we are brothers

【382】Insulting language

Yun Gege stood at the door, a little angry, and pointed out the door, "This is my home, I'll trouble you to leave now, why are you so shameless?"

"Why am I shameless? I just want to see you. Is this wrong?"

"Thank you, you have your girlfriend, I have my boyfriend, we two have no intersection, do I need you to look at it?"

"I had a little misunderstanding with her. The two of us have nothing. In fact, you are the only one in my heart."

"Can you be more fake?" Yun Gege obviously didn't believe it, "When did you learn to be so disgusting, get out, get out quickly."

"It's true what I said, it's just a lot of things that I don't want to say."

"I don't care if you are true or not, whoever you love in your heart, anyway, I don't have you in my heart, do you understand? Even if all the men in the world are dead, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

"The relationship already exists, it has already happened, can it be changed?"

"That's my business. I'm sick of you. If you have nothing to do, can you go and look at yourself in the mirror? You don't make enough money a month for me to buy clothes and a mobile phone. Please get out of here. Okay? I'm not interested in you, I only like money, do you understand?"

Wang Long was suddenly a little surprised, "I found out that you are sick? Why did your attitude towards me change so much? I just like you, is there something wrong?"

"Yo, like me?" Yun Gege looked at Wang Long with a smile, "How much do you like me? Then tell me, what do you like about me, can I change it?"

"Why are you talking like that? I know you've been wronged and you're in a bad mood, but didn't I just want to come and see you and comfort you?"

"Do I need your comfort?" Yun Gege roared, "Get out, get out immediately, please show some face and stay away from me."

No matter what Wang Long said, he was also an old man. He was also angry at Yun Gege's words, and he stood up immediately, smelling of alcohol, "Yun Gege, you are almost, no matter what, I am also an old man. I treat you Without malice, why do you reject me so much? Insult me ​​so much?"

"How can I insult you?" Yun Gege smiled, "What I said is not true, come on, come on, touch yourself now, it's more than 50 yuan, I will sleep with you at night, no , don’t say 50, it’s fine, you take it out, come on.”

Wang Long did not have it, but he felt a great humiliation, "Is money that important?"

"Can you live without money? You see your sister is suffering every day, and she doesn't even want to go to the hospital when she is sick. If you don't have a meal, it would be interesting if you didn't meet the group of children around you. You can't even support your own sister, so what do you get out of it, you? Do you think money is important?"

Wang Long suddenly fell silent, "Yes, money is important, but you can't trample on my personality like this. I said, I just like you, I love you, it's not my fault."

"Then you mean that it's my fault that I don't like you doll?"

"You're right, but you don't have to insult me ​​like that."

"Don't let me insult you if you have the ability? If you show some ability, you will magnify your words every day. If you want this city that never sleeps, you want this, you want that, can you ask for this with your mouth? No money, no power, No relatives, no useless person!"

Wang Long stretched out his hand and pointed at Yun Gege, extremely angry, "What did you say?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Yun Gege confronted each other, not losing the wind at all.

Wang Long was really angry, "You say that to me again."

"No money, no power, no relatives, no useless person!" Yun Gege's voice became louder, "Did I say something wrong!"

Wang Long took a big step forward, grabbed Yun Gege's neck, and then pushed Yun Gege to the wall with a violent flick. Yungege couldn't take it easy, and Yungege felt that it was difficult for him to breathe.

Wang Long gritted his teeth and looked at Yun Gege, "You madman, you are provoking me."

Yun Gege smiled with an extremely painful expression, "If you have the ability, you will kill me if you have the ability."

Wang Long saw the bruises on Yun Gege's face, and he was a little distressed, so he let go of Yun Gege's neck, and he suddenly felt a little lost, "In my impression, you don't seem to be able to say that talker."

"That's because you don't understand me." Yun Gege stared at Wang Long, "you will eventually understand."

"I don't have money now, but it doesn't mean I won't have it in the future. I don't have rights and status now, and it doesn't mean I won't have it in the future. As for relatives, my sister and I now have relatives, and there are more than one. They are closer than relatives."

Yaoyao in the other room already knew that someone was coming. Later, during the quarrel, she knew it was Wang Long. She never opened the door of her room, but just listened to the quarrel between Wang Long and Yun Gege. On the night, she was playing with the latest Sony digital video camera, which she brought from Dongyin, and she liked it very much.

Yun Gege outside the door smiled, his smile was full of contempt, "You leave my place, I will give you 1 minute, if you don't leave, I will call the police."

Wang Long looked at Yun Gege, "Okay, you call the police, and I will watch you call the police."

"Do you think I don't dare?" Yun Gege smiled, and took out her phone without any hassle. Holding the phone, she was about to dial 110. Just as she was about to dial, Wang Long said He grabbed her wrist and snatched the phone from her hand.

"Give me the phone!" Yun Gege yelled, "Yaoyao, Yaoyao!" She started yelling at Yaoyao, but there was no movement inside, Yaoyao leaned against the door by herself, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wang Long also ignored Yun Gege calling Yaoyao, just seeing Yun Gege's roaring voice, and an inexplicable flame in his heart, he hugged Yun Gege easily.

"Get out, get out!" Yun Gege roared vigorously, and began to scratch Wang Long, Wang Long ignored her, and carried Yun Gege to the room, he threw Yun Gege onto the bed, and then stretched out his hand and pointed, "What are you doing today?" Are you crazy at night?"

"Get out, I'm fucking sick of you!" Yun Gege yelled again, "You useless piece of trash! Go take a piss and take care of yourself, and see what capital you have to say you love someone!"

Wang Long suddenly felt that he could no longer control his emotions, he took a big step forward, and went up to slap Yun Gege on the face with a "slap".

The room suddenly became quiet, and Yungege covered his face, staring at Wang Long blankly.

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