we are brothers

【467】Xie Tian in Prison

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself, that's not what I meant." Gao Yu changed quickly, "What I want to say is not that Master Du is lowering the IQ of our No. [-] Middle School students, it's because there are black sheep like you in No. [-] Middle School. Image ambassador, no matter how good your grades are, there will be no reason, you know?"

"Mr. **, you are a dog. If you say you turn your back on it, you will turn your back on it. You are in vain to help you talk, right?"

"Paralyzed, do you want to die!" Gao Yu stood up and pointed at Gong Zheng, followed by shouting "Master Du!"

Du Hua's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, and he directly opened his mouth to show his uneven yellow teeth. I don't know how many days this guy hasn't brushed his teeth. After opening his mouth, he still has bad breath There is still a leek between the two teeth, and what is more important is the fierce expression of Du Jiaozhu, and he said "Wow, woof, woof!" to Gong Zheng three more times.

Xiao Xiawen hurriedly covered her nose and took a step back, Wang Ci took the apple and Ah Yao also dodged, Li Lei and Da Zhong also quickly dodged, this nima gave Master Du a bite, it wouldn't be poisonous.

"I'm warning you two, just play cards well, don't make me unhappy, you know?"

"Master Du!" Gao Yu yelled, "He needs to clean up again, come on!" Then Gao Yu took a step back, waved his hand, and Master Du made three barking sounds, and rushed towards Gong Zheng. go up.

Wang Long took advantage of the chaos and hurried back to the room. Then, he heard the scream of "Ah!" in the living room. After each transformation, no matter how hard he was beaten, he didn't make a sound, and then he heard Gao Yu's scolding, "I'm coming, Master Du!"

Then there were screams of "Wow, woof", "ah", and then "Boom!", the sound of the table falling to the ground, the mahjong table was also turned over, and there were mahjong and banknotes all over the floor.

"Don't fucking snatch the money!" Gao Yu roared, followed by Gao Yu's painful cry again, "Master, you idiot Du Hua, you bit the wrong person, ah!!!" roared.

"Ha ha ha ha" everyone in the hall laughed, happy, really happy, Wang Long was lying on the bed, his mind was full of the situation just now, then he sat up quickly, and rummaged through the drawers in his room. After a long time, he found a photo given to him by Zhang Shuang, and he placed the photo on his bedside table. Xiao Xiawen was on top of the big clock, and Zhang Shuang was on top of his head. Before going to bed, he picked up his own mobile phone, and sent Zhang Shuang a "good night, baby."

In the op prison in xx province, the prison is not small, and it is very close to the city of op. Xie Tian's injuries have healed. These days he is very boring. His parents visit him every month. He would tell him about the situation at home. He also knew that Heihu and Wang Long had been taking care of his parents, and he felt relieved a lot. Moreover, his father was about to be discharged from the hospital. After treating his father and selling his property, he was even more moved. Similarly, his inner pressure became more and more intense. He was originally a very quiet child, but this time, he became Even more autistic, every day in the cell by himself, he seldom speaks, and, after all, he is carrying a blood wolf on his face, this lifelike blood wolf makes Xie Tian more depressed, and it also gives others, more feeling of terror.

Xie Tian is going to be assigned to a large cell in the prison today. After all, his injury has healed, so he cannot live in a separate cell. He was taken into a large cell by the prison guards. The place is not very big, but there are many prisoners in the vicinity, so the cells are equipped with additional beds. There were twelve to fourteen cells in the original cells, but now there are eighteen cells.

Xie Tian was brought in at night. His bed was at the innermost side. When he entered, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the cell. Everyone was staring at half of his face. Everyone was watching.

He didn't know why there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He still remembered Heihu's education to him, "ruthless."

"Little bastard, what are you laughing at? Don't you want to live anymore? Do you know where this is?" A 50-year-old bald man with a swollen face pointed at Xie Tian in front of the prison guards and started cursing." Believe it or not, I killed you here!"

"Da Kai, be more honest!" The prison guard next to him reprimanded the big man.

The big man patted his head, and stretched out his middle finger to Xie Tian. Immediately after, the prison guard closed the door slowly and left. Da Kai's full name is Huang Kai, and he is well-known in this prison. He also has this name. The eldest son, in his 50s, has spent half his life in prison.

Xie Tian stood at the door, and just as he was about to go inside, two young people over the age of [-] came down from the bunk at the door and stopped Xie Tian, ​​"What did you do to come in? Is it theft or rape?"

Xie Tian's voice was not loud, "Overdefensive."

The two turned their heads and glanced at Da Kai behind him, "Brother Kai, it's not about stealing and raping!"

"I think he's upset, call me!" Dakai sat in the back, smoking a cigarette.

Immediately afterwards, without saying a word, the two boys punched Xie Tian's face and went up. The first person punched up, but before the second punch was hit, Xie Tian fought back. He raised his leg and went up. The foot kicked directly on this person's stomach, and this person kicked him back a few steps, and fell directly to the ground. Then he raised his fist, gritted his teeth, and shone hard on the other person's face. He swung it up with a punch, and the abnormal force of the punch directly sent the person opposite him flying, and the person fell directly to the ground, with a mouth full of blood, and a front tooth fell to the ground.

"You idiot, it's wrong!" Dakai cursed and stood up straight away, "Hit me!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen people from the upper and lower bunks around came down, and rushed over according to Xie Tian. Most of the people inside were in their 40s and [-]s. This group of adults came to the edge of Xie Tian. He punched a person in the stomach, then turned around and kicked a person away. He dodged to the side, and then raised his fist and hit a person in the face. In an instant, his face After being punched, two more people came up and kicked Xie Tian in the stomach, and Xie Tian hit the iron gate behind him, followed by a large group of people rushing towards Xie Tian, ​​with big fists banging Banging down, even kicking and cursing, soon, Xie Tian was buried by the crowd.

A group of people beat Xie Tian on the ground violently, with unusual force, and soon attracted the prison guards to "stop, stop"!The prison guard yelled, "Dakai, tell them to stop!"

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