we are brothers


Naturally, Wang Long would not sit still, he grabbed Sangji's wrist, Sangji angrily pushed hard, and Peng Huajie and Peng Gang next to him also went up, and all Sangji's eyes were on Wang Long's. On him, Peng Huajie and Peng Gang also hit him by surprise from the side. Both of them aimed at Sangji's waist. One at a time, Sangji fell to the ground at once, and Sangji rolled from the ground. Wang Long went up and stepped on Sangji's wrist, and the fruit knife in Sangji's hand fell to the side, followed by Peng Gang and Peng Huajie. Sangchi alone is rich, not to mention that Wang Long is here now. The three young men hurriedly tied up Sangchi. After that, the two pushed Sangchi to the bed, and Sangchi sat on the bed. He yelled, "Let go of me!"

Peng Gang picked up the pillow towel from the side, and he blocked Sangji's mouth with the pillow towel. Sangji kept saying "Woo, woo, woo" and Wang Yue took a deep breath " Sanji, please be quiet at this time and cooperate with us!"

"If it's not you, I will give you justice, if it is you, I will let you bear everything."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he glanced at Peng Gang and Peng Huajie next to him, and the group nodded. Peng Huajie took out a sack from his clothes, and these people went over and put Sangji in the sack. , Wang Yue lit a cigarette, and soon, a group of people left Sangji's room secretly, and no one showed up from the beginning to the end.

Wang Yue and his party returned to the room just now. At this time, Cheng Hua and his party were no longer there. Wang Yue, Wang Long, Peng Huajie, Peng Gang, and even Sangji on the ground were all in this room and stayed for more than an hour. When he was young, Wang Yue was very tired. He made a few phone calls during this time. Soon, the sky gradually brightened. When they were about to fall asleep, the door outside the room was opened, and Mu Han walked in. He saw Looking at Sangji in the room, he nodded at Wang Yue, "You asked me to check, and I checked."

Wang Yue looked at Mu Han and nodded, stood up by himself, walked to Sangji's side, and pulled out the pillow cover from Sangji's mouth, "Sangji, let me ask you, what are the regulations of Shangsheng Majong Mansion? Your own people!"

"It is not allowed to bring more than three people into the Mahjong House. The guards of the Mahjong House are all selected by the Sparrow. Except for the guards of the Mahjong House, anyone who comes to the Mahjong House cannot bring more than three subordinates. What's wrong?"

"Is the current guard of the Sparrow Mansion the same guard as before?" Wang Yue smiled at Sangji, "Is there no one from you here?"

Hearing what Wang Yue said, Sangji's expression became a little ugly, but he didn't hide anything at all, "I think this is quite normal. The guards of the Sparrow Mansion have changed, not just for a day or two, and , I am not the first person to replace the guards in the Mahjong Mansion and install myself, they all do this, whether it is Zhao Qing or Han Yu, all of them are slowly replacing the guards of the Mahjong Mansion with their own people, Or the bribe, I didn’t do it myself, so there’s no need to make such a fuss? There’s going to be a meeting tomorrow, so everyone should be more careful, allow them to replace people, and not allow me to replace some of my own people in?”

"Did you simply bring your own people in?" Wang Yue looked at Sangji, "How many people did you prepare outside?"

"The guards have almost been replaced by them. I started late, so I have no choice. If I really want to tear my face, I can only do it hard. I prepared people from the outside, but I didn't intend to let them do it. Unless someone is going to threaten my personal safety, then I will let them come in to help, and be prepared. You all know how many guards there are in the Mahjong Mansion. After the matter of Mahjong and Wang Long was officially notified, you can ask Chen Xinyi and Mu Han , how many people are secretly planting their own people inside the Sparrow Mansion, I, Sanji, was the last to attack, but I have many people in Sanji, and there are many people under my command, but they are all outside, and the whole Shangsheng has no Who has more people than me, except Ding Jiawei, but Ding Jiawei brought most of the people to the Holy League to deal with the affairs of the Holy League, so I am the most powerful left here, and they will choose a new one today Those in power, if they don't have the heart, why did they replace the guards of the Sparrow Mansion long in advance?"

After listening to Sangji's words, Wang Yue turned to look at Mu Han with a questioning look on his face. After all, he just came back here.

Mu Han nodded, "These days, these people's private replacement of guards is really serious. Chen Xinyi and I have no way to say anything, because I definitely don't count anything. They rely on Chen Xinyi's weakness and young age to do things. They are becoming more and more unscrupulous. The only person who can suppress them is Ding Jiawei. Never cared about it!"

"It's not that I didn't take care of it, I don't know! Do you understand!" Sangji's voice was not loud, "I'm not in Mahjong Mansion all the year round, I've been outside all the time, mainly to communicate with the people, to caress the people, and I often go to Lhasa, Go over there and communicate with those leaders, this is my duty, my task, Ding Jiawei and I are training soldiers and governing together, bribery is what I should do!"

"Goshawk is also among the people who communicate!" Wang Long said from the side at this time, "Yes, communicate with those policemen, Zhou Ren, Zhou Ren is your person, don't say no, Zhou Ren was you at the beginning Arranged next to Wang Bin to supervise Wang Bin, right?"

After Sangji said "I", "Even if Zhou Ren was mine at the beginning? What's the matter? What does it mean now? It was when Wang Bin first came to the organization. It's been more than ten years now, and our later contact has disappeared. Closely, he can be bought by anyone. There are two hundred daily guards in Shangsheng Majong Mansion, and more than 180 of them are occupied by others. You don’t investigate them. I only occupy more than 20 people. You put all your thoughts on it. What are you doing to me?"

"You have occupied more than 20 people, and you have firmly guarded a passage. This passage can link the Mahjong Mansion and the outside. Outside, you have arranged hundreds of people. Now they have begun to gather in secret, and they are hiding in places. It's very secretive, if you ask, they can arrive at the Majong Mansion within 10 minutes, tell me you are preparing hundreds of people for self-defense?"

"Why didn't Ding Jiawei prepare people?" Wang Yue smiled at Sangji, "Ding Jiawei trains soldiers. If he prepares people, none of you are opponents, don't say that his people are all in the Holy League. Even here, many people are trained by him, why doesn't Ding Jiawei need to prepare people, and you all have to prepare people?"

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