we are brothers

【2746】That's it

Wang Yue smiled, "Goshawk, can you say it at this time?" After finishing speaking, Wang Yue looked at the people around him, and the group of people around them said "hehe." Everyone is very cooperative, Qiao Xianfeng's His face was obviously not so calm anymore.

This laughter is eerie and terrifying. In fact, Wang Yue will definitely not do those things that are devoid of conscience, but Wang Yue gives an outsider the perception and feeling that he is a cruel, insane person who can do anything. He just understands Wang Yue. Everyone in Yue knew that he would never do such a thing, but Blazang Yi was obviously not someone who knew Wang Yue well.

In the end, Wang Yue just wanted to use these means to scare Goshawk. After all, his family was in his hands, so Goshawk suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't seem to have much energy "It's Sangchi, and the person at the top is Sangchi. Sangchi was bought. The condition we promised him was to let him be the mayor of Lhasa, and he was also the controller of Shangsheng, and we gave him a lot of money." Conditions, the most important thing is to help him clean up, so he decided to cooperate with us and work with us."

"Sangji?" Wang Yue frowned slightly. "Goshawk, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you alive. How is it possible for Sangji?"

"Why is it impossible for him? Now everyone thinks that the sparrow is dead, and Sangji also thinks that the sparrow is dead. We found Sanji and told him that as long as the sparrow is not around, Shang Sheng, no one can hold them down. Who can take over the sparrow? Although Shang Sheng is the crippled Sangji Ding Jiawei besides the mahjong, there are still a few big forces below, and without the mahjong, no one can suppress them."

"We will go to Sangji to cooperate. If Sangji doesn't cooperate with us, then we will go to Ding Jiawei, or Zhao Qing, one by one. If he doesn't cooperate, someone else will cooperate. He will also It's not a fool, even if they don't cooperate in the end, they won't be able to match our regular army after all, but we don't want to make things worse, Sanji understands everything, if he doesn't cooperate with us, it will be a dead end, he didn't He was quite resistant at the beginning, but we made it clear that if he didn’t cooperate, he went to find someone else. I don’t know what he thought. After struggling for a while, he finally agreed to cooperate with us Yes, after the cooperation, we need to make a nomination certificate, first do some things, let us trust him."

"So the first thing he mentioned was to get rid of Wang Long. He told us that before Sparrow left, he said that if he had anything to do, let Wang Long take over. This was unanimously approved by everyone, so as long as Wang Long is in Regardless of whether everyone accepts it or not, there will definitely not be civil strife, the sparrow has absolute authority in Shang Sheng, and it happened that Wang Lung ran away at that time."

Goshawk glanced at Wang Long who had just come in from the outside at this time, "Sangji asked us to find a way to cut Wang Long first, otherwise, he would never cooperate with us. Only when Wang Long died, we will cooperate, and then we will have more cooperation later." The scene we arranged."

Goshawk took a deep breath, "Wang Long was wronged, we asked someone to make the video, a person who looks very similar to Wang Long, we found a good makeup artist, after the makeup is done, it looks like that, the video We also spread the video to some people in Shang Sheng who had nothing to do with this matter through very secret means. Through them, we spread the video bit by bit. In this way, we can prevent people from suspecting that Sanji Zhou Ren was bought by Sangji. Although he followed Wang Bin when he entered Shangsheng, he came in through Sangji. It's just that their relationship has been kept secret and no one knows. Moreover, Sang Jibi Wang Bin and the others have senior qualifications, and keeping Zhou Ren by Wang Bin's side is also to monitor Wang Bin and see if he has any evil intentions!"

"Then put it in the nomination certificate, that is, Sangji wants to arrange Zhou Ren and the others to eliminate the power of the sparrows. When Wang Long and the others were in Lhasa, they were discovered. It was Sangji who arranged for people to come. Sangji worked with us, and then Let people clean up some of the diehard sparrows who will never surrender. The police shot on purpose. Among them was someone arranged by Sanji. He fired the first shot and then lay on the ground pretending to be dead. The people around Those who can’t stand the instigation, if someone shoots at that kind of thing, they will shoot.”

"After forcing Wang Lung away, we started to deal with Wang Lung nationwide, and then we kept trying to capture and kill Wang Lung, but we always missed. Later, we found Wang Lung from Yunnan. On Wang Long, we have to deal with Wang Long, but at this time you appeared again. Compared with Wang Long, we pay more attention to you, so everyone turned their attention to you. At the beginning, Commander Du Tianwei Du They were going to deal with Wang Long, and then they all turned their attention to you, after all, in the eyes of many people, you are a very important pawn, and if they catch you, it means they have caught Jiang Yuwei."

"So they all did this. They wanted to catch you first, then caught you there, and Sanji and the others couldn't hold on anymore. Obviously, they all thought you were dead too, but as soon as you appeared, the news reached their ears I don't know how it got here, but the news should have just arrived, if you go back to Shang Sheng, and go back with Wang Long, it must be something they don't want to see, so there is no way, they decided to advance Do it, or if the two of you show up from Shang Sheng, Sanji and the others will lose everything, it's already the point where you die or I die, there is no other way, so I can only take risks."

"When will they do it?" Wang Yue looked at Goshawk, "How much time do we have to plan, their plan?"

"I don't know about this, I'm also asking them, Sanji will contact me later, he will confirm the manpower problem with me, he will borrow people from us, they plan to unify Shang Sheng by force, and then create a sign of internal conflict , and they were going to have a meeting. Now that Shang Sheng is torn apart, they plan to elect a suitable candidate to preside over the overall situation temporarily. The girl Chen Xinyi is a little too fragile. She can't do it at this time. This is what she proposed .”

"He hasn't contacted me yet, and I'm here now." Goshawk smiled, "I don't know when, but it will definitely be in the next few days, the fastest may be tonight, the slowest may be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in Yunnan." Bian has already confirmed that you have left Yunnan, so you have no other place to go, and you will definitely come to Lhasa. We just informed Sangji of the news today. I don’t know how Sangji will deal with it. The meeting is also to discuss about Sangji's seizure of power. Zhou Ren wants to borrow someone from us. In addition, it is not convenient for Sangji to contact Zhou Ren directly. I have a person next to Sangji. Contact, the two of us are in direct contact, you are coming back, Zhou Ren must be careful, this is what Sangji wants to convey, if we see you, let us deal with it, that's it."

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