we are brothers

【2748】Spider's younger brother

Soon, Zhu Zhi and Wang Long also came from the side, and the group slowly began to walk towards the gap in the middle. Peng Gang and Peng Huajie held guns and looked around. Sister You and Touareg Just head towards this entrance.

They slowly moved to the edge of this corridor, which is a long and narrow corridor. Now the corridor has been blown up badly by the grenade just now, and there are collapsed concrete walls everywhere. Soon, Wang Long and the others are leaning against each other. aside.

Peng Huajie and Peng Gang were gesturing, Sister You and Touareg were also gesturing, and Wang Longwang, Yue Chenghua and Spider were relatively laymen, and they had no idea what they meant.

They have been ignoring one point, Peng Gang, Peng Huajie, Touareg, and Sister You, they are all trained in the same system, even Peng Huajie and Peng Gang, although they were trained by instructors, the training methods are the same militarization.

Soon, the four of them nodded, and saw that Peng Gang was the first to charge, and flashed past the entrance. Just as Peng flashed past, there was a "bang" gunshot from inside, followed by Sister You and Touareg both stood at the door at once, and shot four consecutive shots "boom, boom, boom, boom" at the position inside. What they caught was Peng Gang's shot to attract the enemy's firepower. Soon, Peng Gang He and Peng Huajie also came over, Sister You and Touareg were in front, and the remaining two were behind.

Although Sister You is a woman, she is also a special soldier. They quickly searched all the rooms inside. Soon, Sister You, Peng Gang and the others also pulled out a few corpses from inside. It took less than 5 minutes before and after. More than ten corpses appeared on the ground. These people's camouflage was very sophisticated. Wang Yue squatted down and took off a person's mask. There was no such person's appearance in it. What appeared was a painted face, yes, it was a Chinese opera That painted face when I was there.

Peng Huajie and his team hurriedly removed the face masks of the people on the ground. Everyone's faces were painted. It seemed that they had prepared them in advance. In this case, they wanted to wash off the things on their faces. Looking at the real appearance, it is true that time is not allowed, Wang Yue narrowed his eyes, "Before they came, they were afraid that we would recognize who they were, something is wrong!"

Sister You touched her chin, looked at the people around, and counted the corpses on the ground, "No, I saw eleven people from the surveillance camera just now, and there are only ten here, and there is one more!" After Sister You finished speaking, Peng Gang and his party immediately took out their weapons, and Wang Yue and his party also became more cautious, "Hurry up, let's go up and take Goshawk and the others away. We can't stay here for long, it's leaked!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Yue and his group turned around and walked upstairs. When they reached the door of Goshawk's room upstairs, they found that the door of the room had been opened. Several people glanced at each other, and suddenly had a bad feeling , A few of them hurried into the room. When they were in the room, Goshawk was not breathing, and the blood on his neck was still dripping down.

He was lying on the ground in a strange posture. His hand made a pistol look, and it was pressed against his temple. The other hand was covering his neck. He was not breathing, and the murderer seemed to be too. One kill.

Wang Yue hurried to the window on the second floor. As soon as he opened the window, he saw a man in black running to an Audi without a license plate downstairs. Coming over, the Audi backed up violently, and Wang Yue took out his gun, pointed it at the other side with a "boom, boom, boom" and started shooting directly.

On the other side, Sister You and her team were also heading down. The Audi car backed up fiercely, and then rushed out. The people on the second floor were all shooting. Hitting the wheel of the Audi car, the Audi car rolled over, and its head directly hit the electric pole on the opposite side. There was a violent impact sound, and the Audi car rolled over directly. Wang Yue and his party looked at the Audi The car overturned "Hurry up, don't let him get away!"

As soon as Wang Yue finished speaking, everyone rushed out, rushing past the Audi car over there. When they rushed downstairs, a man on top of the Audi car had already climbed out, and he rushed towards the side of the Audi car. An alley was about to run, and Sister You took two shots from behind with a gun "boom, boom", and the man fell directly to the ground. At this time, it was very quiet at night, but there were still some passing cars. Wang Yue and his party hurried They chased after them, and the group of them stood on the road. Just as they were about to pass by, they heard the sound of a police car. Soon, the group of people stood in the middle of the road, turned around, and two police cars rushed towards them. It rushed over, and soon, the car stopped not far from them. Six or seven policemen got off the car, and they all hid behind the car. "Don't move, raise your hands! Don't move!" The police yelled at Wang Yue and the others.

"Don't go any further, within 3 minutes, the support police will definitely arrive, they are delaying!" Sister You still knows this system very well, the group of people glanced at each other, followed closely, and all took out their guns , Aimed at the police car over there "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" All the people fired together, and the firepower directly blocked the police over there, and the police all backed away. Retreat, and soon, Wang Yue turned his head, saw the man over there got up from the ground again, turned around and rushed out towards an alley, Wang Yue just wanted to chase, the Touareg grabbed Wang Yue from behind." go first!"

Wang Yue gritted his teeth, and the group backed away while shooting, and quickly retreated to the side of the Alpha business car over there. The door behind was opened, and everyone got on the car. Driving away, just as they were driving away, they heard the sound of a police car behind them. During their driving, they even brushed past two police cars.

More than half an hour later, the Alpha commercial vehicle drove to a deserted area, and a group of people sat in the car, you looked at me, I looked at you, and soon, Peng Gang and the others grew up beside them. On fire, Peng Gang took off his coat, and then took off his bulletproof vest. The blood on his arm stained his clothes.

Sister You passed away at this time, and she was still carrying a medicine box, which was prepared on the commercial vehicle. He glanced at Peng Gang, "Come on, let me get it for you, I have some experience." Peng Gang looked at it Sister Yanyou nodded. In fact, everyone is quite decadent, but this group is still a very powerful group. Needless to say, Peng Huajie and Peng Gang, Sister Touareg You is also a talented person.

Wang Yue and Cheng Hua are two big bosses, while Wang Long and Spider are also ruthless and ruthless. They still have weapons in their hands, and the younger brother of Spider has never known what specialties he has, but he has always followed Wang Yue. Long beside them, drive a car.

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