we are brothers

【2780】Look at this again

"Maybe you deserve us, but there are many things I still want to say. We have civil strife. I don't know what I think. Maybe when it is critical, I chose to escape. I don't want them to know. I also colluded with him, and I don't want them to know that I, Sanji, am a traitor, so, so, I chose to stand with Wang Yue and the others, because Sparrow had already prepared a backhand before, and he was afraid that he would When something like this happened, I was actually inferior to Ding Jiawei in Shang Sheng, so I had no other choice but to work with Wang Yue and the others, and finally won this so-called internal fight, and Ding Jiawei became The so-called traitor, I have been suffering in my heart. When Wei Zi was dying, he kept his arms around my shoulders and told me. He said that his death is the end. I think he should know it too. He fell into the scheme of breaking the sky. He and I are both pawns of breaking the sky. Only when the two of us confronted each other did he know that I was also tricked. When I exposed Ding Jiawei in the conference room, Standing next to me are two people who may kill me at any time. They are watching me, watching me speak, and watching me do business. When I said that Goshawk was dead, Wei Zi didn't expose me at all. He and I have the same idea. Even if I seized the power and controlled Shang Sheng, I would not do anything to him. He also had the same idea. He controlled Shang Sheng and would not hurt me, but we both It was a trick, he hugged me and said the last words to me before he died."

When Sangji said this, in the video, his eyes were red, "I didn't kill the goshawk, we were all deceived, two brothers, destroying one, that's enough, brother, don't waste a part of brother Work hard, in the next life, we will still be brothers."

"This is the last sentence my brother and I said. When I said that he killed Goshawk, he didn't veto or expose me. Both of us brothers made mistakes at critical moments. We both thought about it. It is human nature to blame the other party for the mistake, and then use yourself to save the other party, this is the mistake made in the heat of the moment, now, it is too late to say anything.”

"These are not the real intentions of me sending you this video. We have met not once or twice, and have dealt with each other not once or twice. I just want to tell you that Goshawk was silenced, not our people Yes, those people you found at the scene, although some are our Shangsheng people, but they are all people at the lowest level, anyone can arrange those people to us, and when we use them to handle affairs, we can clean up better. Clear himself of suspicion."

"You keep asking me who killed Goshawk. I don't know who killed Goshawk, but it wasn't me or Ding Jiawei who killed Goshawk. I don't have evidence, but I I feel that Commander Qiao has been in Lhasa for so long, if you want to investigate something, there should be nothing you can’t find out, you can turn the spearhead around and don’t target us, see if you have any new gains.”

"The video is like this, or if you aim the spearhead at Potian, maybe he didn't want it in the first place, and I didn't want Ding Jiawei to recover Shang Sheng at a very small price. Because whether it is me or Ding Jiawei, even if we really get Shang Sheng, we just want to ask him for weapons and money to satisfy our own wishes. He can't control us, we just pretend to be with him He cooperates for the greater good, that's all."

"Wang Yue may be a part of his plan, otherwise, it is impossible for Wang Yue to go out of the border from Yunnan and run back to Shangsheng. Moreover, he came to Shangsheng, and the journey was so smooth. There is no obstruction, you think about it, think about it, what do you know about Lhasa, Wang Yue and the others are going this way, don't you know, the people on Du Tianwei's side did not chase, and the people on your side set up a block, That's obvious, it's intentional to want Wang Yue to return to Shang Sheng."

"I don't know the existence of Gu Nu, but I know that as long as Wang Yue appears, it will definitely not make it easy to seize power."

"According to his news, maybe he knew of the existence of Gu Nu and Jiang Yuwei's soldiers early in the morning. He just wanted to win the chaos, and the more chaos the better, the more chaos he had, the more chance he had. The more Shang Sheng fights, the less expensive it will be for you to regain Shang Sheng in the future. What we want is to seize power at a small price and become the boss. What he thinks is, let us fight to the death, and then you will profit from it. When you are weak, you win Shang, so in the end, he still wins."

"It took me many days to think clearly about these things. Do you really not know that Wang Yue has returned to Lhasa, or someone instructed you not to let you take care of Wang Yue's return to Shangsheng. As for Goshawk, you should check it out carefully. How did Goshawk die and why did he die?"

"Because Wang Yue and the others kidnapped Goshawk's wife and children, and accidentally caught Goshawk. You and Goshawk have been friends for so many years. I think you must know him. Goshawk is not the kind of person who is willing to spare his wife and children. Man, Goshawk knows too many things, but he must know only part of it, and that part is the part of Ding Jiawei. They are afraid that Goshawk will tell Wang Yue that Ding Jiawei will rebel, because if Wang Yue and the others advance Once Ding Jiawei is under control, then Shang Sheng will not be able to cause chaos, I can only make Shang Sheng a little chaotic, and the only one who can really make Shang Sheng a big mess is Ding Jiawei, because he controls Shang Sheng's armed force."

"He was afraid that Ding Jiawei would betray him and his plan. I think you must have asked Goshawk to communicate with Potian often. Goshawk knows that there must be a lot of things. Maybe Potian bought both of us at the same time, and even More people, he knows that if he really betrayed us and told all the things, it would be a complete failure. He can't guarantee that Goshawk will succumb, and that time has already reached that point, They have to have Wang Yue return to Shang Sheng, Wang Yue to return to Shang Sheng, Jiang Yuwei's people, Gu slaves, and Ding Jiawei, so they can fight and create chaos. Jiang Yuwei's people recognize Wang Yue, and Shang Sheng's People recognize Ding Jiawei, so that chaos may arise, and if his people provoke from the middle, Shang Sheng will be seriously injured, but if Goshawk can't stand Wang Yue's cross-examination and recruits everything, I don't know if he knows How much, but Wang Yue and the others will definitely find a way to avoid this internal strife in Shang Sheng, call me and Ding Jiawei together, and tell Goshawk what he said, then we will definitely not sacrifice Shang Sheng."

"He's afraid of something like this happening. He doesn't trust Goshawk. As for who killed Goshawk, Commander Joe, man is doing it, and God is watching! I hope you will spend more time, adjust the angle, and don't be confused by those appearances , take a good look and see, who is it that killed your loyal subordinates and brothers who have followed you for many years!"

"Perhaps you think my words are instigating, but to instigate two people, you must have the opportunity to instigate, just like they use us, you must also have the opportunity to use us. If he is innocent, it is useless for us to instigate, you Turn around and check carefully"

"I'm sorry Wei Zi, I'm a coward, but I can't let him die in vain, Commander Qiao, I hope you can let Goshawk rest in peace!"

The video ended here, Commander Qiao smiled, and opened another video on the computer desktop, "Looking at this."

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