we are brothers


"Are you sick?" Yaoyao was suddenly very angry, "You don't want to be chased to death, but now she is with that stupid bitch, who is always loving and loving, you I started to care about others, do you care?"

"Okay, don't talk about me, I'm depressed enough, you know, these things, do I have to say it myself?"

Yaoyao looked at Yungege, thinking about what happened to Yungege, she felt sorry for Yungege, her only good sister, "Okay, okay, I understand, it's not easy for you, come on , let’s do business first, even if you have something to do, you can’t go now, there are so many people at the main entrance, Heihu will be angry.”

Yun Gege nodded, then looked at Wang Hehe and Yaoyao beside him, and he started to help carry the corpse. These two girls' minds were really firm enough, but they were forced to do nothing.

Heihu asked them to do this, there must be a deep meaning, they have to do it, there is no room for choice, more importantly, even Wang Hehe has put up a fight, there is nothing the two of them can't fight.

Soon, more than a dozen corpses were thrown onto the big tricycle behind. Wang Hehe, Yaoyao, and Yun Gege, with blood on their hands, filled up the soil on the ground again. Wang Hehe took a deep breath and covered his head. Profusely, "Crazy, crazy, crazy, the wrinkled dragon and the others are dead, all dead, this black tiger is crazy!"

As for wrinkled dragons and their big shopkeepers, they are well-known in the entire city that never sleeps, and Dongcheng is even more famous. People like Yun Gege and the others who have stayed in the city that never sleeps for so many years also know each other and know who it is. Who, the hearts of several people are very depressed, this black tiger is really crazy.

Wang Hehe drove this big tricycle, from the back, slowly detoured to the front downstairs, in the dark night, there were many ponies, talking and laughing, they had no idea what was going on inside.

Wang Hehe slowly dragged the dozens of corpses away. Fortunately, he did not attract the attention of those people.

Upstairs, Blind Spider called Yun Gege, then put the phone away and stared at Heihu, "Okay, boss, they have already taken the body away."

Heihu smiled, "Let's go!" Then, Heihu was in front, Xiaowu was pushing Heihu's wheelchair, Wang Long, Dazhong, Blind Spider, Wan Qi, four people followed behind Heihu, and a group of people arrived Elevator, make an elevator, go out of Xanadu, at the gate of Xanadu, Heihu and his party stood here, and the hundred and ten people below were stunned.

Heihu stood at the main entrance of Xanadu, and the row of people behind him was covered in blood.

Heihu closed his eyes suddenly, he felt the majesty of the night, a few seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the people below, he opened his hands, and his voice was unusually loud, "I! Heihu! He is the lord of the east city of the city that never sleeps!"

The boys below were suddenly quiet, all looking at Heihu.

"Those who follow me will prosper!" Heihu looked at the people below, and then roared, "Those who go against me will perish!" He looked at the more than 100 horsemen below with a very cold expression.

The boys below were ready to move immediately, Wang Long Dazhong, Blind Spider Xiao Wu, and a group of people all took out their guns without any hassle, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Then, he smiled, "Ahahaha, hahahahaha" He laughed wildly, because he saw many people below were already making calls.

Heihu suddenly calmed down again, stared at the people below, and roared again, "Those who follow me prosper! Those who oppose me perish! I am Heihu! I am the city lord of the east city of the city that never sleeps!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and Xiao Wu was pushing Heihu's wheelchair behind him. Blind Spider and the others all had guns in their hands, and they followed behind Heihu. They all subconsciously started to give way to this group of blood men. Yes, yes, all of them were covered in blood. No one knew what happened above, but no one dared to stop them.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted "Wan Qi!"

Wan Qi stood there, stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the crowd, he didn't know who shouted his name, he didn't speak, and followed behind Heihu, and then, all kinds of words came out from the crowd "Wan Qi is back, Wan Qi is back."

"Who is Wan Qi? Why are you so surprised?"

"Wanqi, you don't even know that the only person in Dongcheng who dared to fight against Mochi was many years ago."

All kinds of discussions continued around, and many people also felt that something was wrong, and they all started to run into the hotel.

Heihu and his group are also very courageous, so they really came out like this!

Heihu and his team didn't go back to the city that night, they just went to a small clinic to treat their wounds briefly. Everyone didn't have any fear of their lives, but after all, most of them were wounded, and the pain of the wounds was inevitable.

Wang Long was the only one who was not injured. He glanced at the big clock next to him, "Is it ok?"

Da Zhong smiled, and there was sweat on his forehead, "It feels ok, my body is not ok, but it's a small thing." He stared at Wang Long, "I remember when I was in the room, I seemed to hear bullets coming from my ears. The sound of flying past is a feeling."

"Are you afraid?" Wang Long looked at the big clock. "Are you afraid?"

Da Zhong thought for a while, first shook his head, then nodded, "At first I wasn't afraid, then I was afraid again, now, I am not afraid anymore, I can't say, I am afraid, or I am not afraid, but I know today is really dangerous , We have spelled it out, if we don’t spell it out, we will probably die, I’m only seventeen.”

Wang Long stared at the big clock, "If we keep going this way, there will be many more desperate things in the future."

"It's the same how many times." The big bell put his arms around Wang Long's shoulders, "Brother Long, we two brothers are together, the flames of war are like a city, it's heaven!"

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, he naturally knew the meaning of the big clock's words that even the city of war is heaven, and he smiled at the big clock, "There is no way, our brothers want to get ahead, this is a process that must be experienced."

"I understand that there will be no pies in the sky. We brothers are helpless and can only rely on each other."

Wang Long took a deep breath and looked at the small clinic, "What do you think of the person who suddenly appeared, that Wanqi."

"Very powerful, I think he is comparable to Jin Zhongchong."

Wang Long shook his head, "In terms of personal ability alone, it may be similar to Uncle Jin, but overall."

"Yeah, Uncle Jin, I heard from Xiao Wu that the plan for this incident was given by Uncle Jin. The only chance is for us to work hard. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. I still feel like a dream."

"The two of us brothers can only go this way, and neither should leave the other, just like this for the rest of our lives."

Da Zhong smiled at Wang Long, "Brother Long, it is not necessary, we will be fine, we have to make a lot of money, and then live a life without worrying about food and clothing."

Wang Long stretched out his hand towards the big clock, and then, the hands of the two people were tightly held together.

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