we are brothers

【443】Jin Zhongchong Butcher's Enmity

"Why are you so blessed?" Liu Jun asked again.

"Because they have no father or mother, no concern, no support, so they need to survive in this cruel society. This is the most unique condition. I can teach them how to survive. Such children are rare and cruel enough , Enough hard work, enough loyalty, enough loyalty, they are born to take this path, guide and train them well, and they will become great weapons in the future, I, Wang Wei, can't just rely on you guys to do things for me all my life."

Liu Jun smiled and was not talking. Wang Wei was thinking from an angle that he would never be able to think about.

Two hours ago, in the yard of Heihu's house.

Xiao Wu sat in the driving seat, and Hei Hu and Blind Spider got into the car.

Jin Zhongchong stood at the door by himself, with his hands clasped together, he looked at Heihu, "What are you going to do with this document?"

Hei Hu thought for a while, "Take this document and go to the butcher to exchange for Wang Long."

"After that, will he change with you? Even if Wang Long and the others are exchanged, there is still one thing that needs to be dealt with, that is Mochi. Mochi is the lord of the east city of the city that never sleeps. You killed Mochi. Then there must be an explanation, and they will definitely ask why you have someone like me among your people, what do you want to say?"

Heihu squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and looked at Jin Zhongchong, "If you have a way, just tell me, time is limited, in the place where the flames of war are burning, as long as people go in, they will come out for a second that night, and it will be more dangerous."

Jin Zhongchong nodded, "Listen to me, after you go, hand over the documents to the butcher, and then ask him to forgive me, don't submit the exchange with him, just mention the conflict between you and Mochi, you and Mochi The grievances between you, how bullying Mochi is, how aggressive you are, you can say what you want to say, if you mention that you can't bear it, you kill Mochi, and fight him desperately, you can add fuel and vinegar, but you must put All the contradictions are between you and Mochi. The internal contradictions between you, you are also a member of his city that never sleeps, so let him make the decision. If my guess is right, then according to what you said these days, this butcher There is also a deadly enemy, that person is also very powerful, you also said, not only a group of people are looking for you, if they are also looking for you, it is the group of people in the fairyland on earth who also want this information, you This information can only be given to the butcher, you can’t think of betraying the butcher and giving it to the fairyland on earth, let me tell you this, you are very smart and will definitely understand.”

Heihu narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head, looked at Jin Zhongchong with admiration on his face, "I'm confused."

Jin Zhongchong laughed, "I returned this information to the butcher intact. How did the information come from? When I was desperately fighting with Mochi, I don't know which subordinate took it down. It's all a coincidence. I'm sending it back now." , Just follow his instructions, you can lose a life, I understand the butcher, you don't offend his Ni Lin."

Hei Hu took a deep breath, "I know."

"This is also your only chance. Remember, the butcher's rebellion is betrayal and betrayal, because he used to be a master of betrayal and betrayal. He followed several big brothers in his life, but he didn't end well in the end. Instead, he died on his own. When Lang arrived here, he himself became the big brother. This is life, so he hates his subordinates for betraying or betraying him, but if you are fighting among yourself, this will not arouse his disgust. He and Mochi You don’t necessarily have deep feelings, you can slander Mochi, say what Mochi said about the butcher, make up some content, give the butcher a step down, and give the butcher a reason to let you live, understand?”

Heihu cupped his fists at Jin Zhongchong, "Master Jin, thank you for your enlightenment."

"There is one more important thing you want to say." Jin Zhongchong smiled and pointed to himself, "Don't let him know that you are with me, don't let him know that we are working together, if he knows, ten heads are not enough for him to chop off Yours, do you understand?"

Heihu didn't ask why, nodded, got in the car, and the Highlander off-road vehicle drove away directly.

In the car, Xiao Wu was smoking a cigarette, "Boss, let's just pick up the fortune and bet it all."

"There's nothing you can do if you don't gamble. You're going to die anyway. There's always hope if you try hard. Moreover, the two children Wang Long and Da Zhong are still in the city that never sleeps. We have to take this road sooner or later. Why don't we fight early? It could save the lives of their two children."

"The two of them will never say a word about you." The blind spider was abnormally sure, "I know these two children."

Xiao Wu nodded, "I think so too."

"So our speed should be faster." The blind spider was a little anxious, "It's late, that's two lives."

Xiao Wu let out a "hmm" and accelerated the gas pedal, "Master Hu, what kind of person do you think this Jin Zhongchong is?"

"This person is not simple. He is in his 50s, but he has experienced too much. He sees problems more deeply than I do, and handles them more thoughtfully than I think." Together, we have benefited a lot and learned a lot. This person is really not simple. If my guess is right, he was definitely a big brother in the past."

"Then why have you fallen to this point?"

"Taking this road is itself like this. One foot is in the coffin and the other is in the chant. There is no eternal prosperity. Time can change everything."

"Then you said that he and the butcher, how big a festival is it? They used to be in the same place?"

"That's not clear, so don't ask, drive faster, let's go to Fenghuo Liancheng."

Jin Zhongchong closed the courtyard gate of Heihu's house slowly by himself, returned to the room with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the empty hall, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa. I don't know where they are now, and I don't know how their lives are going.

He closed his eyes, took another deep breath, and thought about so many things he had done for so many years, and his whole life was like this, with ups and downs, he suddenly felt a little helpless. Knowing about the butcher who is the city lord of the city that never sleeps, I never thought that the butcher who almost died at his own hands several times in city l, would now start a business in city op, and it would be so big that he was as big as Beitian Dynasty , Now also reduced to a wanted fugitive.

He suddenly felt a little emotional, and there were thousands of thoughts in his mind.

More than ten years ago, on a wide road near Beitian Dynasty in L City, Jin Zhongchong and Li Yao were sitting in a commercial vehicle, while Li Xiaobao was holding the phone in his hand and kept giving instructions.

Li Yao was very weak and was injecting himself with drugs again.

Jin Zhongchong sat aside, "Okay, less, you won't be able to bear too much."

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