he is good Will you come here to be the leader? Are you kidding me?"

"Do you know Du Hua's identity?" Lu Xun looked at Wang Long, "Do you know what his family background is like?"

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, and thought for a while, "I'm really not sure about this, but I know that his family background must be quite deep, and I know that he lives in a compound in the military region. I don't know anything else, and he never Didn't tell us."

"This is the most important thing." Lu Xun's voice was not loud, "Du Hua has been rebellious since he was a child, and he is different from other children since he was a child. You and him are classmates, so who do you compare to when he was in school?" It's all clear."

Lu Xun glanced at Wang Long, "He has always been very rebellious. After graduation, he has been dissatisfied with the arrangements made by his family members, including marriage, official career, and being a soldier. He didn't like it. He committed suicide twice. They didn't succeed, and later they frightened his family members, so they let him go free, and then his personality became more and more weird, and he became taciturn. His parents also became anxious later. I took him to many places to see a doctor and to get treatment, but none of them worked, so I took him all over the country and treated him for a period of time from abroad."

"I don't know why, Du Hua suddenly became normal again, but he was eating, drinking and having fun all day long. I found out later that it was because of a girl. He was with that girl, and the two of them lived together. Very fulfilling, very happy, these are things that happened abroad, and then, the heroine of this matter."

Lu Xun paused, looked at Wang Long, smiled, and was very calm, "This heroine is your sister, Wang Ci!"

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