we are brothers


Cheng Hua suddenly opened his eyes, which were still bloodshot, and he sat up straight. The phone was hands-free. Although everyone in the car seemed to be asleep, in fact, no one was sound asleep. Sister You's eyes were also bloodshot. He looked at Cheng Hua across from him, and Wang Long sat up straight. Wang Yue, Peng Huajie, Peng Gang, and Touareg all looked at Cheng Hua.

"Alu, don't get excited, tell me first, are you safe now? Where are you?"

"I am safe now. They are arresting me. I escaped with the help of a few confidantes. I am now in Mandalay, Myanmar. I escaped overnight. Now I am with Guixi and the others. It's hiding here."

"Okay, let's talk about your personal safety, now you can speak slowly and tell me what happened..."

Three days ago, in Myanmar, in the headquarters of a temporary military base, there were patrolling people everywhere outside. In the middle of the headquarters, the tyrant was sitting here, wearing a military uniform. Beside him, stood two other people, These two people were dressed in plain clothes, and they didn't know their origins. They spoke Burmese. Behind the tyrant, there was a woman standing. They didn't say a word, and the woman translated it to the tyrant. The tyrant was holding a Bengal tiger teeth.

The female interpreter spoke at this time, "We are very happy to reach an agreement with Mr. Ding. We will be the best partners. On behalf of General Fei Luoxi, we will convey his thanks to you. Thank you. We will fully support your actions. Best wishes You're doing well."

The tyrant nodded, "Thank you. I have to bother General Feloxi for matters other than the headquarters today. Don't worry, I will not treat General Feloxi badly after this is done. May our friendship last forever."

The female translator told the two people next to her what the tyrant meant, and then, the tyrant took out two bank cards from Myanmar and handed them to the female translator next to her, "This is for you, the password is on the back, don't worry Well, in this world, no one knows."

The two men were obviously very happy, took the bank card, "Mr. Ding, you are also our friend, may our friendship last forever!"

"May our friendship last forever!" The tyrant hugged the two of them for a moment, and then the two turned and left. Seeing them leave, the tyrant spat on the ground, "*** Friendship lasts forever, obviously, benefits last forever! "

The female interpreter behind the tyrant is very beautiful, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing work clothes, very sexy, you can see that she is a Westerner with Chinese ancestry, and she speaks fluent Chinese "Mr. Ding, What shall we do next?"

The tyrant smiled and sat aside. Soon, another man appeared in the headquarters. When this man came in, he was still wearing a hat. He took off the hat and walked up to Ding Xuan. Xuan smiled "haha", opened his arms, and the man also opened his arms. Soon, a few sacks outside were taken off, and the openings of the sacks were opened, and there were soldiers on duty outside the headquarters." Now the guards outside are all arranged by you and those you asked for."

The warden spoke from the side, "The exercise troop you arranged to go out at night has been controlled by Fei Luoxi's people. You can go to lead people at that time. There is no problem with the troop itself. The main problem is the few generals. He is Cheng Hua's general."

Ding Xuan nodded, and took out a list from his pocket, "You take this list, there are 27 people in it, these 27 people must not run away, catch them all secretly, and then lock them up, the rest I will deal with the matter, and it is best to cooperate, if not." Ding Xuan's face became a little vicious, "Behead on the spot! Tonight, I must take the military power into my own hands. Such an opportunity is too rare, but Even if it's difficult, I have to do it, otherwise, when Cheng Hua comes back, I will probably be dismissed, and we will wait for the next opportunity, not sure when it will be, maybe there will be nothing at all."

"I still feel that I am a little too anxious now, and the preparations for many things are very insufficient."

"No way, no matter how insufficient, you have to do it. If you really don't cooperate, you will suppress it bloody and sacrifice everything with blood. This is an army raised by my money. I want to get back what belongs to me. I have endured it for long enough. , Some key positions, I have arranged for my people, you just go ahead and capture them all, and then I will find a way to control the situation below, that man Feloxi, as long as he is fed, he can do anything, now I am nothing in his eyes, but one day, I will make him pay the price for belittling me!" After speaking, the tyrant took a deep breath, "Do it! Be firm! If you fail, you will be rewarded!"

The warden nodded, "All my people have been brought here. Although there are not many people, you know, they are all my mercenaries. After such a long time of communication and co-existence, I quite trust them. It’s okay to control those people in batches, and the army in my hand, the army I can trust, I have arranged for them to guard this headquarters, and those people are here tonight, I summoned them in the name of Cheng Hua, and prepared to kill them all!"

At this moment, suddenly, the female translator beside the tyrant looked at the window outside and shouted, "Who is it!"

The tyrant and his party turned their heads in unison, and saw outside the window, a man turned around and ran away, the warden was about to chase after him, and the tyrant grabbed the warden, "No matter who he is, deal with those people first! Come on, there's no time!"

After finishing speaking, the tyrant was the first to leave. He picked up a submachine gun from the side and walked towards a big tent next to the headquarters. The tent was very, very big. He walked to the entrance of the headquarters. At that time, the soldiers in the command department had all changed, and one of the soldiers glanced at the tyrant, "Alu went out to the toilet just now, and he hasn't come back yet. We didn't stop him in order not to startle the enemy! But we have secretly sent people to follow him .”

"It's okay, don't worry about him!" After finishing speaking, the tyrant pushed the door of the room open. The people in the room were not all asleep, and there were many people smoking and playing cards, talking and laughing, anyway, it was just a night, everyone Nobody has much to do.

As soon as the tyrant entered the door, the warden behind him rushed in with the tyrant, and the tyrant shot his gun at the top of his head, "Boom, boom, boom, boom", and then shouted, "Sirs, be quiet!" Yes, I have something to say!"

At this time, a big man stood up and pointed at the tyrant, "Who the hell are you? What does this mean?"

When the tyrant heard this, he turned his head, smiled at the man, raised his gun, and pointed it at the man's forehead.

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