we are brothers

[2714] Bully

Du Tianwei laughed, "Think about it, Mr. Cheng, you are a smart man. We must catch this Wang Yue. He should be separated from Jiang Yuwei now. They are not together. We caught Wang Yue , Jiang Yuwei won’t be able to escape.”

"I know you don't have any great friendship with him, that's it, Mr. Cheng, I'm in Fuhua Hotel, room number is 5010, welcome to come anytime, I'm really tired today, I'm going to eat something, Drink some wine, sleep at night, when the sun rises tomorrow, I will get up for morning exercises, I hope that when I open my eyes, I can see the news I like."

"Today is just a formality, knocking mountains and shaking tigers, I think you should be very clear."

Du Tianwei smiled, "Mr. Cheng, there are many things that don't need to be explained. Everyone's life will have a different fork in the road. If you choose the right one, it will change your whole life. Similarly, if you choose the wrong one, you will still have different paths." It will change your whole life."

Cheng Hua took a deep breath, he looked at Du Tianwei, "I want to know, who told you that Wang Yue is with me, I don't know Wang Yue at all, why do you want Wang Yue with me? What if I can't get this person out?"

"There are surveillance everywhere in this society now. We thought Wang Yue and Jiang Yuwei ran away together, but our investigation team found that Wang Yue and two other people came back on motorcycles. They should have come back to do something. , We determined this based on the clues provided by passers-by. It must be Wang Yue. Yes, the sterling silver earrings on his ears are still very conspicuous. Moreover, since we have found you here, we still have some news, otherwise If you don’t, you won’t come directly, needless to say, Mr. Cheng, you and I understand, so that’s it, I’m leaving.”

Cheng Hua thought for a moment, then smiled at Du Tianwei, "How about this, Commander Du, please give me some time, I just came back, I've been here in less than 10 minutes, I'll be here in front, and you will be behind , I will look for it myself and ask, maybe my subordinates did it, if that is the case, I will give you the result you want."

Du Tianwei nodded, he stood beside Cheng Hua, and smiled slightly, "Cheng Hua, do you know that what I dislike the most is playing games with others, and also, I just don't like people lying to me, that's it Alright, let's go then, Mr. Cheng."

Du Tianwei smiled, followed closely, turned around and left. The search of the Cheng Group was still the same. The whole world was full of soldiers in military uniforms. Cheng Hua stood there without saying a word. He knew that this Du Tianwei was not a An ordinary character, and now, he feels a great sense of crisis, and he also knows that it's time for him to make a choice.

Wang Long watched Du Tianwei leave first, and he walked to Cheng Hua's side, "Master Cheng, what is that person's background?"

"It's okay, I'm just an official." Cheng Hua smiled, and patted Wang Long's shoulder, "Let everyone disperse, they're just going through a cutscene, it's okay." After Cheng Hua finished speaking, he turned around and left, Leave Wang Lung himself where he is.

Wang Long frowned. He thought Cheng Hua's expression was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Just as he was standing there, suddenly, he felt a cold murderous aura coming from him. .

Wang Long suddenly turned his head, and sure enough, Bai Jiahao appeared in his sight. Bai Jiahao had a murderous expression on his face, and he gritted his teeth "creak, creak" "You dare to come back, Wang Long, I tell you You, I and you today, can only live as one!"

Then, without further ado, Wang Long went up and punched Bai Jiahao down above the eyes, hitting Bai Jiahao by surprise.

Bai Jiahao screamed "ah", and then Wang Long went up and kicked Bai Jiahao's stomach again. He stepped forward, one hand strangled Bai Jiahao's neck, and another foot tripped Bai Jiahao. tripped and fell to the ground.

Immediately following Wang Long, he squatted down and punched Bai Jiahao on the ground "Boom, boom, boom" several times. After I got up, he kicked Bai Jiahao several times in a row. Everyone's eyes fell on them. body.

Wang Long smiled at this time, "It's all right, it's all right." Then he used his strength to resist Bai Jiahao on the ground. Bai Jiahao originally wanted revenge from Wang Long, but he was beaten up by Wang Long for no reason. , and was immediately confused by the beating. He covered his eyes, his whole body was sore, and was held by Wang Long on his shoulders. You must know that Wang Long resisted Bai Jiahao. Tired, there are still a few steps left, Wang Long flicked Bai Jiahao to the ground with a "boom!", and Bai Jiahao screamed "ah", he clutched his waist.

Wang Long walked to Bai Jiahao's side, looked at Bai Jiahao on the ground, was about to reach out, and then heard a word of caution behind him, Wang Long turned his head, and You Ruo actually appeared, riding her battery car and bumped into Wang Long, Gouzi was next to Wang Long, the battery car first crushed Gouzi's ankle, Gouzi howled like a pig, and then howled, followed by the battery car bumped into Wang Long, "Boom!" Just at once, Wang Long was hit by a somersault, and both You Ruo and Wang Long fell to the ground.

Wang Long was hit, and naturally it hurt him very, very much. He rubbed his waist, "Damn, don't you have eyes when you ride a bicycle!" He was very angry and wanted to continue to curse, but Wang Long saw You Ruo has already got up, there are still bloodstains on her knees and arms, she doesn't care about anything, holding a broken wooden stick from nowhere in her hand, angrily greeted Wang Long with a stick and came down." "Bang" was just a click, that is, Wang Long reacted quickly and turned a circle from the ground.

You Ruo then raised the stick again, looking at Wang Long, the big stick greeted him again, Wang Long quickly rolled two circles and got up from the ground, "Are you fucking crazy? It's gone! Why are you beating me!"

"Who told you to bully people! I can't stand it!" You Ruo yelled and held up a stick to Wang Long and chased after Wang Long. That is to say, Wang Long reacted quickly, and he also knew that he couldn't be as knowledgeable as a woman like You Ruo. He quickly ran away, and then the entire Cheng Group was filled with the voice of the female man You Ruo yelling and cursing, "Let the fuck you bully, let the fuck you bully!"

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