we are brothers

【484】Chapter Answer of Master Du

Du Jiaozhu naturally couldn't say Gong Zheng, he patted his chest very coolly, "After listening to your class, I analyzed it myself"

"Oh, so." Wotou tapped the triangular ruler in his hand, "Then tell me which question is b?"

"That's what you said just now, the way you said just now." Master Du was still serious.

Wotou suddenly became angry, "I'll fucking kill you!" After speaking, he pointed a triangular ruler at Du Jiaozhu's shoulder and swung it up. Wrong, should choose c"

"I fucking killed you!" Wotou yelled again, and threw a triangular ruler at Du Jiaozhu again. As a result, Du Jiaozhu had been beaten out of the habit, turned around and bowed his head, and the triangular ruler fell to the side On the podium, the force was too great, and the triangle ruler was smashed by him in an instant, and a corner flew up directly, and it was drawn horizontally from Wotou's forehead. I don't know if there is such a thing. Sharp, blood flowed from Wotou's forehead, and slowly flowed over Wotou's eyes, and Wotou's eyes turned red instantly.

Looking at Master Du again, he has already run to the door, "Teacher, I thought about it just now, this question should be a, no, or d, don't be angry, look at you, you are bleeding"

"Ah!!!!" Wotou yelled with all his strength, and then rushed towards Master Du with his mouth wide open.

Wang Long and his group hurriedly covered their eyes, when they heard the sound of closing the door with a "bang", and then the corridor was full of wotou yelling and cursing.

Immediately afterwards, the class didn't know who started it, but everyone cooperated very cleverly, "Du Jiaozhu Xian Fuyong enjoys life and heaven!"

After that, 70% of the students were lying on the table.

Gong Zheng patted his face lightly, just about to sleep.

"You are really not human, I have never seen you like this, inhuman"

"Bastards, pigs and dogs are not as good as you are, it's a pity that he still trusts you so much for harming Master Du so much."

"That is, we are ashamed to be with you"

"You wait for Master Du to fight you hard, Gong Zheng, you are inhuman, we can't help you anymore"

Gong Zheng was also depressed at this moment, and looked at the few people lying down sleeping around him, "Masters, a bunch of bastards who crossed rivers and demolished bridges!"

The old wolf rubbed his face, his voice was very loud, anyway, the teacher is gone, "I'm fucking worshiping Master Du more and more, ****!" He returned to his seat, and shouted again, "Master Du will enjoy immortal blessings forever!" Shou and Tian Qi!"

"Hahahahahaha" Many people laughed, followed by everyone lying down, Zhang Shuang looked back at Wang Long, and she was helpless for Du Jiaozhu, they had already seen it, anyway Du The leader will not be expelled, they are used to it, and want to sleep in class, so they can only use this method to lure Wotou away, but such a bad idea, except for Gong Zheng, most people really can't think of it and can't do it.

Du Jiaozhu disappeared again in the afternoon, Lu Feng and the others skipped school, and in the last self-study class, Lu Feng took Lao Lang and a few hot people from other classes to go out. I heard it was some kind of cf team competition , they chattered anxiously for a long time in the afternoon.

As a result, in the last self-study class, Du Jiaozhu hadn't come back yet, Wang Long and his group sat in the back, holding poker in their hands, "to a" Wang Long threw out two cards, "Gong Zheng, I can't stop talking about you, you This matter is not done right, how could anyone harm Du Jiaozhu so much."

"That's right, we really despise you." Gao Yu yawned and stretched, "It's so comfortable!"

Gong Zhenggang wanted to swear, but the door was pushed open at once. Everyone thought it was some teacher who came, so the unified movement was to lower their heads, pretending to read the textbooks on the table.

After being quiet for a while, Wang Long and the others looked up at the door, only to realize that it was not the teacher who came, but the students, the first year students, the leader, Wang Long and the others had seen it before, it was Yin Zheyu.

Yin Zheyu held a stool leg in his hand, followed by more than a dozen high school students, all of them filed in, stood at the front of the class, and closed the door. Before closing the door, the front was full of high school students. The tall student, Yin Zheyu, looked around, and then, with the leg of a stool, he threw it on the podium in front of him, "Where is Lu Feng, you idiot, come out!" He roared.

Wang Long squinted his eyes and looked at the big clock next to him. Then, two people stood up in the class. These two people also belonged to the Fenghuo Society and had a close relationship with Lu Feng. One was named Fan Qi, and the other It's called Chen Kui. After these two stood up, they followed closely, and seven or eight people stood up behind them. up.

Yin Zheyu should know Fan Qi and Chen Kui, because Fan Qi and Chen Kui were both present when they beat Yin Zheyu and his friend at the gate of the bar. Sure enough, Yin Zheyu and his group turned their attention to Fan Qi them.

Zhang Shuang quickly looked back at Wang Long, she was sitting in front, she was worried about what Wang Long and the others would do.

The two sides looked at each other for two seconds, and Yin Zheyu hadn't spoken yet. The door in the class was kicked open with a "bang", and the force was very, very loud. What's more, there were two people standing behind the door. A person kicked open the door, slammed back, and directly hit the tops of the two people's heads.

"Ouch!" The two freshman students slapped their hands on their heads, "Grass, who is it!"

Then a group of people looked at the door, and a chasing boy with big glasses appeared. Master Du's eyes were blood red, and his body exuded an explosive air, which made people feel bursts of killing intent. He gritted his teeth, rushed in after entering the door Looking at Gong Zheng's side, "Wow, woof, woof!" three times in a row.

"Oh my god, murderous look!" Gong Zheng hurriedly glanced at Gao Yu beside him.

Master Du really roared at the evil dragon on Gong Zheng's side. By the way, I forgot to mention that Master Du named his bark Wang Wangwang the evil dragon roar. He said that it was the innate power bestowed on him by the evil dragon god.

Yin Zheyu was standing in the middle of the line between Du Hua and Gong Zheng, so Du Hua's murderous gaze and the great evil dragon's roar fell on Yin Zheyu's head.

Yin Zheyu was extremely angry, turned around and slapped the head of Du Jiaozhu who was still roaring with a stick, and then saw a large circle of people around, holding the guy "grass mud horse" in his hand, and he went crazy After beating and kicking, Master Du was knocked down on the ground in an instant, and he didn't hear the roar of the evil dragon, but saw a large group of people scrambling to rush up, yelling and cursing Master Du who started kicking the evil dragon god sect.

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