we are brothers

【551】The biggest casino

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, "Why don't I know, but after all, the face hasn't been torn apart now, and it's not the right time yet. If I knew it, I might as well have done it earlier. Fuck! Who knew that the disabled Heihu could integrate Dongcheng? I thought Dongcheng could be in chaos for a while, so I scolded the neighbor!"

"What to do, boss, now the lives of brothers are tied to a rope, we have no way out, the butcher will definitely not let us go, now we are Sima Zhaozhi's heart, everyone knows, everyone knows us Reverse."

"Steady first, looking for an opportunity, when will the next batch of weapons that Wang Wei promised us arrive?"


"Send someone to take over, don't want Huang, I can't die, everyone will be fine and safe."

Everyone around looked at the strong man, who smiled and touched his handle, not knowing what he was doing.

At Lhasa Gonggar Airport, Qin Xuan, Baiyun and Liu Zhendong got off the plane. Looking at the surrounding scenery, Baiyun took a deep breath, took two taxis, and headed straight to the agreed hotel.

The two taxis arrived at a very large five-star hotel in Lhasa one after the other. Liu Zhendong opened a room in the hotel, which was the presidential suite. The group returned to the room, all a little tired.

Bai Yun stared at Qin Xuan, "What should I do next?"

"Someone will send us the weapon directly. Then you can see if it fits your hand. It should be fine."

"Then how do we find Wang Yue?" Bai Yun took a deep breath, "Which nearby city is Wang Yue? A Dong, how is the situation with you? Have Wang Wei and Wang Mingxiao been in contact?"

"No, the people over there have taken Wang Wei's grandchildren to hide. Now they don't know where they are hiding. They will definitely not contact Wang Mingxiao again. They should go directly to Liu'er. Liu'er should be there. Not too far from here."

"The sparrow is near here." Qin Xuan thought for a while, "Liu'er must have come here to find the sparrow, otherwise he wouldn't have traveled so far, and the sparrow would have moved here with Shang Sheng." I'm coming, I don't know how I've been doing all these years."

"Then look for the sparrow, Liu'er will definitely have a connection with the sparrow." After Qin Xuan finished speaking, he took a deep breath, "Wait for the weapons first, we don't have any weapons now, so that won't work."

"You guys are waiting for the connection here, I'll go down and buy a car."

"Buy a Q7." Qin Xuan glanced at A Dong, "The car is too small to fit us."

"Well, I will contact you later." After finishing speaking, Liu Zhendong turned around and opened the door to go out. Only Qin Xuan and the others were left in the room.

"The people we have to face this time are not easy, everyone should be careful." Bai Yun looked at the people around him, "We brothers have been here together through life and death for so many years, and we have overcome even the most difficult things. One word, be careful."

"Got it, Brother Bai," Chen Xiaoxian and the others said in unison.

More than an hour later, someone knocked on the door, and Bai Yun and his group stood up. Qin Xuan squinted his eyes, thought for a while, walked to the door, and glanced outside. There was a tall man outside, carrying an oversized He was wearing a suitcase, and he was carrying two large guitar cases behind him. This person was wearing a hat, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

Qin Xuan turned his head towards Baiyun and made an "ok" gesture, then opened the door, the man was more than 1.8 meters tall, looked at Qin Xuan and the others, then entered the room, stood in the hall, The man didn't say a word. He put the suitcase and guitar case on the ground. He didn't say a word to Qin Xuan and the others. He kept the brim of his hat down very low. Then he turned around and left. The man's walking figure Tall, after opening the door, looked around, and left directly.

Qin Xuan closed the door, Bai Yun looked at the man's back, "This is a good player."

No one in the room spoke, looking at an oversized suitcase and two guitar cases on the ground.

Bai Yun opened the guitar case without any hassle, he took a deep breath, "Good guy" and then assembled the parts inside one by one, "Type 85 sniper rifle, good guy, the bullets are not even processed, it seems to be ok directly used”

On the other side, Chen Xiaoxian opened the two suitcases on the ground, all pistols, bulletproof vests, bullets, and military daggers. There are a total of twelve pistols, as well as military close-range equipment.

Bai Yun looked at the box of equipment, "The set of equipment sent here is much better than our previous set, and it is also much more advanced." After finishing speaking, Bai Yun picked up the sniper rifle that had just been assembled and put it away. When he reached the window sill, from the window sill, he held a gun and looked at the pedestrians below, and then Chen Xiaoxian and the others all looked at Baiyun.

Bai Yun smiled, stretched out his thumb, very happy "good!"

This group of people are experts in gun play, and this batch of equipment is more important to them than anything else.

The group was very happy, "I'm paralyzed, this trip to Tibet is not in vain, this batch of advanced equipment can replace our batch."

This group of people was very happy, Qin Xuan was also confused when he saw the dazzling weapons in this box.

Downstairs, the man who delivered weapons to Qin Xuan and the others just now drove an Audi car and left the hotel slowly. He held the phone in his hand and said, "Everything is done." I know." "Don't worry, it's all taken care of..."

Four hours later, Qin Xuan's group had a simple meal, and then went downstairs. Liu Zhendong's Q7 had already driven downstairs, and Bai Yun's group had already armed all the equipment, put on their clothes, and put on their ears. Headphones are hung on it.

In the car, Qin Xuan handed Liu Zhendong a pistol, a bulletproof vest, an earphone, and a microphone, "Don't rush, no matter what happens, you can just wait in the car, and I'll see your face It’s not pretty, is it okay?”

Liu Zhendong stretched out his hand to Qin Xuan and made an "ok" gesture, "No problem, don't worry."

Qin Xuan looked at the Baiyun group sitting behind him, everyone had a very happy expression on their faces, there are definitely very few things that can make this group of people happy, but now the acquisition of this batch of new equipment , is definitely something that makes them very happy.

Qin Xuan shook his head, everyone's pursuit is different, no matter what, they still have a soldier's temperament in their bones, and those can't be changed.

"Where are we going next?"

"Go to the biggest casino nearby." Qin Xuan thought for a while, "I don't know where Wang Yue and the others have gone, so I can only look for sparrows."

"Then why go to the biggest casino nearby."

[ps: There are two quotas for the annual meeting on the mobile phone. If you are interested, you can take a look.

Event date: April 4th - May 15th.The evaluation of all the following awards for grabbing tickets is only based on the data during the event.

奖项一:【最佳贡献奖】获得年会邀请函一张为活动期间pk榜冠军图书投pk票最多的用户奖项二:【最佳投手奖】获得年会邀请函一张活动期间站内投pk票最多的用户【参与要求与资格】1、获得邀请函用户至少要达到站内超级vip级别。(即 13年度在17k手机小说充值 00元的用户)2、活动期间的充值及pk票消费只计算在手机站充值的部分。

3. A user can only get one invitation letter. If he occupies two first places at the same time, it will be postponed from No.2. 】

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