we are brothers

【2771】white cat and dog

"You are innocent now, no one is doubting you, and both of us are innocent, you should be happy for yourself."

"But I couldn't be happy at all. I saw so many Shang Sheng soldiers, and watched them face terrorist organizations, even the national army, without any expression of fear. But they, they, all chose Suicide, I think such a scene shocked me too much, they are all good, they don't need to do this, now that Shang Sheng has lost his vitality, I feel like I am the culprit, and Brother Ali and them."

"These things can't be helped. You want to open something. In other words, you saved everyone. If they don't commit suicide today, it is very likely that they are our group of people. This is the law of social survival. The law of the jungle preys on you. You saved everyone." Everyone, it will be fine, everything will be fine, get a good night's sleep, and when the sun rises tomorrow, everything will return to calm..."

Inside Shangsheng, beside a very inconspicuous river, the river is not deep. There is a small bridge beside the river. Under the bridge, there is a tomb. Sanji is leaning against the edge of the tomb. It is also very painful.

He was holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and he seemed to be drinking too much, "Wei Zi, why, why did you do this, why the hell did you get in touch with them!" Sangji yelled, "Wei Zi , do you know, this is the place where we worshiped at the beginning, do you remember that time, at that time Shang Sheng was still a group of mountains, and there was nothing there."

"Our brothers have raised the child for so many years. Are you just throwing the child away and leaving like this?"

"Why on earth!! Why do you have to collude with them!!" Sangji grabbed his head, followed by a "stab~~", and scratched his cheek "I'm sorry, Weizi, brother, I'm sorry, brother is too cowardly, I'm sorry, I don't have the courage, I don't have the guts to bear what I should bear."

Sanji's wine bottle was thrown aside, and he knelt in front of Ding Jiawei's tombstone, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, ah!!!"

On the afternoon of the second day, in bs City, the Cheng Group, was inside Wang Long's former dormitory building. The white cat appeared here wearing the overalls of a Cheng Group staff member. He went upstairs while looking around, This time period is also the time when people are off work. Many people come in and out. The white cat is not only wearing work clothes, but also wearing a hat. I don't know how many times I went up and down this building. I asked a few times, but no one knew a person named Bai Jiahao. Basically, I would ask one person on each floor, but at the end of the question, there was no one. The cat even began to doubt his own deduction, no, he was a little tired, and he was sitting in the corridor of the safe passage, and while he was sitting, a man of more than one year old appeared beside him, "Brother, excuse me fire."

The white cat turned its head and glanced at the man, who was also wearing overalls. He was impatient at first, but he still didn't want to be too conspicuous. He handed the lighter to the man, and the man smiled at the white cat. "Thank you, big brother, big brother, it's strange."

"This place is still so familiar." The white cat is not in a high mood, even a little irritable. After all, it has been looking for several days. "Ask someone for several days, and no one knows him. Now you I still feel strange."

"Who are you asking?" The man also heard that the white cat was not very interested. "Who are you looking for? Tell me, maybe I know it. There are a lot of workers here, and there are few contacts between people who are not in the same department. So even though we live together, it’s normal for us not to know each other, Dashu, I think you’re not in a good mood, so I’m not letting you down, just tell me.”

"I am looking for a man named Wang Long, do you know?" The white cat turned his head, "If you know, I will give you 1 yuan."

"You're kidding me." The man smiled, "Wang Long, Wang Long." He shook his head, "I really don't know him, are you sure we have a man named Wang Long here? I have no impression."

"I'm sure, or what should I tell you? Do you think I'm kidding with you?" The white cat sighed. I'm hungry, let's eat."

"Why are you looking for him, and you can't find him, you can find his friends, is he alone?"

The man said so casually, and the white cat immediately reacted. He turned his head, looked at the man, and grabbed his shoulder with both hands. He was a little excited, "Yes, yes, then I ask You, a man named Bai Jiahao, Bai Jiahao, do you know him?"

"I really know him, not only me, but also everyone in the Cheng Group, Circus Bai!" A famous couple."

"Circus Bai?" The white cat froze for a moment, "No, I'm looking for Bai Jiahao, where is he, which room?"

"Circus Bai is Bai Jiahao, and Circus Bai is his nickname. If you go to Bai Jiahao's room, you won't be able to find him. There are two best places to find him. The first one is the room of Caidao Ruo, where he has been stationed for a long time. , usually outside the window of the room, or if the kitchen knife is not there, he may be there, but it is a bit dangerous, if the kitchen knife really cuts people."

When the white cat heard it, it became interested, "Where is the other place? Where can I find this circus white? He won't go back to his room?"

"He rarely goes back to his room. His whereabouts are erratic, but there is another point. You should calm down and find a place to stay for a while. Recently, the frequency of this is less, but there is still a chance. In the past, it was basically several times a day. , now every few days."

"One time what?" The white cat frowned slightly, looking at the man next to him, who was just about to speak when he heard it.

"I'll fucking kill you!!!" A woman yelled, and the man pointed at him, "That's it, the person you're looking for is here." Sure enough, as soon as the man finished speaking, he saw a figure With a "crack", he jumped out, jumped from behind the white cat and the others, and supported the railing on the side, without even stepping on the stairs, he jumped directly to the lower floor. The white cat was startled. Who is it, why is the speed so fast, and the hand is so nimble, the dog didn't see the white cat at all, he helped the railing below, and quickly went down to another floor, followed by the man next to the white cat subconsciously Stand up and hide to the side.

The white cat was a little surprised, "Why are you hiding so well!" Sure enough, the door of the safe passage was kicked open in an instant.

A woman rushed out with a kitchen knife in her hand, as if she was going to kill someone. She lay on the handrail of the corridor, holding the kitchen knife in her hand, and threw the kitchen knife at the person below who was still running down. go down.

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