we are brothers

[559] Peak Showdown

"Withdraw!" Sparrow roared, "Crippled, be honest, don't be impulsive anymore, look for another chance, withdraw!" Sparrow roared again, at this moment, Sparrow's phone rang, and he saw , is Gao Zhen "Hi! Gao Zhen!"

"Sparrow, I'm Qin Xuan."

Sparrow was stunned for a moment, "Qin Xuan, how did you know my phone number? How did you get Gao Zhen's phone number?"

"There are a group of people chasing you, be careful, don't have a direct negotiation with them, we will go to your hotel immediately, wait for us to go, we will deal with that group of people, you can't deal with it, to avoid more large-scale casualties .”

Sparrow heard Qin Xuan say, "Who are those people?"

"I don't know, it's the people who chased and killed Wang Yue, but we have dealt with them before, and they are as skilled as Baiyun and the others. We will be there soon. We have weapons in our hands. Don't confront them."

"We have already confronted each other, and they are going to Tianming Hotel soon."

At this time, the door opened at once, Qin Xuan looked at the sparrow, "Hurry up, find us two high spots near the hotel." After finishing speaking, Qin Xuan glanced at Bai Yun and Chen Xiaoxian next to him, "It's up to you."

The two nodded, Sparrow also knew these special forces, and quickly pointed at the disabled, "Hurry up, take them to the higher point!"

The cripple gave a "hmm" and realized the seriousness of the matter. He turned around and took Jie Zi and A Bing to leave, one of them still had a guitar case hanging behind them.

Qin Xuan panted heavily, "Have you already confronted each other?"

"Dozens of my brothers died." Sparrow's eyes were bloodshot, "Damn it, I'm going to kill those people alive."

"Pa" Qin Xuan slapped Gao Zhen's face with one mouth, "You're a fucking idiot, I don't believe anything I say! It's his wasted time!"

Gao Zhen looked depressed and looked at the angry sparrow, "Boss, boss, I really, really don't know."

Sparrow took a deep breath. He knew that Gao Zhen was loyal, and he also knew that it was not easy for Qin Xuan and the others to find him. They didn't know each other. He rubbed his nose bone, "You can't blame you for this matter, let's go!"

Gao Zhen glanced at the sparrow, with a look of fear on his face, "Thank you, thank you boss." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

The sparrow walked up to Qin Xuan, "How did you find it?"

"Don't mention it, we asked Gao Zhen where you were, and said we were friends. This guy wouldn't believe it. I asked him to call, but he didn't call. He didn't say a word. Later, he was one of his subordinates, and there was a text message on his phone. , said that you gathered most of the people in this city tonight, we felt that it should be here, and Gao Zhen didn't say anything, and we couldn't really kill him, so after thinking about it, we rushed here, hurry up When I rushed here, I ran into a taxi, and I saw Ding Jiawei. Ding Jiawei was about to pass out, but fortunately he recognized me. Only then did Gao Zhen believe my words and told you your phone number. Me, Ding Jiawei, I asked Ah Dong to take him to the hospital, we rushed over here, he should be fine."

Sparrow took a deep breath and looked at Qin Xuan, "What should I do next?"

"Confrontation head-on, go to the hotel entrance and wait for them." After speaking, Qin Xuan glanced at Sparrow, "Where is Liuer, where is he?"

"In the room, I don't know what to do, he would secretly call me and tell me that he wants to play cards with Wang Wei and bet his life."

The corner of Qin Xuan's mouth rose, "Gambling with Wang Yue, no matter how many lives he has, it's not enough to bet on."

Seeing Chen Xiaoxian and the others coming, Sparrow felt relieved a lot. He glanced at the disabled and Sangji behind him, "Let's go!"

Then, Sparrow picked up a handful of micro punches and put them on his body.

In this group of people, Sparrow and Qin Xuan walked in the front, followed by those who had run back, for fear that the battle would leave him crippled, Sangji, Baiyun, Chen Xiaoxian followed closely, and a group of horse boys, this Tianming Hotel was originally It was the property of the mahjong Shangsheng. When a group of people went downstairs, there were many people behind them.

Everyone's mood is not good, because everyone knows that dozens of brothers died in Shang Sheng just now, and they all died at the hands of this group of people.

In Wang Yue's room, Wang Yue, Mu Han, and Wang Wei were still playing cards. Wang Yue had more than ten cards in his hand, Mu Han had only a few cards left, and Wang Wei had thirty or so cards.

"If you continue to win like this, you won't win your life, but you'll win Mu Han's life."

"Where is this?" Wang Yue smiled slightly at Wang Wei, "As long as there is the last card, there is still a chance to make money, don't you think?"

"It's true, as long as you don't die, you still have a chance."

Wang Yue nodded, "Come on, let's continue. I have lived such a big life, and I have never lost a bet." After finishing speaking, Wang Yue glanced at the nail clippers in front of him, "Binzi, do you think so?" Smile, there is a lot of deep meaning in the smile.

Wang Wei suddenly had a very bad feeling, but he knew that it was too late now, he glanced at Wang Yue, "Come on, continue playing cards, I want to prove it to you today, to prove to everyone that you will lose too of."

Wang Yue didn't speak, and the three started to deal the cards again.

At the entrance of the Tianming Hotel, Sparrow and his gang were standing at the bottom of the steps, with more than 20 horse boys behind them.

Immediately afterwards, I saw three off-road vehicles driving over and parked opposite Sparrow and the others.

Cai Xinxiong looked at the group of people and touched his earphones, "Everyone be careful, level one alert!"

They were all sitting in the car without moving. On the roofs of two high-rise buildings next to the Tianming Hotel, Jiezi and Abing occupied a high point, and two sniper rifles were aimed at the vehicles below. .

Sparrow and his group stood at the entrance of the hotel, looking at the vehicles coming from the opposite side. The people in the car did not get off, and Sparrow also stared at the three vehicles.

"Brother Xiong, what should we do?" The driver next to him asked Cai Xinxiong.

Cai Xinxiong briefly thought about it, "You can't fight head-on, look at the alley next to you, reverse the car to the alley, fight positional warfare against the cover, and gradually eliminate them!"

"Yes, Brother Xiong!" Then the three cars all started to back up.

"Damn it, you're so cunning!" Seeing that the people on the other side's car didn't go down, Sparrow yelled, "I'm so stupid" and took out the micro-charger from his body, aiming at Cai Xinxiong's car. Boom, boom, boom" and started shooting "Careful!" Cai Xinxiong yelled, followed by Sparrow, Qin Xuan, Bai Yun, and Chen Xiaoxian, a large group of people pointed their guns at the three off-road vehicles here." Boom, boom, boom, boom" and started shooting.

The cars of Cai Xinxiong's group suddenly started to back up, with their heads down. Moreover, they had already taken a good look at the terrain, and soon, the three cars retreated into the three alleys in a rhythmic manner, and followed closely.

Cai Xinxiong took a deep breath, touched his earphones and said "don't leave any of them", he was the first to get out of the car, and then all the people in the three cars got out and hid in the alley.

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