we are brothers


At this moment, Wan Xin turned his head and said, "Two more cars are following up, Brother Xiong, please give instructions."

Cai Xinxiong narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, "Get rid of it, how much you keep up with, how much you get rid of, just use the simplest way to solve it violently! Wan Xin, the number one on your left, Ke Songda, the number two on your right."

As soon as Cai Xinxiong finished speaking, he saw the domineering off-road vehicle and the Touareg off-road vehicle behind him. The two vehicles slowed down suddenly, and the speed of the vehicles was very slow. Then, the two off-road vehicles following behind directly followed Wanxin and Ke Songda The car is parallel.

Immediately afterwards, the car window was rolled open, and the continuous sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" was heard.

The four vehicles were originally driving in parallel. Just after the burst of gunfire, I saw the two outermost off-road vehicles. One of them directly hit a utility pole on one side, and the front of the vehicle was tilted up. The other vehicle He bumped into the steps on one side, followed by crashing into someone's glass.

The four people in the car were all shot in the head and died thoroughly.

"Brother Xiong, the No. [-] objective has been resolved." "Brother Xiong, the No. [-] objective has been resolved."

Cai Xinxiong smiled, smoking a cigarette, "Everyone, be careful, slow down, and don't fall into someone's ambush."

Inside the Tianming Hotel, in the sparrow's room, the sparrow stood up suddenly, "What did you say?"

Ding Jiawei glanced at the sparrow, "The one who chased me this time was not an ordinary character. He was very agile. Six brothers have already died. The car was shot to death while it was moving. The six people were shot by twelve bullets." , all bullets hit the head.

Ding Jiawei took a deep breath, "This is definitely a group of professionally trained people, so don't underestimate them!"

When Sparrow heard what Ding Jiawei said, he walked aside, took out a handful of micro-punches from his cabinet door, and handed the micro-punches to Ding Jiawei, "Go and see for yourself, who the hell is this group of people?" Remember, if it is really dangerous, life-saving is the most important thing. We have a lot of people, and it will be impossible at that time. If we have too many people, we will eat them to death! This is our land! Now that they have found us, let's not follow them , Stop them directly for me!"

Ding Jiawei nodded, turned around and went out. Sparrow stood where he was, squinting his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Cai Xinxiong's convoy was driving more and more slowly. After all, they didn't know the situation in the city, and they were afraid that they might encounter some trouble. After driving about two kilometers, they stopped right in front of their convoy. A row of vehicles, all off-road vehicles, stopped six or seven, blocking the entire wide road, and then, around the vehicle, stood dozens of people with weapons in their hands.

Cai Xinxiong looked at the large group of people in front of him, followed closely, and saw the headlights behind him. He knew that there must be people coming around behind him, and he wanted to clamp them back and forth.

Cai Xinxiong took a look at the situation and touched his earphones decisively. He looked around and saw that there were still many places to hide on both sides. The group on the right side, the group on the left side with me, remember, don’t be merciful, and this is not acting! Slight cover, cover yourself as soon as possible!” Cai Xinxiong roared, and instantly Picked up a micro punch, and the driver next to him also picked up a handful of micro punch.

Cai Xinxiong made a decisive decision. Before the cars behind surrounded him, he saw twelve doors of three cars opened neatly at the same time.

Twelve people got off the car at once, with an abnormally uniform pace. Ding Jiawei stood in the front of this group of people and was immediately stunned. He saw the people coming down. Sure enough, each car had two Micro punch.

"Careful" he roared, holding the micro-punch in his hand, he started shooting at the person opposite with a "boom, boom boom".

This is what happened in a flash, and everyone started shooting.

Over there, Cai Xinxiong and his group were obviously very rhythmic. The micro-punch swept towards this side, and the rest of the people rolled to the side after a few hits from the ground. After that, they got up and took cover. people.

On the streets of the city, the sound of gunfire suddenly filled the sky, just like someone firing a cannon, "boom, boom, boom".

Ding Jiawei's reaction was quick, he turned sideways and hid beside the car, and saw dozens of people standing in front of him, half of them fell down in an instant, and in just a few seconds, the people in the car behind also Driving arrived.

But the three cars in the center are all empty, and there is no one on them. Moreover, the dozen or so people who rushed down just now are all gone. I don’t know where they are hiding. Both sides of the street are their own homes. Most of the small buildings on the second and third floors were shops, and at this time, they were all closed.

Cai Xinxiong took out a night vision device from his body, followed by these dozen people, all put on the night vision device.

Ding Jiawei took a deep breath and looked at the people beside him, "Everyone, be careful, this is not an ordinary person, but a professionally trained special soldier! Everyone hide well, don't lean out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a "bang" gunshot from a person next to him, and then he was shot directly in the forehead and fell to the ground.

He moved two steps towards the side of the car abruptly, and at the same time, he heard the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" gunshots.

People on their side kept falling, and Ding Jiawei became anxious all of a sudden, "Be careful, be careful!" He waved at the people on the other side quickly, meaning to tell the people behind to back up and hide.

At the same time, the sound of "boom boom boom boom" gunshots was heard again. In an instant, a large row of people behind fell down, and they didn't even know where the shots were fired.

Everyone in Shang Sheng fell into panic. No one had ever faced such an enemy before. All the people hid beside the car, not daring to go any further. Everyone panicked.

At this time, Cai Xinxiong glanced at the person next to him, and with a wink, he saw a person next to him leaning against the wall, followed by the other two people who ran up and jumped up to "crack, rub" twice. Grabbing the guardrail on the side, the two exceptionally skilled people climbed onto the roof. At the same time, they saw another four people climbed onto the roofs on both sides of the alley opposite them.

After these people got on the roof, they quickly lurked on the roof.

Cai Xinxiong touched his walkie-talkie, "Hit the gas pedal! Hit the gas pedal of the car, I count one, two, three, one group hits the left, two and three groups hit the right, and the ones on the right are behind, there are many people."

"Yes, brother Xiong" several people said in unison.

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