we are brothers

[617] Cruel Pain

Wang Long and the others started clinking glasses, touching the wine bottle in front of Li Lei's tombstone, while drinking. The first one to drink a bottle of liquor was Da Zhong. After he finished drinking the liquor, he threw the bottle When he got to the side, he walked two steps forward on his knees, and hugged the tombstone tightly with both hands, just like hugging his relatives, "Leizi, you don't mean what you say, you don't mean anything, Just leave the brothers and leave, how the hell can you do things like this, everyone is still waiting for you to drink, hurry up, it's your turn, I've finished a bottle, you haven't had it yet, Look when I drank so much, hurry up, hurry up, it's your turn." After finishing speaking, Da Zhong finally couldn't help it, and hugged the tombstone tightly, tears streaming down his face.

Gong Zheng's expression was abnormally sad, and his mind was full of the scene when the brothers worshiped the master, kneeling in front of Guan Erye, each holding a stick of incense, that scene kept reappearing in his mind, and the voice kept ringing His mind whirled.

"I am Wang Long", "I am Kim Soo Jong", "I am Li Lei", "I am Gao Yu", "I am Gong Zheng"

"From now on, we will be sworn brothers, and we will share blessings and hardships, share life and death, and never leave. If you break this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth, and you will die a bad death!"

The five people kowtowed three times on the ground "Boom, Boom, Boom".

Gong Zheng slowly closed his eyes, and said softly, "Leizi, you don't mean what you say," followed by his own tears sliding down the corners of his eyes. Then, he picked up the white wine in his hand and said, "Gudong, Gudong " also drank.

Gao Yu knelt beside the tombstone, gently touched the words on the tombstone, looked at Li Lei's smile on the tombstone, and the bits and pieces of being with Li Lei for so many years kept reappearing in his mind, he smiled , Smiling, tears flowed out, he kept touching the words on the tombstone, touching the photos on the tombstone, giggling for a while, crying bitterly for a while, the whole person became crazy.

Wang Long knelt on the spot by himself. He didn't cry, but just stared at the tombstone in a daze. He was more uncomfortable than anyone else. This time, Li Lei was killed because he wanted to save Wang Ci. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

"I am Wang Long", "I am Kim Soo Jong", "I am Li Lei", "I am Gao Yu", "I am Gong Zheng"

"From now on, we will be sworn brothers, and we will share blessings and hardships, share life and death, and never leave. If you break this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth, and you will die a bad death!"

The five people kowtowed three times on the ground "Boom, Boom, Boom".

He looked at the tombstone and thought about how Li Lei helped him and his sister when they were in the most difficult time. During the Chinese New Year, Li Lei celebrated the New Year with them. We all starved together when we had no money, fought together, and were beaten together. For such a long time , have never been separated, have shared joys and sorrows for so many days, and now I no longer have to worry about food money, but he is gone.

He felt his head hurt so badly, and he saw that the people around him were already crying, but he still didn't shed a single tear, "Leizi, I owe you."

Then, Wang Long lay on the ground by himself, opened his body in large characters, he was still holding a wine bottle, and poured wine into his mouth, his eyes were red, looking at the blue sky, non-stop While drinking, he seemed to see the sky above, Li Lei's smile kept appearing in his mind.

The bottle of wine was quickly finished. He threw the bottle aside and took out his dagger from his pocket. He smiled, and then he cut his arm open. Raising his arm, he watched the blood on his arm continuously flow down, slowly dripping onto his face and clothes.

He began to suck his own blood, he kept sucking, he felt a tyrannical breath in his heart, and then, his nosebleed suddenly flowed out, his heart was very violent, he felt that he was about to lose control of his emotions Well, right after, he slashed another cut on his arm, and there was a little more blood, and he still felt that he couldn't control his violent aura. He wanted to kill someone, but he didn't know why, he was very, very He wanted to kill someone, and then he stabbed his own arm again. He kept sucking his own blood, and his arm was already disfigured by his self-abuse.

Then, he picked up the baijiu on one side, bit it open, drank two sips vigorously, then picked up the baijiu and poured it down according to his wound "gudong, gudong".

The piercing pain came instantly.

He gritted his teeth tightly, with a terrifying expression on his face. Then, he sat up straight. He sat up straight and looked at the people around him. His arm hurt so badly, but suddenly, he felt The aura of violence in his heart was gone.

He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths. He was very tired. He picked up Li Lei's ring from in front of the tombstone. He stretched out his hand and started digging from the soft ground on one side. A small pit soon appeared. The ring was buried in the pit.

Then, he kowtowed again at Li Lei's tombstone.

He only said one sentence, "We are brothers, brothers for life, brothers for life, brothers for life."

After speaking, Wang Long stood up and looked at the group of Da Zhong who were crying beside him. He closed his eyes and took another deep breath. Then he turned around and left slowly.

An hour later, in Wang Ci's ward in the No. [-] Hospital of Op City, three girls, Zhang Shuang, Xiao Xiawen, and Xiao Ruyi, were sitting on one side. Wang Ci fell asleep again, lying quietly on the hospital bed.

When Wang Long came in, he scared Zhang Shuang and the others, "Wang Long, Wang Long"

Wang Long shook his head at them and didn't talk to anyone. He walked to the side of the bed, knelt on the ground, looked at his own sister on the bed, and gently stroked Wang Ci's face.

Soon, he heard Wang Ci's voice, "Brother, tell me something for me, Brother Lei. It's been so long, and I haven't had a chance to tell him. I'm afraid he won't be able to hear you." , Wang Ci's tears flowed out.

Wang Long nodded, and looked at his sister very caringly, "Okay, tell me."

"I love him." Wang Ci's voice choked up again, "Brother, I want to kill those two people."

"Don't worry, everything is up to me." Wang Long patted Wang Ci on the shoulder, "You take good care of it."

"Brother, do you think Brother Lei can still hear what I said to him now, can I still eat the meals he brought me, you know, I have formed a habit now, and I have become dependent. I don’t even eat, Brother Lei basically brings me delicious food every day, if I don’t eat now, will I continue to be hungry.”

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