we are brothers

[374] Sentencing

Liu Feng was well dressed, and the young man was getting taller and taller. Downstairs, Liu Feng glanced at his mother, and then at Liu Zhendong who didn't respond at all, "Dad, let's go together." , haven't gone out together for a long time."

Liu Zhendong smiled, "Go with her, and wait for Dad to go out with you tomorrow." He didn't look at that woman at all.

Liu Feng stood where he was, silent.

"Let's go, your father is not in good health, just let's go"

"I'm in good health." Liu Zhendong coughed twice, "Don't think you've won. This is just the beginning. What's mine is mine. If you want to give it, you can take it. If I don't give it, none of you will." Don't even think about it, even if we die together, don't even want it."

The woman's face was very calm, she just smiled indifferently, ignored Liu Zhendong, and pulled Liu Feng hard, "Feng'er, let's go."

There was an indescribable strange feeling in the room, very depressing.

Liu Zhendong coughed twice more, and from the beginning to the end, he never looked at the woman.

Chen Xiaoxian heaved a sigh of relief on the sidelines, and did not speak, since it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.

Yu Jiang was really sentenced. On the day when he heard the news, Wang Long and the others were shocked. In less than a month, Yu Jiang's case had been sentenced. He was sentenced to five years. Fighting, intentional injury, combined punishment for several crimes, was sentenced to seven years in the first trial, Yu Jiang's lawyer appealed, and in the second trial, the sentence was finally changed to five years.

In this way, Yu Jiang completely bid farewell to the sight of Wang Long and his group. No one knew what his future path would be like, but Yu Jiang's image in the minds of No. [-] Middle School students was indelible.

No matter when, as long as you are a student of No. [-] Middle School, you will know that there used to be such a big brother in No. [-] Middle School, who took No. [-] Middle School to copy No. [-] Middle School, smashed No. [-] Middle School, and then carried everything alone. He didn't implicate any of his friends, and was sentenced to five years in prison. As for Yu Jiang's situation in prison, no one knew.

The business of Heihu Small KTV has improved recently, and the weather is getting warmer. Wang Long and Blind Spider are still playing various chess games every day. The Blind Spider will come up with a new joke every two days, and practice a few times with Wang Long. Play, backgammon, go, chess, checkers, military flag, and finally even the flying chess, all of which can't change the result. It can't be said that he has never won, but he really rarely wins. The blind spider stares every day. Yes, but he comes every night. The blind spider is in the small ktv. As long as the black tiger is not around, no one can subdue the blind spider. No one can provoke him. Wang Long's work has completely changed Became playing with the blind spider, all kinds of games.

As for what Wang Long should do, Blind Spider unceremoniously assigned all of them to Da Zhong, the great Brother He He, and Chen Li to do it, and they were not allowed to refute. If Black Tiger is not here, Blind Spider is the little overlord.

Wang Long was also miserable, because the blind spider was unreasonable and too vicious, which really affected the guests at the door. Wang Long tricked the blind spider into one of the boxes, and then, the task of going to work every day, It turned into coaxing the blind spider to play. The blind spider is also quite serious, looking for all kinds of things to play with every day, and I don't know how boring he is.

This scene is really funny, and it also makes everyone feel helpless.

"Hurry up, it's your turn, numbly." Blind Spider rubbed his head vigorously, "There's a bomb over here, my commander is gone, fuck!"

"It's okay, there's the army commander, I'll read this."

"Fuck, it's another bomb!" The blind spider squinted, "I don't believe it, how many more bombs do you jb have?"

"Swear at people, don't take human organs, okay?"

Blind Spider nodded, "Okay, okay, you continue to flip." Blind Spider stretched out his hand and was about to flip his own chess, when suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Wang Hehe ran in panting, "Blind, Blind Spider , no, not good."

The blind spider raised its head and looked at the great He He, "Why are you excited? What's wrong? You're just so excited. What's wrong?"

Wang Hehe quickly reached out and pointed upstairs, "Mochi, Mochi's younger brother has caused trouble in the private room again, and Yun Gege has already been beaten."

Wang Long also stood up at once, and the expression on his face also changed.

The blind spider was relatively calm, he looked at Wang Long, "Why are you so excited, it's not your wife, come, play chess, play chess." The blind spider grabbed Wang Long's arm again, "Sit down for me!" Pull hard "play chess!"

Wang Long glanced at the chessboard, then at the blind spider, "Something happened up there."

"Chen Li was involved in the accident, why are you in a hurry, play chess, let's talk after playing chess"

"Blind Spider!" Wang Hehe said anxiously, "Mochi and the others have been eyeing us all the time. When the business is good, they come to make trouble, and when the business is good, they come to make trouble, and now they come to make trouble again. Is it just watching?"

The blind spider raised its head and looked at Wang Hehe, "You also said that they come to make trouble when the business is good. You know, they are here to make trouble. Then let me ask you, what are you doing up there? Go up and beat him up, how can you beat him up?" Solve the problem? Beat him up and get into a dispute with them, then let them do what they want, let them toss, just beat her a few times, and didn't kill her or rape her, so what's the matter? Yes, go, calm down, and take good care of you."

Wang Hehe looked at the blind spider with a confused face, "But, but."

"But what is it?" The blind spider looked at Wang Hehe, "Believe it or not, I put your head in the flower pot over there?"

When Wang Hehe heard what the blind spider said, he looked helpless, turned around, opened the door and went out.

The blind spider watched Wang Hehe go out, and smiled at Wang Long, "Come on, come on, it's your turn."

Wang Long made several moves in a row. After 3 minutes, the blind spider pointed out, "The engineer carries the flag, I won."

Wang Long smiled, he was very preoccupied, he heard that Yun Gege was beaten, he didn't know how he was beaten, he didn't know how to go up and watch, playing chess with the blind spider, naturally he couldn't go in, He knew that although Da Zhong had a good relationship with him, he would definitely not care about Yun Gege. In Da Zhong's heart, Zhang Shuang was the only sibling.

"Why do you look so preoccupied." The blind spider began to tinker with the chessboard again, "Don't you have a partner, why are you so concerned about that Yun Gege?" The blind spider looked up and looked at Wang Long, "Wang Long, listen I said, as a man, he must be responsible for his own woman. This is the most basic thing. What the hell, I, Blind Spider, have looked down on this kind of man the most in my whole life, this is not called a man."

Wang Long froze for a moment, "Did you mean Gong Zheng?"

"What about Gong Zheng, I'm talking about you!" The blind spider was a little annoyed, "Don't change the subject."

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