we are brothers

【509】Prison Battle

"You girl, you don't know how to feel sorry for yourself." After finishing speaking, Li Lei put the big bag on the table in the living room, and immediately took out two lunch boxes, a bowl of rice, and a special bag for porridge. Used lunch box.

Li Lei set it up for Wang Ci, "This is pork ribs, this is spinach vermicelli, this is millet porridge, and here is a small bowl of cold dishes. This is rice. Come on, eat it while it's hot."

"Ah, it smells so good." Wang Ci smiled and kissed Li Lei's forehead, "Brother Lei, in fact, among these people, only you have the most careful heart, and you are the only one who cares about my life the most. They're all careless, and they can't even manage themselves well, if anyone marries you in the future, they will be very happy."

"Okay, you can eat yours." Li Lei touched Wang Ci's forehead, "Eat it." After speaking, Li Lei turned around and looked at Da Zhong's washing machine, where there were many, many clothes, he sighed After taking a breath, he turned on the washing machine and threw the clothes in. "

"Brother Lei, no need, no need." Xiao Wang Ci hastily stretched out his hand, "I'll do it when the time comes."

"Eat yours, this Wang Long and Da Zhong are too, you can't let you do everything."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Xiao Wangci smiled again, "Brother Lei, don't mess around."

"Okay, you can eat yours obediently, eat more, and don't eat at noon, it can't be like this."

"Hey" Xiao Wang Ci smiled, and he was really hungry. Looking at the rich food in front of him, Xiao Wang Ci started to eat, and Li Lei next to him threw Wang Long and his clothes into the washing machine. He didn't want to wash it either, but he couldn't help it. He felt sorry for Xiao Wang Ci. Every time he made something delicious at home, he would bring some to Xiao Wang Ci, and he got used to it.

In the No. [-] Prison of Op City, xx Province, the work of the prisoners in the four prison districts is also very stable. The first prison district is for clothing electronics, the second prison district is for ball electronics, the third prison district is for electronics, and the fourth prison district includes prison administration and life hygiene.

Tie Ao and Xie Tian's prison area is for electronics. These days, Xie Tian and the people in the cell have almost gotten to know each other. Everyone is very polite to him, and Tie Ao will take him with him in whatever he does. Xie Tian doesn't like to talk, but he knows that Iron Anchor treats him well. He has fought his life twice in a row, and he has earned a little name from the prison. The nickname Ghost Wolf is not bad. And pass.

On the edge of a large factory, a rare 10-minute break for free activities, surrounded by a few prison guards on patrol.

Iron Anchor and a group of people stood in an inconspicuous corner, all of them were wearing prison uniforms.

"Boss, what's the matter? They're getting more and more over the top, fuck it, they're bullying too much!"

Tie Anchor squinted his eyes and turned his head to look at another group of prisoners who were less than ten meters away from them. There were more than a dozen of them, "What can I do?" Cowardly, what will I do in the future, if I don’t do it, I will do it to death!”

Then, he glanced at Xie Tian, ​​"Don't you like to make big ones?" Then Tie Anchor pointed out, "The fattest one over there is called Zhu Wenhua, nicknamed Spinning Top, you can kill him, He has been at loggerheads with Lao Tzu for a long time. This fat man is the most difficult to deal with among all the bosses in this prison area. No one dares to provoke him if he has to bully him. Now that he is used to his problems, it is time to fix him. "

Xie Tian sat on a small step by himself, squinted, and glanced at a fat man at the head over there. He weighed about [-] to [-] catties and was not tall. The fat man showed his sleeves , the two arms are densely packed, I don't know what the tattoos are, the button on the chest is also unbuttoned, a very obvious scar, the fat man's face is full of horizontal flesh, a patch of potholes, and an unusually obvious double chin, it is estimated that this fat man Raise your arms, but you can't reach your ears.

The fat man was surrounded by a group of big men, all of whom were smoking openly and aboveboard, and the prison guard was a little far away, as if he hadn't seen it, Xie Tian glanced at the anchor, but didn't think too much, "Who killed it? "

"Nonsense, I'm your boss. I'll let you die. If you die, it must be mine. It has nothing to do with you." Tie Anchor stared at Xie Tian. If you can’t move, he will kill you, aren’t you afraid?”

"I'm afraid it will solve the problem." Xie Tian didn't say anything else. He put out the cigarette in his mouth, glanced at the spinning top over there, and spat out to the side. The expression on his face changed, followed by , A steel fork appeared in the hand of the anchor. I don't know where the steel fork came from. It is the kind of steel fork used for eating. It must not be used by them. I don't know what other channels the anchor has. can get these things.

Xie Tian walked up to the iron anchor, grabbed it in his hand, and pushed down his sleeves vigorously.

Tie Anchor smiled at Xie Tian, ​​"I, Tie Anchor, have been in prison for so many years. I have a reputation. I asked you to do something. If you killed someone, I have a way to settle it. Anyway, you will be fine, just It's up to you whether you dare or not."

Xie Tian glanced at Tie Mao, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then, without saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the group of tops, while Tie Ao and his group behind him watched.

A person beside the anchor glanced at the anchor, "Boss, he has already passed, let's not pass, we can't let that kid do it by himself, he will be beaten to death by the spinning top."

Tie Anchor shook his head, "I want to see how capable this kid is. He can pick up both Dakai and Li Nan. What's more, I didn't say no to help, so close It can be run in seconds, let everyone get ready, I will move as soon as I move.”

"Understood, boss" Then, the group of people on Tie Ao's side also began to exercise their muscles.

Xie Tian is very inconspicuous by himself, but before he reached the spinning top, he was stopped by two people, "Go, go over there." A big man stretched out his hand and pointed to Xie Tian, ​​"Stay away from us, Get over there."

The other big man was still smoking a cigarette, squinting his eyes, with an expression of indifference, followed closely, and saw that Xie Tian suddenly moved at this moment, he lifted his leg up to shine on the crotch of the first big man, and just kicked it when he went up .

"Ah!" The big man roared in pain, followed closely at the same time, Xie Tian turned around and punched another big man in the face, with unusual force, this hit the bridge of the big man's nose, Xie Tian went up and continued Another big man was knocked down with two punches.

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